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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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Kalyx: *gets struck by Crimson's snow balls*  Dammit who the f... *turns around and leaps at trap door* Oh, no you don't. You're not getting away that easy!
doesnt look easy

*ghostiemon digivolve to apprenticemon apprenticemon to sorcerermon sorcerermon to paladinmon*

(p.s im at ultimate if anyone cares)

pulls out large golden axe

justice swing

*knocks snowball into face of next poster*
Gol: *falls back in snow, laying under the blanket of white snow, disappearing*
AWL: OMG! *pulls gol out of the snow* we have to get you to the nearest hot dog stand!!!
Gol: *blinks* w-wait....uhh.....nevermind... lets go!
gm"not so fast""batter up"

starts hitting snowballs with axe at awl
AWL: *does a cool flashy spinny thing and hits all the snowballs, then keeps running*
Gol: *dives into the snow and crawls away on belly*
Misty: *watches Gol crawling away, giggling* He's so funny..
palidinom "this is funnier"

*throws a boulder sized snowvall at misterysilverwolf*