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Posted by: UnknownH - 10-31-2006, 01:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (97)

No One Reply To Spammer's Topics!
Exactly what it says. Don't reply, I'll just delete it.
If it looks like spam then don't post.

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  Do your parents insult you?
Posted by: cboy - 10-30-2006, 07:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (34)

My parents are still treating me like I'm a five year old when I'm twenty. The other night when I was heading out to help at a haunted house, my dad saw me getting into my costume.

He says "Don't drive with your mask on." Yeah, like that never occured to me. And my parents do that on a regular basis (tell stuff I already know). They continually insult my intelligence, and if I tell them they're doing that, my dad gets angry.

Not only that, but sometimes when I do things my dad doesn't like, he'll tell me by mocking me, when simply telling me not to do it would work just as well.

Am I the only one with parents like that? Please tell me I'm not.

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  Not an Oscar award but...
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 10-28-2006, 01:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (66)

Yeah, here I am. Your buddy DragonMasterX with the little announcement of the 10 K reached. I never cared about my own post count much, but I guess I can say a word or two to my friends for making this possible. I don't expect you to read through all this, but I still wanna write it!

Prepare yourselves, it's a long list (Sorry it's a bit disbalanced, hehehe):

Da_Wolfe: Hey, without you, this place wouldn't be standing. You are what keeps this place running, I admire you for taking the time. Hope to keep catching you in YIM to talk, everytime I sign in you aren't there! Damnit! Lol. Thanks for keeping the DaD for us Wolfe!

Gunter VanCrimson: You were my first friend on here. I never understand you, but it makes it fun to talk to you. Love how well you RPG and I love your creativity for plots. Even though you don't frequent as much as back in the day, Gun, I still hope you keep posting!

Shadowknight: What do I need to say? Heh heh. You are like my father in humour, my figure to follow. Always liked your style for writing scenes in RPGs too! Along with Gun, you are on my top list for RP buddies! Come on damnit, 10 K for ya soon!

Zephyr of Darkness: My favorite lady 'round this parts. Hehe, you are the first girl I ever RPed with. You are my mother of humour, careful there! Lol. I always liked to read your posts, you really know how to entertain us. Your funny Zeph! Nunca cambies bombon n_n

UnknownH: Hey! You are quite funny, you almost always get a joke or something in posts. Wether meant or not, you are really amusing! Heh heh. Be careful with Zeph, I may wanna try something. Just kidding n_n

Wisemon: I like how you write Wise. You leave me impressed each time you post to show your point of views. As senjuro said once, you are the voice of reason, a bit too blunt, but that's what I like about your attitude. Your posts make me think, that's not a common thing for me, I just read and there, but you give much more meaning to your posts than many of us do. Hope you never leave the DaD!

senjuro: Hey yah! Didn't think I'd forget about ya, did ya? You are the second in my list of entertaining intelligent posts. I love the fact you take participation in the games Sen! Gabu Lover? I bet you are!

blueeyedgabulov0oo: Hey Lonely! Dang, I can't catch you anytime I sing in YIM! Stop playing Maple story damnit! Lol. I like hearing about your life when we talk, also I like searching for options to understand you and try to help. You know how I screw with my words, but well... at least I try. Heh heh.

rorancrystalwolf: Hey Col, you got a mention too. You are a teenager like me, I sometimes understand your rants, wanna help you always too. You are like the little brother I always wanted to have.

mistysilverwolf: Heeeeeey hot lady! Always at your disposal! I love chatting with ya! If not for the DaD, I doubt we'd ever been able to get to be such good friends! Never change cutie!

MISTER BIG T: I can't leave you out. You are my father of writing. You got me into Lemons and Fiction. You got me to write! I like how you describe anything wether in your posts or in your stories. I still have chills from reading Unforgiven, lol. Thanks for writing, thanks to finding your work I managed to find the DaD.

DrunkeenMunkee: Even though not here anymore, I still like ya hottie. You always wanted to have fun with the SDP, you got it! You really amused me there! Hope you can visit us again sometime!

Crimson Fox: Hey furry lover! Thanks for all your help in my writing. I'm glad I decided to ask you to help me to improve my grammar and wording. You really wanna tease my character with yours in RPGs huh? Lol. Never leave the RPGs, understood? I don't wanna leave Ada alone.

Ghost_Op: You are nice and funny. I like the fact you were a militar. Maybe you are too direct, but it makes it better to read your posts for me. You like Flamedramon too for what I read in many of your old posts, you are a friend already!

Marine: I like your stories and your reviews! You are quite an in-depth writer and it interests me to read all your RPG posts. I'm learing from your Militar knowledge!

Dragonknight Kyo: New membah, new budeh! What I like about you? Your reactions! Hehehe. Love your characters. You've got a nice style for controling villains in RPs! Love ya! Never leave us!

Disturbed: Relatively same case as with Kyo. New and inexperienced. Who cares? You are ascending slowly, but steadily! I love the group of music you hear. Never leave this place or you'll have Ten Thousand Fists in your face, got it? ;)

Lord Patamon: Hee. Well, even though you don't post in the forum around too much, you take part in RPGs! Hehehe, you and your PataGato fandom, your bond with it is so strong it's not even funny. Never change and keep improving your ideas for the stories!

Okay. I think I'm quite done with my self-flattery. The drunken dragon has spoken. Guys, all of you are really special to me. This place is like my second choice of a home. I doubt this place will ever be finished, but only then, it will be when I'll leave!
People not mentioned here doesn't mean that they don't mean anything to me. Just that I still gotta get to know them better or that I was simply to lazy to search for them. Sowy n_n;
Thanks for being in the forums everybody! You are all my friends! *Morphs into a giant 150 ft tall dragon and crushes everybody in a hug*

Love ya!

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  Earth is doomed.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 10-27-2006, 01:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

If kids are the future we might as well blow up earth now and save it a slow painful death. I live nearby these annoying little kids, every single day they come over bang on the door like crazy which scares the crap out of my cats and gives me a headache and when I open the door they just charge in no matter what.

If I don't open the door they'll either keep banging on it or start banging on the windows, one time they just walked in because I forgot to lock the door.

I was really busy yesterday doing work for class and reading a difficult thing on surgery, I wanna be a vet so I got a book from a clinic I volunteer at and have been reading it, and I yelled at them, not shouting but I said quite loudly that I was very busy and wanted to be left alone, they left.

Problem solved right?


Two minutes later the kid's dad came to my door yelling at me for yelling at his kid, I told him that if he'd actually be a parent I wouldn't have had to yell at his kid. Luckily for him he didn't try to hit me or anything cause I would've loved to kick the crap out of someone at that moment.

So now they'll still probably come over and no matter what I do they don't leave. One of them actually tried to run off with a pocket knife from my keychain collection. And they bang on my piano which knocks it out of tune, and anyone who's tuned one of those things knows how fun it is to put it back to normal. I just want to take one of my swords and chop their little heads off!

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  Yay for job!
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 10-26-2006, 05:52 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

After being unemployed for several months after being removed from the construction yard business, I'm starting further education for becoming office worker in World Trade Centre of Finland. The training takes 3 months, plus more training if required. I get money during this time. My boss also informed me that they'd rather make the extra training than outright get a new person since they're looking for a permanent new worker.

All in all, this is a job I exactly have looked for and best suits my skills. Most of the stuff will be done with computers so this is like it's made for me. :D

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  Shut the fuck up please
Posted by: Gabumonfurry - 10-26-2006, 11:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

I'm so fucking tired of these idiots in almost all my classes always talking and getting the whole class into trouble. Shit doesn't anyone know how to SHUT THE HELL UP and RESPECT someone for once?! All i want to do is get the gawd damn work over and not have to listen to all their highschool drama shit. I honestly hope ill health to them and i really want to smack them out cold or tell them to shut the fuck up but nope that'll just snowball into a great big piece of OMFG DID YOU JUST TELL ME TO SHUT UP? YOU SHUT UP BITCH ect ect. I think my generation is going to completely FUCK UP this world, sorry to all that is in my generation but yeah we are fucked completely because of these single minded idiots. Shit just shut the hell up.... this is what i want to state during class but my words are meaningless to these fools of course.

Well i'm done ranting i guess, i want something to punch now, good bye.

Edit: This is just me venting

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  Dreamer's Back
Posted by: Dreamer - 10-26-2006, 08:56 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

Hey guys!!I know i haven't been on this site for very long but it's been because I've been sick and unwell. God, I've missed you guys on this site. I guess you could say that I'm in the process of recovering and I'm also in my senior year of high school and it's stressful but yeah. It's great to be back.It's like being away from my family, which you guys are.It feels great to be here again. Of course, I've also had to take care of Wren, The Kitsune guy or CR rather.Lol, but he and I are quite well now. Anyways, I'll be posting more. As of now, I'm sorta out of it but yeah.I missed you LG and CR!! Also RCW. Lol. I'll post more laters.Bye for now!!


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  mistysilverwolf will be active again soon enough
Posted by: mowgly - 10-26-2006, 06:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

she asked to inform you of it and here it ish.

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  Something about silence makes me sick
Posted by: Wisemon - 10-25-2006, 09:48 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

I was told by my general manager today (an overweight, overmakeupped, overrated 51-year-old) that I can no longer listen to music in the office with explicit language in it because:
"Tony quit and filed for unemployment, which he shouldn't have gotten, because he quit, but then he said that he quit because he felt uncomfortable because we sent office email jokes with crude content. Then they gave him the unemployment which we have to pay, which is total bullshit, because as we both know, Tony quit because he got a new manager who wouldn't put up with his calling in sick half the time So, because we need to make sure that we're not making anyone uncomfortable, you can't play music with explicit language in it anymore. I don't have a problem with it, but other people might complain."

Now, here's why my general manager is full of shit:
She does have a problem with it, but her problem isn't the language, it's the punk guitar and drums. She swears all the time, so I doubt she has a problem with that. She does have a problem with anything that isn't light rock or something someone on American Idol might sing. One of the secretaries probably has the same problem. They both watch all of the popular adult dramas, and they about them in the morning and live vicariously. Anyway, it's total bullshit, and my manager is one of those women who use power and excuses in a way they think is subtle and opaque. It's not enough for her to attempt to conform me, but she can't even give me a straight non-hypocritical reason, and that's what really pisses me off.

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  what are the job functions of a company director?
Posted by: floramon - 10-25-2006, 01:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Company Directors earning 6 figures, we (normal clerk) earning less than 3k. Why?

What are the job functions of a company director? Why company provides them BMW, free golf membership, free...

We (normal clerk) also working hard. Why are we earning so low?

I don't mean I want BMW or bungalow. I just wish my salary is enough to pay house and car installment, insurance, food and bills.


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