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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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oh ok

so do we hid in a cabin made of flimsy wood right in the path of a avalanvhe wivh has what appears to be blood or ketchup in it or do we snow board of the cliff
Uhh....I say we go for the cliff..


*jumps off the cliff* SWEEET
umm is there a bottom to this cliff
because i can't see one

*lobs snowball off misty*

hey!! *throws one back*

Dunno...too far down to see....

*throws one back*

so correct me if im wrong we just jumped off a
cliff and we don't even know if it as a bottom
*throws another one*
and where throwing snowballs
Yeah...where are we getting these snowballs if we're falling off a cliff and it riding it...?

*throws another at him*
i dunno

*pokes misty*
And how are you poking me without running into me!!

Where are we!?

What kinda place is this!!!!

*splats at the bottom of the cliff*