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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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Disturbed: God not this thing again. Nath your purpose is a great one, loving Saphire. I mean anybody would gladly love Saphire but instead she loves you and only you. She couldnt care for anybody else more than you. I dont know about you but thats pretty damn good.
Nath: Disturbed... has it not come to.. oh forget it. Disturbed, I already know that. That's why I didn't already leave....
Disturbed: Has it come to what?
Nath: Well, forget it. It's a little thought of mine, but I'd better not say it. *sighs* Let's just get on with this.... *throws another snowball at Disturbed*
Disturbed: *catches the snowball* Nath..what is it? You can tell me if it has to do with Saphire please tell me.
Nath: No, not that. *sighs* I'm feeling, well, getting pushed to the side with each day. *looks at Disturbed quietly*
Disturbed:Pushed aside? How?
Nath: I won't mention a word on the matter. I'll let your own eyes see for once, instead of having to say it to you directly face-up. *looks at Disturbed quietly*
Disturbed: Okay then
Nath: *whistles quietly to himself* Have you seen it yet, or do I have to throw you to the SPAM?