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  Do all parents have trouble letting go?
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 08-01-2006, 01:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (93)

Hey everyone! I don't know if this belongs in Rants or not. My problem is my parents. I am 15 going on 16. My parents seem to still think that I am 6 and I need a tricycle and a lollipop. Honestly I am sick of it. I want to get some piercings for my 16th birthday but my parents ( like most) aren't too keen on the idea. I don't know how to get it across to them that I am old enough to make a descision for myself. They may not even let me go to a concert of one of my favorite bands becuase they think I am too " young" for an all ages admitted show. Are all parents like this or is it just me? Do I deserve the right to be me or do I have to wait until I move out? That is what I don't get, it is my body, my money, my future, and my life. Do they have to make all my descisions for me?!?! I will get the piercings one way or another... I would just rather do it the easy way then the hard way.

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  DHZ Mirror! (torrent link inside)
Posted by: thezig - 07-31-2006, 08:15 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

The mirror is done and compiled. It's a huge 350k+ file archive that weighs in at 2.8GB and is compressed in a single RAR file. Both content and forums are included, as well as a few extras (such as tributes). Instructions on extraction are in the RAR comments.


If anybody has any problems, let me know in this topic and I'll work on it :)

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  How do you get out of the habit of being a loner?
Posted by: cboy - 07-31-2006, 08:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

Can anyone help me on this? I'm a loner in life; I avoid crowds, I don't like talking unless I really have to, I let other people make the first move when making friends, and I definitly don't have the courage to make the first move when it comes to getting a girlfriend.

I'd really like to change, become more outgoing. However, I just can't seem to do it. I'm worried that I'll say the wrong things and people will avoid me or become my enemies. I'd really appreciate any help you guys can give me.

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  The Realization Hurt All Over Again
Posted by: Dreamer - 07-30-2006, 01:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

today i went with family from out of town and my mom
and i had went in this dollar store and when we had moved,
my ex who was my bf at the time had come with us
and stayed for a week to help us move in and all of that
and i had gone to the mall with him before he left
and we were looking through some stores
and we had gone in the dollar store
and found these two matching rings
one was a celtic symobol
the triquadra
and his was a sun symbol
and they sort of matched
and he bought them for me
he wore the sun one on his ring finger and
he proposed to me, there and then and
i said "yes"
and he slipped that ring on my finger
and i remember feeling so happy
he had promised to buy me a real ring when we got older and he got a good job
and i went there to day
and it came to me, that memory and thought
and i wanted to cry so much but i didnt cause
i know i have to forget him and move on but that memory hurt so much cause its like
i was so happy and sure then we were already married
in soul
i was so sure he was the one and he felt the same
he was gonna marry me
and now i was standing there
and all i could think was
im here alone and he will never marry me
he wasnt my one and all the heartache and pain i endured
doesnt matter anymore because this memory brought it all back
it made my heart ache and the tears form
and its like, "damn"
that was so long ago but that memory was so beautiful
one of our memories echoed in my mind today and it made
me soo sad, it feeled me with grief and without warning or
reason it filled me with grief cause i dont love him anymore
and he doesnt love me and we're nothing now but once we
were and it was one of the beautiful things you could see

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  I remember when I lost my mind....Uh, a topic about me.
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 07-30-2006, 08:28 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

I absolutely hate topics about oneself, like 'You think I'm a good author?' or 'You think I'm tall?' but just this time, I would like your opinion on this. My identity is at stake!
The other day, I had the bad luck of running into a Pantene offer of color-enhancing shampoo. Funny, I would go for the darkest brunette shade, but my sight stopped at the red shades. 'From auburn to burgundy' read the label. Hell, I have copper hair, which is auburn, right? But isn't copper a brunette shade? My confusion only enhanced when I read the dark brunette shades. 'From coffee to chocolate'. That might be my case in the shade, but in the sun my hair's too bright for coffee or chocolate. So my guess is that I need some shampoo/conditioner for the sun and another for the shade.
In any case, to end with this schizophrenic thinking, I would like your opinion. I've cut some parts of pics I have (sorry, they are too old to show them fully, but my haircolor is the same) where my hair can be seen. Please tell me which hair color you think I have.
[Image: Marisuhair.jpg]

And this one is a perfect sample of my 'double personality' in hair color. Dark in the shade, bright in the sun:
[Image: marisuhair3.JPG]

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  Quiz: Seme or Uke?
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 07-30-2006, 06:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I didn't post this one, did I? Heh, it' s clear ;)
<img src="" width="250" height="181" border="0">
Are you a <a href="" target="_blank">Seme or Uke</a>?

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  I think I have good future ahead of me.
Posted by: cboy - 07-29-2006, 11:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I've gotten over not getting into the military and now I think I have a good future planned. I plan on becoming a firefighter when I turn twenty-one. I'll stick with that for about twenty years, doing college in my spare time. I plan on getting a degree in Military history and American history, because I want to teach those two subjects.

After I retire from firefighting, I plan on moving to Colorado and going to the Colorado School of Trades, where I plan on taking a course in Gunsmithing. I'll probably open up my own business and, between the money I'm saving up now and the money I'll be earning by doing teaching and gunsmithing, I should be pretty well off. I'll be doing the things I like and making good money while doing them. As far as marriage and children, I'll leave that up to God.

The good thing about my plan is that, hopefully, something outside of my control isn't going to ruin it.

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  Do people really think like this?
Posted by: Takatofan - 07-28-2006, 10:32 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (29)

Im 19 and im gay, i live in a homophobic town, so i stay in my room alot.

i HAD a friend (online) that was also gay but said he believed it was wrong so he wasent going to do anything... -___-... ANYWAY....

My wonderful step dad who i used to hate, introduced me to a gay guy he worked with.

Last night he took me to dinner. I was able to be myself for the first time in my life!

When i got home, he said sometime next month, there was a gay meeting.

IN MY SMALL HOMOPHOBIC TOWN?! Couldent believe my ears!!!

I was so happy!!

Now you guys are wondering how this is a rant, well heres the rant part.

When i got home, i told my 'friend' about the gay meeting, so i can meet gays in the community.

He said that he wasent interested about meetings about sex... and that i made the gays sound like 'Another species'.


Im sick and tired of the stereotypes around gays!

Just wanted to say this: GAYS ARE NOT JUST LOOKING FOR SEX! Thats defenately not what im looking for (I mean yeah its a bonus, but im looking for love!)

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  Cut Shows
Posted by: JamesBond007 - 07-26-2006, 03:17 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

I hate here in america that they only show half of a series then poof gone

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  Wow, what a thanks.
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 07-25-2006, 09:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

So, my mom's boyfriend is aparently gonna lose his job. Being incapable to compherehend with anything modern, he basically know no ways to find jobs from the internet. Anyway, I let him and my mom come over my place and I show them few websites and then my mom shows this paper add about this employement trainings. I try and say that you won't make any money and the govertment won't pay for it so he'd only lose money. Defying all logical talk however, he insists we go to the site as it apparently has an answer he's more happy with. Whatever.

So I go to the website and point out that it's in another city (And not in a close one either) but my mom insists it's in here, because it reads in the paper. I tell them that it's an error or something because the said thing is in entirely different city and I can't find it in our city listing nor in any list involving the training. The bf then idiotically asumes that since there reads our City's name in the left column, that must be the place where it is and I should click it. Repeatedly. So I push the button and it shows the address to our city's training center expect when I try to explain it to them, they just don't seem to understand that even though we have a training center, the said TRAINING IS NOT IN THERE. Because they just can't seem to understand normal words, I add some stonger words just so they you know, even if it'd be in our city, it'd only make his situation WORSE.

So, my mom's bf gets hissy fit rant basically yells something that I didn't understand abou me not listening enough and storms off. (As oposed to say, listening that I can't turn into fucking teachings no matter what some goddamn newspaper says?) My mom then leaves soon afterwards and while I pointed that there were many other oportunities in our city she replied "It's too late already". So umm, what the fuck? I help him out of the goodness of my heart and expect nothing in return and all I get is being yelled at and I'm suddenly the bad guy for not "understanding" or something?

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