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  Michael Richards
Posted by: DV85 - 11-21-2006, 01:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

I was watching the local news when a report caught my attention. Apparently Michael Richards, best known as Kramer from the sitcom Seinfeld, was caught on videotape shouting racial slurs against someone who said something against him during a stand-up routine. You can see his disturbing actions on YouTube following this link.

First Mel Gibson now this. Michael Richards has reportedly apologized for his words on David Letterman although I personally think his career is over. I mean if he really didn't mean to say such horrid things then he wouldn't have done so in the first place. I mean what kind of person does that?

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  Thanks for being a mom...BITCH!
Posted by: Misty - 11-21-2006, 12:42 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

Wow...I had such a good time tonight hanging out with Roran and going out to soon as I come home, I change the way I act into not caring and kinda depressed. Before I hung out with Collin today, we went to parent/teacher conferences which was a bad idea. My grades aren't that good in 2 classes. I can't concentrate anymore because my mind is always on stuff that happens at home. That's all I can think about. Now my mom and her boyfriend aren't doing so good (w00t, Roran..he better leave!!!) and she's about to kick him out. I just tried explaining to my mom that she's the reason behind my bad grades. Before I even finished my sentence, she interrupted me with 'That's not an excuse' and blah blah blah. Everyone else understands that except for her.......why? Because she doesn't want to hear it. My dad understands it perfectly because he had to deal with her when she became an alcoholic and knows what it's like. She yelled at me earlier before we went to conferences because I was trying to explain something else to her and she bitched at ME because SHE has the bathroom door closed with the radio blasted while doing her hair...and I fucking cried.

She called me just now and told me that she can't take her boyfriend anymore...he lies, he tells stories that don't add up, he smothers my mom and she hates it...he watches every move she makes...he probably doens't trust her...he's a bad influence because she's drinking more...

Anyway...I try as much as I can to not be at home because of everything. My mom doesn't trust me which makes it hard on me because I can't talk to her about anything. When I try talking to her about why she pisses me off, she defends herself then bitches me out. Whenever I'm in a good mood, she ALWAYS has to ruin it...I'm a hermit crab when it comes to home. I'm always in my room to avoid contact with my mom and/or her boyfriend...Roran calls him a pedophile...I think he I'm just so sick of everything...she ruins everything for me...

The only time I'm happy is when I'm either at school or with friends. My friends are my family more than my mom is family to me. She acts like she doesn't give a shit about anything. I'm going to be happy when I can finally move out...

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  Pretty scary for me that night
Posted by: Guilmon and a shotgun - 11-21-2006, 03:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

Ok so it was a saturday night around about 8:20pm. I was hanging around with a couple of mates down on the fields near winlaton and there was this big flash in the sky. It gave of no noise or even a clue of where it came from. the whole sky lit up around us....scared the s*** out of me AND seeing as its near winter it was darker then usual.

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  What a surprise.
Posted by: cboy - 11-20-2006, 06:25 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

"Senior Democrat renews call for military draft"

How surprising; the rats launch a "Bush plans to bring back the draft" scare during the 2004 election, and now when they have the Senate and the House, they're pushing for the very thing they claimed to be against.

What can you expect from the dems :roll:

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Posted by: Wisemon - 11-19-2006, 10:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)


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  Spirits, Spirits in the room
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 11-19-2006, 09:15 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (43)

Hey everyone.

I have been watching a lot of haunting shows lately and I have been wondering what you all think about the thoughts of Poltergeists, Ghosts, Apparitions all that stuff. I will post my opinion later.

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  any Naruto fans here?
Posted by: floramon - 11-19-2006, 01:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

In Naruto comic, the good guy with Serika eyes became traitor and joined the Dark Snake team (he wanted to revenge his brother).

But, in recent Naruto movies, he was still a good guy.

I found this is very confusing because it is totally different from the comic.

Why the movies different from the comic?


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  Where did your username come from?
Posted by: cboy - 11-18-2006, 01:05 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (94)

I've noticed some of the usernames on this forum and I'm just curious as to how you came up with them.

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  Humanity, and our media leaves me cold and angry!
Posted by: Waru_the_Magnificent - 11-17-2006, 07:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

Ya know, this isn't a new thing to have happened for me. It's basically happened ever since show really started getting stupid (the Prime time stuff), and how I'm slowly realizing that these people in charge are lazy, corrupt, and don't give a fuck about the wroking man's opinions.

Almost everything made by Williams Street (except for Dethklok, Sealab, Aqua Teen Hungerforce... except this latest season, Robot Chicken, and Frisky Dingo), most stuff on Comedy Central (last night's episode of South Park, not offensive, not edgey, but REALLY retarded... I hated it, and I've finally forsaken the show, altogether). And, though this isn't Prime Time, I'm really starting to feel displeasure for most stuff premiering on Cartoon Network.

It's like dealing with a force spawend by Boss Tweed and Andy Warhol, put together (an arrogant greedy, corrupt, selfish dick of a power, that has no pride or integrity, and do this crap just to get the money, no fame, no pride, no real effort).

And, in dealing with such, maybe I shouldn't have gone to such a place like 4chan (the "animal farm" that it is), but it's like people don't seem to give a fuck, or know of what the deal is.. BUT DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, I've felt a huge contempt for humanity, and what it has become in the past 10 years, or so.

Times in media and Entertainment in the US seem pretty bleak, and I will no longer stand for it. But, obviously, i can't do a big task by myself; and though I would LOVE for the holy/unholy power to simply cleanse all of this corrupt, belittling FILTH from our airwaves, and to give us some REAL entertainment to be proud of; and not this arridly cultural, potty-humour-filled and insult-the-audience-filled wasteland.

I've grown sick if it, and I've lost all faith... I'll stick to anime until things get better for American airwaves!

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  LonelyGabu's One Year Anniversary.
Posted by: blueeyedgabulvo0o - 11-15-2006, 06:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (74)

Well here it is, one year

It's more than a milestone, for me it has been one of the most intelligent decisions I have made in my short lived existence, and one of the greatest achievements that had occured in my lifetime thus far. Without this place, I would not be the individual that I am proudly excepting. To me, this oasis has been more to me then a silly URL, something more than a place to pass time, more than a place to go away from the vendetta that life has tried to chase upon us, more than some hang out in the land of role-playing chat and browsers, but indeed something more profound. I have treasured every waking second on here cause it's more than an apartment complex written in phbpp format, but rather something that is the home of many heartwarming furrs and individuals who actually care about what happens to you, day in and day out. This rather unique contingency of friends and family can set ablaze the hearth in any depressed and discouraged soul, and become their crutch and rehabilate them to a smirk and injection of pure joy. Whether it's problems that are deeply enrooted within locked memories or even something that happened 20 minutes before you post, we all wait to find ways to mend what hurts, and to come up with intelligent solutions to the problem, and critcally assess what is the best cause of action. We are doctors curing the sick, we are lawyers fighting for justice, we are teachers bestowing life principles, we are furries giving out nuzzles, we are humans that are gracious, we are souls that inspire, we are what
remains genuine when life seems to be very unrealistic and fake.

This wonderful and enchanted realm of not mythical beasts and of fairy tales, but a place where we weave our own tapestries and work on creating something so beautiful that when you look back at what used to be the materials, you can't believe that something had made the final product. Every person here, whether they feel like they are the aristrocracy, or feel as though they hardly contribute, its never about the one person; its about this family. We can catogerize what is, but in actuality each one of us creates something special, like a quilt, each square representing who and what they are, and as it creates itself, it embraces each of us with its soft and comforting warmth. Just when you think that, this experience that we share with one another can no longer bring anything new, each day you are proven wrong and are fascinated by how much you can learn. It never ceases to amaze me that I can learn so much here. Not only do we care for one another we seem to be an intelligencia, a group of people that can debate, and argue with words, talk normally without the fear of using "street lingo." When you are here, it's not necessary to dumb down for the sake of a conversation, 'cause people here would research information, rather then looking like irrational automotons. We are indeed blessed with this amazing place, cause without it, I think none of us would be the same. After all, we all created this Mecca to bring people together and, in all honesty, we all love this place for different reasons. But one thing is that we enjoy the company of one another. We're all from different places, different times, ages. But we come here for the same thing: to come back to our home, our precious home.

Ask yourself this question: if this place never merited your time, would you have stayed for this long? The story of me finding this place was a chance, like a needle in a hay stack. My story, I would like to share because like everyone else's mine is definitely unique and something that you should chronicle in your mind. I mean my story of Digimon and how I came to love it, well, it's because I dont like saying it to everyone. Those that have gotten close to me know the story, so lets fast track it to senior year of highschool, when I started to look for Digimon pictures. I came across several that had Digimon nude and I was like "Woah! Better not let the teachers catch me..." But me I still continued to look through it and it piqued my interest. Sometime around the year I had to take off from school because of financial reasons, I wanted to re-find some of those pictures of Digimon and I came to this site first. I started to look through it like a child inside a candy store, that their parents own and can have what I like. The truth of the matter was, I was afraid that no one would like me and that they would just hate "me". So I chickened out and left...I forget the site name, like two weeks later tried once again to search for it and came to the DHZ which I did after one month find the courage to make a password, and name, and attempt to join. It was agonizing that I had been rejected over and over again, and it hurt me that no one else had that problem. My password and login, no matter how many times I would change it, never allowed me to log in. In all honesty, the quest for this place I thought I would never find it again. Finally, when I got into my freshman year of college, I restarted the noble quest searching and by accident, there is that header, and I was pleased. Once again I searched through the archives of pictures and was happy to see even a greater selection of artwork. I decided to read what a lemon was, and I dont remember what the first story was called but I was excited. The stories were great and I was hooked, I started to read more and more...I came to the forum bar, and was like, "I should join, 'cause I think I could belong here." But once again, I was blocked by my own inability to join because I was afraid. This time I bookmarked the site and the forum. Three months pass, and I continue to stalk the site, but I come across something I thought was interesting: GunterVanCrimson's comments. Then I was captivated when he was searching for his dog, Charlie, thats when I made some of my first comments. I felt that I could help him in some way...and the rest is histroy...If it wasn't for a search that I came across this site by accident, I would never have been here...

Everyone's story of how they got here is a tale of uniqueness, some really long others short, but I am proud to have been here, and I'll continue to do so for as long as I can. This place means more to me than most material possesions, 'cause it's the one thing that has given me so many people and friends here, has given me my family. So this one year has been more then a myriad of problems but rather one important solution. This is my medicine, that is prescribed through love, and I am more then willing to go to take it. This whole site, is something that is a blessing in shades of blue. Remember that everyday and every moment is imortilized in the minds and the souls of each one of us...Each one of us carries the light of this site, wherever they go. This light will never extinguish, 'cause each one keeps it burning...(smiles warmly.)

"This little light of mine, the D.a.D. will let it shine.
This little light of mine, the D.a.D. will let it shine.
This little light of mine, the D.a.D. will let it shine.
With the D.a.D., and you and me, we'll make it shine!"


This Following List is of the VanCrimson Family...

Gunter VanCrimson: I really dont know what to say, cause without you this journey would be something of a drag. You are the reason, the sole reason that I became active on this site and got to know one of the most precious souls that is masked behind such an interesting man to say the least. I love you Gunter with all my heart, soul and mind. Its always fun to see your flashing "icon" coming on and the stories that I have yet to sometimes comprehend the complexity that is you. You are a myriad of interesting tales and struggles of how the human spirit can actually survive. I look foward to your character "comments" that everyone thinks is something very weird, they make me laugh and prove to me that there is more to you then just words. We just really want to see one another, is that right <winks and Gunter giggles.>? Regardless, you are definately one of the token mascots for this site. You have so much love and you are so much that people should get to know. I for one am luckily to have met you and to be able to have someone, that can understand me....Its simply as this I love you and forever mate...^^

DarkBlue: My main man, well <sweatdrops.> lets leave it at Blue shall we ? :P Your one of the most funniest people and that you love to make all those arround you fill with glee. I just wish you would post more. I am proud to have met you and forever grateful for all the things you have done for me. I just wish that I could hear that wonderful voice of yours ;). I really do love you differently then most people because I really know you from the inside. I hope we continue to converse and I hope to see you soon...Plus I think you owe me one pounce XD. and a cuddle XD....

Blitz VanCrimson: Ah, the prodigy, the esteemed professor of everything that is knowledge. I really miss you Big brother, but, you are always busy. This is in his character to do so, but I would have it no other way. He has a heart of gold and a comprehension of everything that is in that head and heart, I could for certain say he could be "The reanimator". You have helped me through alot, and through your words and compassion, it was nice to see that you really do care about me. Thank you for the time you have given me, and I really hope to see you as well.

Vellmont VanCrimson: Believe it or not, I really do care about you. You are a cool person underneathe that tough exterior. Man I think we'd be cool people. I remember alot of what you told me and tried to learn from the "Tough Approach". Thank you as well for the tips and I hope we can become the best of chums.

DarkRed-San: A name that I havent heard about but I know that you still think of me every now and again. I just hope you do well in your studies. Me and Red-san have alot more in common then most people know. I througholy enjoy your company and I hope to see you when you finish which I suppose would be before March. I miss having you around and
<smirks.> all those stories we have shared, I just really hope to hear from yah!

This List is of my friends and in the order, they became my friends ^^;; I think :P

DMX: I think my first friend on here followed by Gunter I think. As the first, you have taught me alot of things that I will never forget, like how to RP. I mean you have taught me alot but now you were once complaining about how Im not on, well good sir <rolls eyes.> the shoe has changed foot, hmmm? XD I just want to thank you for doing what you have done and I hope to see you around....I miss you ... >>;;;

Mowgly: One of the most interesting furries, from all the way in Chile... <giggles.> Just let me say that it was nice of you to be there for me this past year and I hope to see you soon, hmmm?

Rorancrystalwolf: A man of many talents and surprisingly someone that is wise potentially beyond there years. In all honesty you are, a great poet, whether you agree or disagree so meh... If you look how far we have gone till now, I am shocked that its been this long. I will always care about yah, and hope to see you soon ;). love yahz!

Mistysilverwolf: Here is a brief mention, Im still your friend, but look within....

Senjuro: One of the most talented vocalists that I know, and I am being serious and to top it all Senjy's modesty and integrity is astounding. I loved meeting him and talking to him every chance I get. He has solely impacted my life with the words and deeds that he preforms on a regularly basis. I really hope that this year, I have gotten alot closer to you and I hope this continues. I was happy to call you a big bro at which I remember'd you give me an "Aww" and one of these ":D".... I just want to telll yah that I am happy to have known you this long and hope to see this continue....

Wolfey: There is so much to say about this person here, I mean if I could really express things for him in a nutshell, it would fit Dodgers Stadium. Since we have not that much space and people have lives (:P) I ll try and condense things. Well as you know he is, one of the heads of the site. He has a heart of gold and such a great talent when it comes to helping others. His selflessness on a daily basis should make you feel more at home then a doormat. Sometimes I would wish in my dreams to visit you and to check up on you every once and a while. We always keep things fresh and most importantly I like the conversations we have cause they
leave me smiling....or more yiffy...Either are not too bad XD. Love you my Flamedramon, from Flaming Flamingo Fjord. (cuddles and licks.) <inside joke.>

Shadowknight: Gunter calls you sensei, everyone calls you boss, I call yah Shadow, but you have a great heart, and I hope to chat with you once and while. I know that if something were to occur, you are like the Secretary of Defense, but with a little bit more bite. <winks.> I have enjoyed our rps when I first began and I hope to continue that for many, many, more threads.

Gabumonfurry: Just let me say this, I loved your icon LOL. Nahz, I hope school is going well for you and to always stick your head in from time to time to check on us....Otherwis good luck in all you do....

Drunkenmunkee: Well there is so much to say, but we remember yahz <sends a balloon in the air.>

Seit the Reaper: I know its your old name, but since you started the year with it, and since this is my one year anniversary, I kept your name as I saw it here first. I hope you know that I am sorry, that my schedule interfere's with us chatting, but it still doesn't mean I dont care. I hope to see you around soon buddeh! <huggles.>

Gabu_Dragon: Hey, I havent seen you in a while, but hey, you are an interguing furr. I hope you are doing well and letting you know I still care about cha! :D

Matt Ishida: <sighs.> The saddest thing about this, its that I have only gotten to really know you later on in my first year here. I still think of you as someone that has the potential to be so much in life, and to experience some awesome days ahead. You really are something that is to be treasured. Just know that I'll always try to be there for you and you know how to reach me. your the first person i did \"this\" to... <nuzzles and hugs closely.>

Chaos Wolf: Someone that I have been attached to and someone that is currently not here but he is in spirit. I hope he is well and enjoying his job and what comes with it. I love you lots and want you to know that you'll never be forgotten.

Death: Need I say more XD! But I will so....:P You are a cool individual and you really like your polish kiewbasa <winks(another inside joke.)>

Crimson Fox: I think I have only had one convo with you but its nice to know that you are there for me if you ever have time....Thanks for helping me out, it wont be forgotten.

Dreamer: Sister from another mother, take care of yourself and worry less about others. Knowing you as soon as you read this is to "roll your eyes" and do many Jersian "ghetto" things but hear me out. You have a good head on your shoulder, dont let a single soul use you and be thankful for what you have. Im glad to say this as a brother, and that is, I feel you more then most people here. So lots of love and huggles from you ^^

Dragonknight_Kyo: <looks at hands hurting from all this typing.> Well, you are one of the closest and newest additions to my life, and with that comes some of the nicest and interesting convo's as of late. I'm always there for you and even though we are far away, you care about me deeply and had put to many words, as to describe how important you are to me... Thanks for it all...<see reference in SDP thread.>

Shintara: Someone that no one knows here besides me, I just hope that wherever you are, you know you have a friend in me....

Disturbed: Probably my newest friend, and someone that I would enjoy the next years journey with <shakes hand and pounces.>

People that I hope to get to know....If not, noteable people I feel like mentioning

Wisemon: I think if sarcasm would have a voice, it would have yours. I'm not saying that as a bad thing rather then something that I enjoy seeing, cause of its originality. Your posts are never to be read once, and each one backs up your intelligence and your wordsmithing. I have througholy enjoyed a good majority of your posts, and I hope you care about me, a tiny bit. Your skills with both knowledge and wording are extrordinary. I just wanted you to know that even if you dont talk to a person, I see a brother in you...

Zephyr Queen of Darkness: <huggles.> I actually miss you. >>;;;; Well what can I say about one of the most intelligent female's that is here on this lovely site. I have already told her that she is beauty because of her mind, but to me her soul, is even more spectacular. Your posts are genuine and I hope that we really get to really know one another in the future. Just understand that you will always, have a friend, a confidant in me. Other then that, you should never let the annoyances of life get to you, cause you are too beautiful for it (blushes.)

UnknownH: I really enjoy your flavor on the comments you make, and the smiles you plaster on my face. Next time read the instructions, man, this is worse then botax.... <lol> In all honesty, you have a warmth there too, thanks for being supportive.

Herr Mullen: One of the most cheery individuals, and another one from the intelligencia here. I look foward to seeing your reviews, because we can all see the hardwork that you place behind each lemon. They way you express your thoughts in words is very clear and you are one swell gentlemen. If you ever need someone to converse, let me know.

Ghost_Op: A rather interesting character, yet the rougue of this site. Literally I can picture you in a rougue's outfit. <giggles a bit.> You are still a cool guy and still someone that has made this year more enjoyable. <extends my hand.> We cool?

Nate Hunter: I dont think, if words could every match yours. Talk about everything connecting in every single post and its amazing that this talent of words and spirit is shared to us in each of his posts. I really have enjoyed your words of wisdom and to say the least, your selection of word choice is phenominal. I really look up to as a great writer. >> <blushes.>

Cireus: Someone who I think, has alot of talent in making gifs. and I love your shorts. Some make me feel all cuddly and for that I thank you.

<breathes and exhales slowly.>

If I Have failed to mention you for some unforseen circumstances, I am trully sorry.


I think when I look back and see what I have achieved here I can safetly say this, I am doing

the best I can.
>Group Trooper.
> (maybe) Art Review Team
> Idea man
> Posted close to 4000 which is not alot now <sweatdrop.>
>Longest Single Post award ^^

I think Ihave done quite well...Dont you?

Everything that happens in life, will ultimately lead to some impending destructive end. The time we have together has to be cherished, because when life decides when we leave one another, all we have left are the fond memories that we have had one another. To each one that has attempted to be apart of those moments, you will have something that you can be proud to smile about. This experience would not be the same, it would be highly boring and this year would have been something of a mistake. So much happens to you in life and it seems to go by its sluggish place for some or for others at Mach 3 speed, I really
believe that time stands still here within these halls of spaces and pixels. Take the time to really look at what this majestic place is and you realize that its special beyond mortal words. Take in the breathe and feel the presence that is the DaD. No one is alone here, just lost within life. If you are ever lost, <smirks.> the travel guides are really nice here. Take care and after 2 weeks of planning I bid you each a great day or night. We are all under the same moon, here we exist because each of us matters....

One love, one heart, one home

Now officially home to the DaD for one year.....

The one and only ....

Lonely Gabu...

(man this has to be one of the longest posts.XD well other that I hope to hear from everyone, till then I really need some sleep so see yah around!.)

<<Please forgive me on spelling and written errors, I ve been plagued with severe case of writer's block and I am just, well, happy to have been able to write something of this quality and this soon. Plus its 3am and I have been awake since 6am, which doesnt help (sighs.)>>

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