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  What would you do if you were invisible? (funny stuff only)
Posted by: cboy - 11-07-2006, 01:12 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (78)

I bought a new Abbot and Costello DVD today and one of the features on it is "Abbot and Costello meet the Invisible Man." Well, to me, that one is one of their funniest features I've seen. for obvious reasons. And it made me wonder just how much fun an invisible man could have.

If I was invisible, I'd go around making people start fights. Say stuff, hit them, kick them, then stand back and watch as they went at each other. I'd grab people and carry them around, make it look like they were floating. Might grab a car, drive over the speed limit, then scare the cop that pulls me over. And that's only for starters.

What would you guys do if you were invisible? And please, I only want funny stuff, so if your plans include...criminal actions, don't put them up, please.

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Posted by: Wisemon - 11-06-2006, 02:13 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

It was great to hear Maurice LaMarche on The Simpsons tonight. I knew it was him right away. Nobody else is so renowned for Orson Welles impersonations. For those of you who don

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  Well then.
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 11-04-2006, 06:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

I've been gone for weeks! Time sure flies eh?

How has everyone been? Interesting stories? Anything important that I missed?

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  Am I wrong here???
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 11-03-2006, 01:54 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Hey everyone,

I just wanted your opinion on this. I work at my high school as a Light and Sound Technician managing the lights and sounds at all school functions. Tonight was opening night for the school musical.

Here is my problem.

In one scene the scrim comes down. For all those in theatre you know what a scrim is but to everyone else, it is the blocking sheet that comes down to seperate the actors from the scenery so the props and scences can change. All of the lights that I do, are based on cues. So a lighting change is all based on cues we see from the stage.( we are on the opposite side of the auditorium watching the preformance)All of the cues are based on movement and the scrim. Well, in a scence Charachter A enters on Stage Right * your left* and begins his lines, when that happens the spotlight turns on and when the scrim goes up, the lights go up. Well tonight, the stage hands didn't have the scenery changed by the time the lights came up and they blame me.

From my point of view, if the set is not ready- don't send out the actor- if the props ( in this case a whole HOUSE ) are not int he proper location/ angle- don't raise the scrim.

After all this, I was yelled at for " not doing my job" and " making the musical look bad". Would it be wrong of me to fire back at these comments since it was their cues and actios that made me do what I had to do???

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  Lack of motivation
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 11-02-2006, 12:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

Well I'm in a bit of a rut. A little over a year ago, I had a doctor visit and was told I needed to lose 50-60 pounds. I had high blood pressure and a high risk for heart disease. Okay well that scared me so I went to it. Also I wanted a dog so my mom said if I lost the weight, she'd buy me one.

So it's a year later, I lost my 60 pounds already, got my dog, and have normal blood pressure, and my risk for heart disease will never be perfect buy I'm taking meds to help it stay up there. But I have no motivation left.

I'm under pressure at work and school, lots of stress, and I'm a stress eater, so I can't seem to get to stay at the weight I want because when I come home from work or school, I have to study, so I don't get as much excersice as I'd like and the vicious cycle continues as I feel like crap because I haven't kept my weight down. My weight is up 10 pounds so I'm only down 50 and that's where I want to be 5 pounds down, but with my eating habit and lack of excersice, I've gained about 5 over that. Now we're not talking a lot of weight, just a matter of 5 to maybe at most 10 pounds...but with the stress eating thing I just can't seem to get to, more over I can't find a good reason to care that can motivate me. Like I said, I'm in a rut.

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  i hate the UK
Posted by: Guilmon and a shotgun - 11-01-2006, 08:33 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (92)

its soooooooooooooo boring!!!!!

nothing to do...we're afriad of our own youths....hell we even have tony blair as prime minister...and also everyone hates me because i like hummers and other american stuff....i want to be american...

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  Message from LG
Posted by: senjuro - 11-01-2006, 07:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Hey all.

Lonelygabu asked my to post in his stead and say that he's having some computer problems and won't be on till this Friday at the earliest.

Come back soon! ^_^

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  Bon Jovi leaves in a blaze of glory...and more.
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 11-01-2006, 07:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

In my favorite radio, FM Aspen, there is an 'Artist/ Group of the month', a chosen one gets a song played every hour and on Sunday evenings they get a whole program dedicated to them, telling their story, music, curiosities, etc. October was Bon Jovi's and it was the best review together with Duran Duran's, but it would be a pity to forget some 'minor details' that made the review.....not so good.

Presenter (first Sunday): We will talk about Bon Jovi's visits to Argentina....
Presenter (second Sunday): We will talk about Bon Jovi's visits to Argentina....
Presenter (third Sunday): Today we'll listen to some of Bon Jovi's live concerts in Argentina.
Presenter (fourth Sunday): Today we'll listen to some more of Bon Jovi's live concerts in Argentina.
Presenter (fifth Sunday): We got a mail....X is asking if Bon Jovi ever came to Argentina....

Presenter: We got a mail....XX asks if Jon Bon Jovi ever dated Diane Lane.
Zephyr: (Who's that? Lois Lane's sister?:P)
Presenter: We really only review music here...But yes, he dated 10 months the beautiful Diane Lane. Many of you must be reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally jealous, heh?
Zephyr:(If I liked him that way, I would be jealous of his wife, not someone who dated him long ago...<.<; )

Presenter: Bon Jovi review!!! For all the mega-fanatics out there!!!!
Zephyr: (So if I'm not a mega-fanatic, only someone who enjoys some of their songs, I can't listen?)

Presenter: We're gonna choose the best Bon Jovi song! Keep calling!
Zephyr: (Blaze of Glory! Blaze of Glory! Blaze of Glory!!!!!!!!)
Presenter: We're getting some votes for Jon Bon Jovi's solist work, but they aren't many...
Zephyr: (Oh. Then, Wanted Dead or Alive!!! Wanted Dead or Alive!!! Wanted Dead or Alive!!!!!!)
Presenter: And the winner is....I'll be there for you!
Zephyr: *anime sweatdrop*

Presenter (in various October Sundays): YX asks if next review could be of Pink Floyd....
Presenter (in various October Sundays): YXX asks if next review could be of Guns n' Roses....We sure got lots of requests for Guns n' Roses...
Presenter (last Sunday): So we say goodbye to Bon Jovi and we greet the artist for next month.....Tina Turner!!!!!
Zephyr and 99% of FM Aspen listeners: * huge anime sweatdrop*

No roses without torns.

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  Happy Halloween
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 10-31-2006, 10:27 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (58)

Hey there everyone, I just wanted to extend the good old HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Today is the day of the day of the dead, so in light of that, anyone got any scary stories or experiences to share? I will post all mine later. :D

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  Woot! Job offer!
Posted by: senjuro - 10-31-2006, 03:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Being a musician, when a job offer comes one's way, it's difficult not to get excited by it.

My teacher where I did my undergrad e-mailed me and said that she needed a tenor for the opera production this coming spring. I'm beginning to reap the benefits of having a reputation for being easy-going and very well prepared. I'm a little sketched, because the people I'll be travelling with will be the same sort of fare as last year (aka. people I don't really like), but it's money (like $5000) and I travel for free, and it's experience I can put on a resume. This is more me thining out loud, but for a 23 year old to be contracted out for a job without an audition, even for Newfoundland, that's out of the ordinary.

Yay!! ^_^

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