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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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oh n00s! norris!*summons a ice tank squad)Muahahahahahaha Twisted
pawns the next poster!!!
Steven: *gets PWNED*

Kurtz: Ha! He's weak! *throws a playful snowball at the next poster*
Disturbed: *gets hit by snowball* Aye! *throws one at the next poster*
i will not resort to passing on the snowballing*gets hit by snowball*grrr!*snowballs the previous poster!*hehehe lol
Crimson: *blinks as he is hit in the head* Is that all? *yawns as he fires several snowballs from a snowzooka at the next poster*
Kurtz: WATC--- *gets hit several times and falls over*

Lurea: Hee-hee! *throws a huge snowball at the next poster*
am i the only sane (yet insane for posting this) person here???oof!*gets hit by shuge snowball*GRRRR!*launches a volley of snowballs at the next person to attack the poster after them* lol
*Watches as the snowballs fly over his head and hit the next poster* Well I'm bored. *Throws the himalayan mountains after the volley of snowballs.
*snowballs get pwned*ah well*curls up and goes to sleep*
Kurtz: SNOWBALL! *throws a huge snowball ten times the size of him at the next poster*