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Do people really think like this?
Im 19 and im gay, i live in a homophobic town, so i stay in my room alot.

i HAD a friend (online) that was also gay but said he believed it was wrong so he wasent going to do anything... -___-... ANYWAY....

My wonderful step dad who i used to hate, introduced me to a gay guy he worked with.

Last night he took me to dinner. I was able to be myself for the first time in my life!

When i got home, he said sometime next month, there was a gay meeting.

IN MY SMALL HOMOPHOBIC TOWN?! Couldent believe my ears!!!

I was so happy!!

Now you guys are wondering how this is a rant, well heres the rant part.

When i got home, i told my 'friend' about the gay meeting, so i can meet gays in the community.

He said that he wasent interested about meetings about sex... and that i made the gays sound like 'Another species'.


Im sick and tired of the stereotypes around gays!

Just wanted to say this: GAYS ARE NOT JUST LOOKING FOR SEX! Thats defenately not what im looking for (I mean yeah its a bonus, but im looking for love!)
The reasons the sterotype exists dates back to the nineteen sixties. The Beetles were number one, blacks and asians had just begun to be treated better, barriers around sex were being torn down, and "free love" was being advocated by thousands of youths: politics really entered the lives of teenagers and young people. With Vietnam, they began to stand up and say "That's not right!" But, this opened the government, the establishment, the authority and social rules up for further questioning. "What's so bad about sex outside marrage? What's so wrong about putting things into your own body?"

And so, a culture of "Free Love" appeared. Homosexuals sat up and listened: "What's this? Freedom of Speach, Free Love? What're these?" Did they suddenly have the right to say "Yes, I love my own gender"? Did they suddenly have the right to hold hands in public?

They thought so. Suddenly, the world was open to them. They could do what they wanted, and centuries of sexual repression reared it's head: Free Love lead to promiscuity, simply on the basis that they were overjoyed at the possiblity of acceptence, and wanted to flaunt their freedom. This belief in Free Love values has also manifested itself in that rainbow banner. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite like that. Thus, they had to resport to their own pro-homosexuality movements, and they were scarred with the sterotype of pormiscuity. This sterotype carries on, because flaunting it enough will apparently lead to acceptance.

Your friend doesn't agree with this flaunting attitude, that's all. By seperating everyone into gays and streights, it's just like deviding oranges and lemons. That's what he meant by "other species". I think he just hadn't thought that through as clearly as he might've.
so im wrong for beeing mad?
Not at all. I'm just showing you how other people can think.

Tell me what you think should be done to counter this stereotype.
i dunno. I want to find out how though.. join an orginazation or something...

i think thats what i want to do with my life
Gays will be accepted. Blacks were once thought to be inferior to whites and that changed, women where thought to be inferior to men and that changed, it's just a matter of time and people bringing attention to it. For now just be happy knowing that you're better than them. Maybe you should become a hederophobic? And start doing all the annoying things they do to you, to them. I think Herr once made a joke about that when I quoted a Seinfield episode saying that he was going to say "Not that there's anything wrong with that" everytime he said straight.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
*Do not mean this with any disrespect whatsoever*

Maybe i could be the MLK for gays! Ive thought about that before.. i really do want to make a diffrence ^^
The only anti-gay stereotype I know of are people who think gay people will go to hell beacuse of it.
In other words christians. That's something I hate, when I complain about something that's wrong with me they say, "That's how god made you." but when it comes to gays it completely wrong and against god's will. Isn't that the way god made them? And that's the question that got me kicked out of sunday school.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ironicly, i am a christian. I believe it is how god made me too. But what i really hate is people who say "God hates fags"

Lets say, hypotheticly, that i am wrong and im going to hell.


And if they were really christians they wouldent say 'god hates fags' theyd invite you to church and try and make you 'see the light' but 'god hates fags' wont help things, just make it worse.

God is love not hate