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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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Saphire: *makes the snowman's arm move wavingly*
Ethan - *giggles, hangs off arm gleefully*
Saphire: *makes the snowman grow legs and starts moving*
Ethan - Wheee! *giggling* #^u^#
Saphire: *makes the snowman look like a Flamedramon*
Ethan - o.o ... Oooooo... ^.^
Saphire: *giggles as she makes him do "Fire Rockets" but nothing but snow comes out*
Ethan - #^.^# *suddenly pounces on Saphire* #^u^#
Saphire: hehehe Hi Ethan *blushes*
Ethan - Hi-hi! #^u^# *sits on Saphire's shoulder, tail wiggling gleefully*