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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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ahhh im back

are we there yet

*throws snowb all off misty*
*wipes snowball off, frustrated*

GMSG:*glides up next to misty and GM* hows it going duddliums?
Misty: EEP!!! How...omg..h-h-how did you come back to life...? O_O;;
GMSG:^_^ i wasn't THAT dead....like my new jet boots? *poits to his feet*
DarkKnightMatt - :: Down on the ground:: Where did everyone go? ::Looks around:: Oh well...::Starts building a snow dragon with the surroundng snow::
Misty: *flies around with her jetpack and lands* Why the hell do I need this!? *throws it off, spreads her wings and flies around*
GMSG:weeeee!!! *doing somersaults in the air* i'm a flying dinosaur!!!
Misty: *watches GMSG* You're crazy!! *flies toward him and tackles*
Gol: Stop you too! *throws heavy net on them*