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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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aha stop haha please stop!*rolls saphire over and lies on top of her*
Chupa: I WANNA PLAY! *Picks up a snowball that fifty feet in diameter and chucks it at the next poster*
Kurtz: *collapses on the bed, twitching slightly* Ahh g-god. Yeah, I've been there for quite a while. And I know you didn't leave me here on purpose... *muzzle hits the bed as he's hit by the snowball*
Saphire: *blinks as the red Dino is on top of her*
*chuckles*now we're even saph!*nuzzles her*

[Image: i29937108_31971_7.jpg]
Saphire: *murs*
*licks her face*i like your face...its very smooth
Saphire: *giggled a bit due to the tickle of Guilmon's tongue*
*rolls them both around in the snow*hehe i like this game...*
Saphire: Yeah you are a fun little dino