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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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*looks up*

oh crap

*stares in disbeleif at figure on top of snow*
<_< Who is it?
it's GMSG

*blinks* OMG...

*runs as far away as she can*

*out of breath* How did that happen?
it's still coming

*pulls out two snowboards out of pockest*

ever gone snowboarding before
Once...but I think I can manage

*hops in the snowboard and takes off*

What's with these avalanches!!!!!
i don't know
*hops on snowboard *
wait up
*slows down a bit*

<_< Man I hate snow...

*sees a cabin* Ooooh! Look!
im gonna crash into it
Uhh.... no you're not??

*stops a few feet away from the abandoned cabin*