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  Quiz: What Gender Is Your Brain?
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 11-28-2006, 08:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

Your Brain is 53% Female, 47% Male

[Image: brain.jpg]

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

What Gender Is Your Brain?

Pretty accurate. I have the best from both worlds.

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  Guess who's birthday??? Not mine..
Posted by: Misty - 11-27-2006, 07:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (37)

November 28th..
Is DMX's birthday...
Let's make him feel all special..

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY DMX!!!!!!!!!

I love you!! (as a friend)

C'mon peeps!!
Let's sing to him!

[Image: 181b4ed440ff0924fc9a37cgy9.gif][Image: 0a0a7c455b6463dd0de2a6fji5.gif]

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  Last week for me.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 11-27-2006, 12:48 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

Starting on Monday of course, will be my last week of school, if hopefully I get all my subjects successfully approved.

This Monday, I'll have my Gym Resistance test, which I hope to pass swiftly since it's just a Kilometer (A bit more than half a Mile) and a half to trot, and with no time at all. This test will be taken at 9 AM.

The same day in the afternoon shift I'll have my last Biology test, it includes the main theme about Celular Metabolism, I must get an 8 or higher to compensate my earlier 6 on my Cell exam.

On Tuesday, I'll have my hardest test of the year. The Trimestral Exam of Chemistry. Here we are supposed to show all our knowledge gathered in the whole year. The theme of this year was mainly Hidrocarbures, Alcohol, Ethers, Esthers, and everything else derived. I feel most nervous about this one.

On Wednesday, I'll have my last Physics test, it's about Fluids, a very easy subject in fact. I have high hopes.

Finally, on Friday I'll have my History Trimestral. It'll be easy, not because I know History for a fact, but because we got a begginer teacher as our History Teacher, he almost couldn't teach us anything. But well, the main themes are changes in our Political and Social History, regarding South America. Our presidents, state hits, military hits, etc. This'll be a fairly easy test.

As for my remaining subjects I'm happy to mention that I fared really good in my first two Trimestrals. Those were Literature and Maths, Literature was simple, we were focused on Don Quixote (I've read this story for more than three years for Literature) and Maths, well, I don't know. That day was my stress attack. I had to leave school right after finishing the test. I doubt I'll be high noted with it, but on my first test of the trimester I got a 10 (Pure luck) thus allowing me to have as a minimal note a 4, which I highly doubt I'll get, I estimate from 5 to 8.

Unfortunately though, I'll have it hard this week, I had to stay at home and auto-study without any help since Wednesday (Couldn't assist classes because of a health problem) till now.

So, Bio-Production, Maths, Literature, English, Geography, Philosophy, Physics, P.E and History are securely approved. My main concern will be with Biology and Chemistry.

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  My dream went out in smoke...again.
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 11-25-2006, 08:58 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (42)

Remember when I said I could graduate this year if I got several exams right? Good, today I failed one, and according to my Univ's law I can't take it again for an interval of a month, so that leaves me out of this exam turn, and I'll have to wait until next. Guess when it's next? March. And I thought that I could finally get this off my back....But while I was doing the test, I realized that what I was trying to do was beyond my capabilities. I intended to pass 4 final exams in 6 weeks.
.......................*sigh* I would say I'm disappointed, but this has happened too many times already, I'm not even surprised..... :roll:

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  A Short Little Break
Posted by: Misty - 11-24-2006, 12:39 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

I will be at my dad's house tomorrow at Noon GMT - 6 hours until Sunday at like 5 or 6 GMT-6 hours. My dad's computer is sucky and has dial-up. So I won't be on... *tear*

*hugs DMX*
*hugs and kisses Grim*
*hugs and pokes Roran and runs away*

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  And I think it
Posted by: Wisemon - 11-24-2006, 01:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

Five and a half years ago, around 6:00 A.M. on a Saturday, I walked out from an all-night graduation party at my high school.

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  Bored and Alone
Posted by: Dreamer - 11-23-2006, 04:36 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I don't know, things have been okay I guess though not perfect. Everyone I really love and care about is in different states or countries!!
Gunter :( Gabu:( Sean:( Collin and Alexus:(I miss all of you guys so much and I hate being in this state.I'm in my senior year and so I'm still going to a community college which is good but, I don't know.This whole situation with Kirsten and Amar has gotten me tired and frustrated.I moved on I guess but she's so blind and I just wish I could make her see that he's not who he claims to be.He's a backstabbing snake.I know, I dated him for 2 years and have known him for 3.She won't listen to me though.I loved her once, but, because of him, it got twisted until me and her started to hate each other.He claimed to her that it was because he was scared of losing her to me but I know it's cause he wants control over her.Bastard.Anyways, I've been sick for the past month and well, I don't know.I've managed to improve my grades but, I feel alone somehow.Sean or CFR , is supposed to move up here this summer to be with me but yeahs, its a long way off. I miss alot of things right now and I just feel like running away even though I know that's not the answer.Happy Thanksgiving to all!!I have these 3 days off for the holiday!Yay!!Yups. I'm bored though.I've written alot of dark poetry lately and I don't know why when I'm not really depressed.I hate this feeling. I don't know what I need to be better.My nose is stuffy and I can't breathe and I keep coughing all the time as well as sneezing. That's whats been going on so far.Oh, and I met a best friend in August, my friend Becca who yeah, she's a freshman.Funny isn't it.But she's great, my best friend, one of them at least and I guess I'm scared.I've had 2 major best friends before that hurt me that I told everything to and I'm sorta tense when it comes to opening up to someone new all over again.She hasn't betrayed me yet but the other day I found out she loves me.She's bi so, yeah. I tried to write a poem saying something that would make her happy.I tried to say I love YOu but I realized I couldn't.I hate this.I hate feeling this way.She's my best friend.She makes me happy.Since Kirsten, she's been an angel of a friend. I just wish Kirsten and Amar would disappear. They hurt me just by seeing them or hearing of them. She claims that she wishes that I didn't exist but, I don't even know if that's the truth anymore.She chose him over me in the end. So I suppose it doesn't matter. Anyways, sorry for the long post, just needed to get this out. I love all of you guys here at the DaD. You guys are my other family and I'd be lost without you.Love you!!


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  I used to love them...but now I don't mind killing them.
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 11-23-2006, 07:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I said in another thread: I don't want any more pets. I don't wanna go through the same suffering I did with my doggie. Yeah? I did.
About a month ago, we discovered a chingolos' (a sparrow-like bird) nest in the terrace. I had a bad feeling about it.
Two weeks ago, I heard a huge noise in the backyard, and I saw one of the babybirds that was in the nest on the floor, unmoving. I'd seen it being chased by another chingolo. Later in the afternoon, it was walking around the backyard and we could see its back was covered in blood. That horrible older sparrow must have attacked it. (Later we discovered that all its back was scarred). After I consulted it with the vet, I decided to put it back in the nest, hoping it could survive its wounds. An hour later, he was back in the backyard: Its parents had left the nest, though I used gloves. We took it in for the night. The other day my mother took it to the vet and she said it was about to die of hunger. During the last 15 days it was around my backyard, starting to fly slowly, and being fed by us because it won't do it by itself. But all the other chingolos that came down attacked it. Nonetheless, it wanted to follow them.
This morning it climbed up the stairs to the terrace. Trying to stop it, I cut its way with a broom, but because of that he finally managed to fly to the roof. It started walking around the neighbors' roofs and finally jumped to a tree. I was so afraid because it can barely fly and barely eat by itself, and all the other chingolos attack it because it asks them for food. It walked around, savagely crying for food, while my mother was pleading it to get down.
A couple hours after that, we heard another riot. And after that, the crying stopped. My mother saw a calandria (another local bird, but bigger) carrying something over the roof and pecking it. She scared it out of there, but when I went to see, I saw a calandria carrying what it seemed like a blood red fruit in its beak. There are no red fruit around, I think.....So I can only think of the worst. Maybe we heard a fight and it escaped far away, but.....I'm sure the worst happened. :cry: We didn't want to keep it as pet, we just wanted to protect it until it could grew, but....I told her the only solution was to put it in a bird cage, but she didn't want....No matter all we did, we couldn't save it...again..... :cry:
I hate those fucking birds!!!!!!!!!! I used to love birds, but they do that to their own children!!!!! I remember in my last unpaid hospital, how doves used to fight to death with each other, these creeps kill their own kind, they leave their children to starve....
I used to hate hurting animals but I swear, if I see that calandria again, I'll stone it!!!!!!

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  Super Smash Brothers: Brawl Movie!
Posted by: Humon - 11-22-2006, 02:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Here's something for you all to watch if your excited about said game.

Enjoy =p I did, time and time again. (yes, Kirby'y super smash move involves "cooking" the characters.)

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  Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea...
Posted by: Lukos - 11-21-2006, 03:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (47)


Anyone wonder why commercials can be soo retarded? The Burger King radio commercial for the Sausage Biscuit, for instance....

"Biscuit sausage?" <Car commercial echoey voice> "NO! SAUSAGE BISCUIT!"

"How much is it, like fifty bucks?" "NO, no, no!Ninety-nine cents!"

Man.... Heh, the Pepto Bismol ones are freaky too. Anyone else seen any weird commercials lately?

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