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  20,000 Posts? How did that happen?
Posted by: Disturbed - 12-04-2006, 06:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (41)

Jesus christ is that number real? I cant believe I have that many so far. This is the first pro furry site I've been to and you guys have made it a great time for me.

Shindou Kyosan - You were the first person I had added to my MSN Messanger. I didnt even have MSN Messanger when I started here and now I'm glad I got. You're always fun to post with and I hope our times grow even more. If you were sitting here with me in my room I'd give you the biggest hug I could muster because I consider you as another one of my brothers.

DragonMasterX - My master of booze and destruction. I must say I have learned much from you with the time I've been here. From learning that you can never have enough beer at one sit in to learning the ways of RPing. Before I came here I didnt even know how to RP by dialog.

Grim - Oh Grim the one person that never seems to be down. You always seem like you're in a great mood whenever I chat with ya. You are one of my great friends here, dont ever changed.

Matt Ishida - I love our little chats we have over MSN. You always seem to put a smile on my face. I felt proud when I first chatting with you when you said I was the only one who knew where Portugal was :P

Shadowknight - I've always wondered why you never had and MSN or YIM account. Just from the postings you make you seem like you'd be a cool guy to chat with. Plus besides Crimson you're the only oen around here that enjoys football as much as me. Go Lions!!

Crimson Fox - Another person I'd love to get to know better. I added you to my YIM but my add request is still pending. Even if you do get on at short times during late hours of the night I always enjoy posting with ya. You always seem to make my laugh. Oh and Go Lions!!

Faiz - I do admit I was a bit nervous before adding you to my MSN Messanger. Since you were such a great drawer and a well known artist I didnt think you'd want to chat. But now that I've had the pleasure of chatting with you, you seem like a really cool guy and I enjoy the MSN RPGs we have.

Goliath - My fellow diehard Disturbed fan!! Always good to know theres other people out there besides me that enjoy the sounds of the greatest rock band ever (my opinion of course). I raise my fist of to you.

LonelyGabu - My good friend LG I feel for you man. I hope everything works out the way you want to. My heart goes out to ya man.

Misty - Always spunky and full with life. With the short time I've known you I've quickly grown to like you a lot. Oh and smile for that camera, you may not believe it but you do have a cutie face.

Gunter - Even through the short times that we have posted together I feel like we're already good friends. The few Gun-Gun moments that we have had together were priceless. Hope to get to know you better on a person to person basis.

Everyone that I missed - I hope I get to meet more of you wonderful people as my time here at DaD grows. Huggles to you all ^.^

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  Ok start the car.....
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 12-04-2006, 05:40 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

Ok well it is the day before my drivers test and I am about to flip out. I don't know if I can do it! I just thought I would let everyone know that December 4th at exactyl 9:40 am ( CST) I will be taking my drivers test.... Wish me luck!

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  Snow Day...?
Posted by: Misty - 12-01-2006, 10:21 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)


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  It's one thing after another!! YAAAHHH!!!
Posted by: Gunter VanCrimson - 12-01-2006, 06:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

Two Weeks ago- I lost my modem- a few days later- Vel said he needs to go to work in Russia- So I'm alone again!

Last week- got a new modem- it didn't work!

Two days ago- I got a good modem- chatted for 30 minutes-

And my power was cut. I'm living in the dark- and my generator's busted!! It's freezing here!

I've gone and gotten myself lots of new enemies- and they've got sticks! Big sticks!

-oh, and I'm officially an alchoholic.

Did I mention how much I've missed you guys? Well- I've got to run... this cafe is just about to close!

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  When did you first start writing stories/fanfiction?
Posted by: cboy - 12-01-2006, 02:14 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

With me, it was when I was in grade school. I had seen Goosebumps episode, the "Monster Blood" one, and in the weeks after it, I had the idea of doing it from my point of view and just sat down one day and started typing.

After showing it to my parents and teachers, who found it impressive, I was encouraged to continue typing stories. Considering my age, most of them weren't anything to brag about, but over the years, I became better at writing stories. At first, I simply took existing things, like Goosebumps and Star Wars (one of my second stories was based on the final mission of the game Rebel Assault), and wrote the story as though I were the main character in them. It wasn't until late middle school to early high school that I started coming up with my own ideas.

I didn't get into adult stories at first mainly because I was still a naive boy when it came to those things. It wasn't until I found a digimon lemon site (I believe it was called "The Realm of Digimon Fanfiction" or something like that) that I discovered lemons. Even then, it took me years to work up the courage to actually write an adult-natured story involving sex.

So what about you guys? What drove you to fanfiction, and then to lemon fanfiction?

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  Mc numpty
Posted by: Guilmon and a shotgun - 12-01-2006, 05:03 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

i cannot explain just watch! lol

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  I think this is the funniest damn thing
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 11-28-2006, 10:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Hey everyone. I watched The Break Up with my parents the other day and this part had me rollin on the floor laughing. So I thought I would share it with you. This clip kinda reminds me of my family at the holidays :oops:

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  It's about f*ckin' time!!
Posted by: Misty - 11-28-2006, 04:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (33)

I never though it would happen before Christmas, but fred_18 proved me wrong...I reached my 1000th post...finally. November 27, 2006 at 11:09p.m. 5-GMT hours. So I'm going to do this the way most people do it...Dedications...

Rorancrystalwolf- Of course you're first. You are the one that introduced me to this wonderful forum. And I thank you for it. I met so many wonderful friends that I can actually trust unlike ones from our school. If you knew anymore about me, you could write a book and make millions..There's so much I could say, but you know all of it...and guess what? This is the 2nd time I passed up your post count! Neener Neener Neener! <3

The Grim Pokepimp- I dunno where to start...*pounces and kisses* I think I've known you the shortest, but I feel like I've known you forever. Your cheery mood never fails to make me smile or laugh. You are always so much fun to talk to. I love making you blush as you do the same to me. You remind me so much of me...I feel really close to you despite the dreaded ocean that leaves us miles and miles apart. Me loooooves you.

LonelyGabu- The first friend I made on the DaD besides Roran. I was a little creeped out by you at first, but within that first week, we were really close. We talked on the phone for hours on end, including the times that you sang to me and recited some music. Talking on the phone and online was always so much fun.

Gol/Goliath- *pounce* Hiya! You are so much fun to talk to, too. You are an amazing person with an even greater personality. I always look forward to talking to you.

fred_18- I don't know much about you, but I always enjoy talking to you. You also always find a way to keep a conversation going...

CrazyWeredragon- There's not that much to are also fun to talk to...

DMX- I always look forward to RP-ing with you because it's so much fun and you really know how to get me...

Wolfey- You are a kid at heart. You are fun to talk to and you have very wise advice. *hugs*

Disturbed- Going back and forth with the spamming is awesome. And a lot of fun..

Gunter- Our dearest Gunter...We miss you and love you.

Unknown- So funny...always making smartass jokes.

As for everyone else...I don't know you all that well to mention you, but you are important. This forum is frickin awesome and I love it. This may not be as long as Gabu's posts...but's something.

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  For those who care. New Harry Potter trailer.
Posted by: aguy - 11-28-2006, 12:09 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

I have to say I don't think this movie looks very good, but I enjoyed the Order of the Phoenix. I'm not sure how good it will be, but what do you think.

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Posted by: That One Internet Guy - 11-28-2006, 11:52 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

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