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  Need help.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 07-22-2006, 07:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Does anyone know a way to change a .flv file into an .avi file. Does anyone know a program or a way to do this?

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  Twokinds webcomic
Posted by: Doom-lemons - 07-22-2006, 02:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Hi, here an awesome webcomic about Trace and Flora (a cute tiger-girl). Graphic are amazing!

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  Stand up and be strong
Posted by: Wisemon - 07-21-2006, 01:30 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Go to the Fishbowl playlist to see a performance and interview with Soul Asylum. They do their new single, "Stand Up and Be Strong," chat with Bill Maher (he doesn't let them speak much; he's an asshole), and then they perform "Runaway Train."

I'll have a review of the new Soul Asylum album, "The Silver Lining," upcoming.

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  Damn Power Outages!!!
Posted by: cboy - 07-21-2006, 07:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Don't you just hate it when your power suddenly goes out? Mine went out sometime last night around two p.m. I woke up and was going to get a drink, but when I turned on my lamp, nothing happened. I knew what was wrong right away and wasn't too happy.

You see, I have to get up at like four a.m. to get ready for work and I always set my alarm. Well, with the power out, my alarm clock was out of the question. So I had to feel my way out of my room (it was pitch black), down the hall to the kitchen to get a flashlight and then I went out to the car to get my watch (I keep it in my tool bag during work so I'm not tempted to look at it and sometimes I forget to take it out.) Then I stumble back to bed, set my watch alarm, and conk back out.

The power was still out when I got up, so I couldn't get on here to bitch about it. The most annoying thing was that it popped back on just as I was leaving to go to work.

I sure as hell hope that doesn't happen again anytime soon. At least the smoke detector didn't go off like it did the last time the power went out (it was making this high-pitched shrieking sound for half the night).

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  Happy Friends' Day!!!!!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 07-21-2006, 05:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Hey, it's Friends' Day! An Argentine celebration, but I wanted to share it with you (it's never bad to celebrate, right?). It's been created by Enrique Febbraro after Neil Amstrong, Edwin Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins arrived at the Moon the 7/20/1969. For this Argentine friend,landing on the Moon should be a way to make friends in another parts of our planet. Back then, all the world was holding their breath for the three astronauts. They were their friends, and they, friends of the Universe.
The ones I've mailed before should get a card from me. As for the rest, I want to wish you here a happy Friends' Day!!!
[Image: combi_rosas_ch2.jpg]
A toast to our friendship! Let us nurture it and make it grow forever!

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  My lil Bro pisses me off!!
Posted by: Dreamer - 07-21-2006, 04:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

my lil brother is so stupid and shallow and he really pisses me off at times.
he just...he irritates me because sometimes hes so selfish and unappreciative. he s never happy.he can have everything and finds a reason not to be happy. Evil

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  Are my morals making me miss out?
Posted by: cboy - 07-19-2006, 11:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

I was raised to believe in abstinence. I was told time and time again that sex was for after marriage. However, everywhere I go, I hear people talking about getting laid. I know some of them are probably speaking with a forked tongue, but I don't think they all are. And I also hear some of my co-workers talking about how much of a pain in the ass marriage is and how sex kind of goes on the back burner after the first few years.

Am I in the right here, or am I just being a stick in the mud? I feel like I'm missing out on a good thing and I really don't want to go through life without doing "it" at least once.

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  Purpose of life?
Posted by: floramon - 07-19-2006, 01:04 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (34)

What is the purpose of life?

I heard a man said, "I've got 2 kids now. My job is done."
To him, life is to 'create' next generations. When you got married, got kids and got extra money to spend, your life is complete. His life is complete because he managed to 'create' next generations.

So, people worked extra hard to earn money. No money, life is meaningless. That's why now got so many wars around the Earth. Got so many robberies. Got so many girls got raped and killed.

Someday, somehow, we will die. And when we died, we cannot bring the things we had earn (money, kids, cars) with us to another world. We had to leave this world in naked.

Quote from a comic:
The first day we arrived on this world, we are already heading towards death.

Death is not scary because it is part of our life. If we have the courage to come to this world, why should we feel afraid to leave this world?

The scary questions are: what have we done between dead and alive? Did we find the purpose of life?

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  For those of you who are into D&D (need a bit of help)
Posted by: Waru_the_Magnificent - 07-18-2006, 04:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Ok.. before anybody wonders... tis campaign of D&D me and my friends are playing is a villains campaign. I'm playing a Mind Flayer Ranger/Sorcerer (Lv 1/1, aka Lv 2 together), and my two other friends are playing a Trogolodyte Druid (Lv 2), and a Human Cleric of Velsharoon (a necromantic deity).

Basically, we recetnly raided two carts containing 800 Gold... we killed the drivers and the guards around it. However, The Trogolodyte not liking Mind Flayers becuase theyre "disgisting, soulless sns against God" (understandable as it is), he hates me, and decides to take the Gold for himself... but said Gold is needed +200 more for a boat, and the Necromancer Cleric, though he does business with my people, he's a coward... Now... I don't want to kill this fucker yet... but I have some ideas to what might be a better way to... usurp the Gold without having to do anything rash (mind tricks, if you will)... here are some of my ideas:

-Persuade the Cleric to help me get the gold by offering benefits, such as...
-Better Trade
-Better access to trading routes
-More dead bodies for his research... braind remaining
-Tell the Trogolodyte that, by selfishly hoarding the gold for himself, obviously spiting my efforts, that he is actually favoring an imbalance, going against his ways, as well as holding up progress as to why we are doing this pillaging in the first place. (however, this may hinder me, becuase this character is a dick... however...)
-...Talk to his brother (uhm.. yeah, his brother is with us) about his actions, about how this will disturb the balance that they seek to maintain, how this is hindering us, and why we're doing this in the first place.
-Bribe the first Trog with Spider Ale (we came across Drow, whom we are trying to get the boat from) if he gives us the gold, seeing as he's now gottten a tste for the stuff... and of course, if thinking, manipulation, and bribery won't work...
-Kill him, for being a beligerent asshole, and take the gold, myself.

Please tell me if these are good ideas, and which one may work the best... (Yeah, I KNOW my character is evil... but, me being the thinker, I wanna find the best way to get things done, before using viloence as a last resort.

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  CokeReward Points
Posted by: NeoPatamonX - 07-18-2006, 01:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Hey ^^; I'm curious if you all wana help me out with something...

I've been collecting coke points, you know, thoses rediculous 15-character codes found on coke products. I was wondering if all of you could give me your un-used codes from your coke products~ I would highly appriciate it!~

....that's about it o.o

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