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  *EDIT* Question about Pirate of the Carribean 2
Posted by: floramon - 07-18-2006, 12:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of Carribean 2) was swallowed by giant optopus (sea monster) in the end. Was he dead?

His friends believed he was not dead and decided to find him. But, how could he survive? Where to find him?

The Black Pearl ship was gone forever? Got new ship in final episode?


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  This actually isn't right...
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 07-16-2006, 04:42 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Just to clarify, I am placing this here because I didn't find it too ''general'' for the General Chat.

Well, as you all (probably) know, I'm 16 years old, but throughout all my life, I've been totally screwed up with the way my body develops in terms of height. I mean, most of you would tell me "Don't worry, nothing bad will come out of it." or even what I hear most from my classmates: "If I had your body, I'd internate myself inside a gym."

Well, truth is, I'm the tallest guy in my city, yes, everyone else, including my parents, are below my height.

Seeing something which happened to a man here in Argentina, kind of freaked me out, he's actually 2 and half meters tall, and he can't stop growing, unfortunately because of a hormonal problem in his system.

I found sense in the behaviour of my own body, as in the report for that man, I heard the hormones that inflicted the change, and currently, I am studying the human Endocrine System in my Biology classes (which btw I have a test of, this week); so I managed to find out my problem (well, if I would really call this problem.

The first thing that came to my mind after getting this clarified upon myself was: "Is this ever going to stop? I don't want to keep like this...". Personally, I think I'm overreacting, but what if it was true... damn... I feel so scared currently.

I never paid attention to this, sure, I'm really strong and all for my age, no one dares to speak to me without respect out of fear, but I kind of get confused by how I never try to be special, but suddenly, all the eyes are pointing at me.

Now, what started to draw my attention was two months ago.

I was at a nearby city of mine, and I was at a game arcade, one of the machines I always use is the House of the Dead 2 one (light-gun shooter game, if someone doesn't know). I grabbed the gun, inserted the credit, and all of a sudden, I found out that I if I were just 4 or 5 centimeters taller, I'd be taller than the machine itself, and believe me, the machine IS tall enough. Most evident point for me to notice was that I couldn't see the screen properly, my vision was cut, and I had to bend a bit or crouch to see it perfectly.

What was strange, is that last year, when I played that game, I could still see the screen, now, I can't.

My Height last year by March, was of 1 Meter and 93 centimeters. My current Height is 1 Meter and 98 centimeters. And I think this isn't stopping...

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  Something new to talk about.
Posted by: Masked Updater - 07-16-2006, 10:52 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Just updated the site guys. Check out the header, and feel free to discuss the headline here.

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  3000....nothing special.....LonelyGabu
Posted by: blueeyedgabulvo0o - 07-15-2006, 02:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (78)

[Image: P6230030.jpg]

well this is me and my gabumon, and well since no one had even seen the fact or mentioned anything yet, I would like to take the inititative and give myself some praise and a pat on the back for reaching 3000 posts. No big speech, I ll save that for post 5000....

Its been really hard as of recently for me..... So many things have happened to me....<sighs> Too many....I thought it would be nice to just write about it here and happy posting to you guys......

[Image: P6230029.jpg]

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  Bad Job Management, tell the employee he is fired damnit!
Posted by: off_kilter_one - 07-15-2006, 05:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Well first off let us say I only got to work for two months. In those two months I actually did what i was supposed to, yada yada yak yak, and I came up with the back drop for the store. Now as it stands I didn't get any hours, but any time I did I was there for a good 8 - 9 and normally I would attempt to stay until midnight on somedays. Now everyone might wonder why I was 'fired', because that isn't the right word for it I wasn't told at all about being....fired until almost another month had gone by, well it was because the owner of the store said that I was " Immature, and needed to grow up. Call back in a week if you can be more mature."

Course I was calm about it, went home, pretty angry, and called in that week. Was told he would call me....and I waited....for a week. Called in and there was nothing. Called in almost 7 times but nothing. And I did that for a week straight, that pissed me off. Now after about three weeks I guessed my job was gone, so i called and asked when he wanted me to pick up my last paycheck. THEN he answered, and asking him what had happened he said I quit... Now...I hadn't said I quit, so....meh, I think the guy was a dick and I am not pleased to be jobless, although....some good came from this....I think. But any way, I was so pissed that when I went in I almost started to freaking cuss him out, now, I am pretty reposed when it comes to being insulted but not being told and 'lied' to as my parents would say, about employment to where I worked was a low blow to my pride and my own personal honor....and it First jobs usually show you the let downs don't they?

Job: Ice cream shop Employee/Decorator

Hope ya'll dun mind this here. I needed some little corner aside from Deviant Art to rant on. Thanks for reading this if you have got as far as these....oh yes....


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Posted by: floramon - 07-15-2006, 04:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

car petrol price increased.
salary remain same.
saved 500 dollars at month end.

water bill increased (increased 12%).
salary still remain same.
saved 400 dollars at month end.

electricity bill increased.
salary still remain same.
saved 300 dollars at month end.

chicken and fish prices increased.
salary still remain same.
saved 200 dollars at month end.

Nw can only save less than 300 dollars at month. Not yet bought games and DVD movies.


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  is the era of Digi/Pokemon over?
Posted by: floramon - 07-15-2006, 02:15 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (47)

2 years ago, I still could find Digimon/Pokemon CD (anime).

Now, totally no people sells Digimon anime. (in my country) Some shop assistants never heard before...they stared at me liked I came from Mars...

Pokemon anime still got but very few. May be the game (Ruby, Saphire and etc.) helps people to remember it...

Even Jap got new Digimon series, here no people knows and sells.

Is the Digimon era over? Is it time to shift to another anime?

Here, Transformer still super popular. I don't know why Digimon cannot become as popular and famous as Transformers. lol

My imagination:
walked into a shop, saw many digimon anime on the shelf. got season 1 to the latest season. :oops:

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Posted by: DrunkenMunkee - 07-14-2006, 03:17 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

This is in the Rants because it seemed a bit to rant-y and emo for General.

As the title states, this topic is to good bye. Obviously, I

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  Faster and faster, you can't seem to get away
Posted by: Wisemon - 07-13-2006, 08:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

I'd like to preface this by saying that it's completely true, as far as I know.

One of my coworkers, a tattooed, pierced, and muscular guy about my age, plays in a locally popular metal band. They opened at Ozzfest a few years ago. I found out that he's friends with the members of Drowning Pool. He also said that he partied with them back when Dave Williams was still the lead singer, before he died of heart failure. He says he saw Dave doing about a two foot line of cocaine. Dave was a cokehead, and that's how he died at the age of thirty of heart failure. The official reports on his death all say that it was natural heart failure, completely unrelated to drugs, but these reports are all cover-ups. My coworker was with the band the night Dave died, and he was with them for the memorial concert the night after (opening for the opening act), and he says he saw exactly what killed Dave.

My coworker also agrees with the decision to replace Jason. When I said I kind of liked Jason Jones, he took out his cell phone and said, "I'll call my friend right now. He's the drummer for Drowning Pool. You can tell him that you liked Jason. He thought Jason was a faggot."

I said, "No, that's alright. If the band didn't like Jason, that's there decision. He wasn't that good."

So anyway, I kind of know someone who knows other people (or claims to know them), and he really wants to get me drunk this weekend. I politely refused, but he's persistent, which might explain how he has child support payments at twenty-one years old.

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  What martial arts would suit you?
Posted by: Death - 07-12-2006, 08:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

Well what martial art suits you?

<table border=0 bgcolor=black cellspacing=2 cellpadding=10><tr bgcolor=white><td align=center><B><font face=verdana,arial,helvetica size=2><a href=><font color=#505A84>What martial art would suit you?</font></a></B><p><font color=#505A84 size=4><b>Aikido</b></font><p>One of the most misunderstood of all the arts. Using your opponents aggression against them, you can disable them efficiently and with minimal risk to yourself. Advanced practitioners are also taught sword-play.<p><a href=><img alt="Personality Test Results" border=0 src=""></a></td></tr><tr><td align=center><a href=><font face=verdana size=2 color=white><b>Click Here to Take This Quiz</B></font></a><br><font size=1 color=C0C0C0 face=verdana>Brought to you by <a href=><font color=white></font></a> quizzes and personality tests.</font></td></tr></table>

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