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  Howlarious Youtube video (warning: graphic language)
Posted by: cboy - 12-17-2006, 07:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (29)

My boss at work just showed me this and it made me bust a gut.

If you don't like extremely bad language, don't watch it, seriously.

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  Eragon Movie
Posted by: Gabumonfurry - 12-17-2006, 07:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (29)

I went to watch it when it came out yestarday... I was horribly dissapointed though thrilled that a movie came out.

The acting is either overwhelming or under developed.

The ... CG animation or whatever its called to make the dragon is amazing and its so cute! if anything at all watch it for the dragon ><

There are little actiony scenes and like other reviewers said its like a rip-off of lord of the rings movie.

Like all book based movies most of the important stuff is cut out and its dreadful to anyone who has already read it. If you haven't read it then i guess its an ok movie *shrugs*

I give it a 7 out of 10

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  Done. Done! DONE!! READY!! I mean, DONE!!!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 12-16-2006, 03:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Today was my Final EEC (Extra English Class) Exam. The test comprised three notes this year instead of only two. This time, we were bound to complete three important points of a Composition Test, A Written Test along with a Listening and finally, an Oral Test.

First my classmates and I were given a single sheet with three options and a wide-amount of space below. The three options were:

a) Point out why English should or shouldn't become the main language. Write your supported arguement to a newspaper as a formal letter.

b) Write a small review or preview of a movie you have seen or want to see.

c) Write a semi-formal letter to a supposed new pen-friend, describing yourself in appearance and personality.

I choose C, I wrote the composition and after 20-24 minutes since we started I gave it to one the teachers that was evaluating us. I got 47/50 here.

After that, I was given a double sheet with the Writing exam. Curiously, the heading of it was a simple article for teenager and parents on how teenagers should respect parents and do what they say and that they should help and all the yadda yadda. I suspect they were trying to brainwash us! Lol, anyhow, the reading part was cake, the Paraphrasing exercises went perfect, and the added listening was excellent. I got full 50/50 here.

After finishing this, I was kind of surprised, no one had yet finished the composition. I thought my partners more capable, well, maybe they didn't study enough. Anyhow, the Oral Exam. Bleh, it's the same all the time.

Teacher: So, how old are you?

Me: Seventeen.

Teacher: Oh, that's nice. So, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Me: Yeah, actually two, my younger sister is doing a test with her teacher today too, by the way. And my step-sister lives in Buenos Aires, she's married and has a son already.

Teacher: Oh, that's nice. Tell me, do you have anything planned to do this Summer?

Me: Well, yeah, I'm going to work. Dad got me a job in the frigorific as a facturer and~

DAMN! It's the same thing over and over again! The only variation was asking me if I had read a book or something for this test. I had to speak LITTLE of Pride and Prejudices by Jane Austen and I had read the whole novel. Okay, I admit I hadn't studied whole year, I just read it before classes 'n all, never really paid attention because to me, it was a boring story, but it got me pissed that she didn't even ask more than 'What's your favorite character of the story?' and 'What the story was about?'. *Sigh* Well, I got 50/50 here as always.

My final score was 9.80 or 98/100. I can now fully say: FREEDOM! AT LAST!! YAY!

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  Life Imitates Art!
Posted by: Anonmon - 12-15-2006, 02:04 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (26)

Virtual life-forms evolved and grown on supercomputers.

I can't help but wonder if any have Realized yet.

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  Feeling guilty?
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 12-15-2006, 05:33 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

Here's the story.

Two years ago, I was playing football with one of my friends, my little brother, and about 6 random kids our age, that I didn't really know.

We were down at the park playing in the big field.

It was us 3 vs them 6, only because they were pusses who couldn't tackle me, and my bud was just too damn fast.

Basically, they were talking shit the whole game. Even with twice the amount of people, and one of our players was like 10, we were still winning.

People were getting pissed, and frustrated I guess. My friend nearly got into a fight with one of the guys, but I talked him down.

Well, getting bored, I decided to let my bro tackle one of the guys, so I grabed his wal-mart white tee, and held on to him, so he couldn't move.
My bro was about 4 seconds away, and I called him over to "make the tackle".

Well, about 2 seconds into holding the shirt, the guy turned and hit my in the chest saying: "Asshole, you stretched my shirt!"

Everyone stoped, and I stood there in shock for about 3 seconds. I couldn't believe he hit me over a stretched shirt.

Well, unlucky for him, I was still holding his shirt after 4 seconds. I reared back, and pulled him closer to me with my left hand(holding the shirt) and puched him with a weak hit in the face. I then let go and yelled: "This is fucking football! Don't be a bitch over a fucking wal-mart T shirt!"

Well, it turned out that I knocked out a tooth, and he walked away, with tears, holding his mouth. None of his friends went after him, which made me feel wierd...

Well, following my doctrine, I tried to talk down the arguments, but when someone gets violent, I get violent back.

My bud thanked me, because he was worried that he was about to go balistic on on two of the guys, and told me that he would have regretted it.

For the past two years, I felt fine about it all. I thought that what I did was warrented, seeing as he hit me first, and I was reacting in self-defence.

I saw the guy over the weekend at the mall.. He was talking to some people, and I noticed that he was missing two teeth right in front. I kept walking, and felt like shit right after that.

All this time I just figured that he had the tooth put back. And now it was apparently two teeth. And apparently he couldn't afford to have the teeth put back..

Sure he was being an ass, but did he deserve to look like that? People judge you by how well you look, and your clenliness. If you are missing teeth, people tend to think that you are a slob, and that you are a dirty person.

So the purpose of this rant, is for me to hear your thoughts. I can't talk to my friend, because his oppinion is biased. I can't talk to my brother, because he is my bro. He wont ever see that what I did was wrong...

So I am asking you all, how you feel about what I did.

Should I have hit him hard at all? Keep in mind that the guy wasn't that big, and I kinda am. I hear a lot from my family that "I don't know my own strength", like when I am wrestling with my father, or my brother.

I am actually starting to regret working out like I did in the first place.
I mean, I didn't even hit the kid that hard ya know? What would have happend if I lost control and just decked him?

Sometimes I wonder if some of the people at the Alternative Academy were only my friends because they were afraid of me.

Anyway, I have noone to talk to about this, so I hope you all can give me some advice, critic me, agree with me, or anything.

P.S. I started heavy lifting and dabbleing in martial arts purely for self-defence. I was constantly picked on during middle school, and I was younger than everyone else. I wanted to be sure that if someone was bullying me, or any other kid, that I could put a quick end to it, and set an example. Only thing is, is that when I do, I end up looking like the bully..

I also suspect that one of my friends is only a friend because he likes having me around for some type of protection or something. He and his group of friends always joke that if we got into a fight, that good ol' (my name here) would take care of em. Or things like "noone will fuck with us now!"

Hearing those things bother me, because it seems that they don't like me for my company, they just want me for my image, so to speak.

Anyway, your opinions on this would be very helpful, and I hope you all can give me some good advice...

P.P.S. Sorry for the long post again. Uhg..

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  20'000 for the Kyo
Posted by: Kurtz - 12-15-2006, 05:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (34)

Through thick and thin, smiles and gloom, four months have already gone by since my alledged join to this place. And now, I'm celebrating, not just my first 10'000, but my 20'000th as well. Heh, there are times which I have laughed and chuckled to some posts, and yet, I have frowned over some more.

Through luck, I found this forum... and through my own stroke of confidence, I joined - even though I didn't know anyone here. Those who welcomed me with open arms, and those who have made the time I've had here enjoyable. I thank you all, for that was truly what made me stay here from the beginning.

My heart goes out to the people below, who made my time here at the moment as enjoyable as it could. I hope for our times to grow, friends!~



The one who knocks out all the others in a clear contest. You were, to say the least, the one to first welcome me to the DaD, this nice comfortable place, and also the first to start interacting with me. Three hours of endless spam. I will remember that day... heh.... But hey, I already mentioned the trip down Memory Lane. I don't want to go over that again. You are, to say the least, the most important, funny, and original person out of everyone else to me. What else can I say? You're great, you have the potential to do much with your life, grab it and take it up the head, budeh. I cross my fingers at this very moment, at the hope you'll be recognized as a bi-lingual character ^^.... Even though we have argued a few times, we must leave them behind us now. Let's look towards a bright future, and let fun cross our minds. You're like a brother to me, like I mentioned many times. But this time, I mean it. If you were here, I would give you the best hospitality I could. You're an amazing individual, you're smart, comical, and many other things which I can't fit into words. You deserve every single inch of fun you get here, DMX. My buddy, my friend.

I haven't told this to you yet. And no-one else, either. You are the sole reason and person who made me want to stay here from the beginning. You're the one who made that difference.

Matt Ishida:

Yup, you're my second most-important person. Maybe because me and you have talked quite a few times, and are getting to know one another better. I worry about you sometimes, you know? I chuckle when I hear you call yourself stubborn. But hey, let's just forget about worry for now, and let's replace the time of that with talking. If you were here right now, I'd give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. You're just so nice and you rarely get angry.... that's the attitude which I fond in some people. I don't see why some people get angry or such... but, when you do get angry, you have a good reason to. I see that... well, now. I don't know what much to say now... but... thank you, Yoosi-chan.

EDIT: And now... I'm at a confusion with myself of why I ever put you second.... *sighs deeply*


What can I say? You joined about a month after me, and I was the first to welcome and interact you in. After that, I guess our time grew with each other. You added me to MSN, and... well, I wasn't able to guess who that was at first. But, even through my nervousness, I added you. We talked.... and you seemed like a very cool, and a very ordinary guy. And I also met a WoW player, so I guess that was lucky as well. But, you are a great guy, Disturbed. You're calm, you shrug off seriousness and insults, and you become friends with people easily. I guess you've become the favourite of everyone in your time here. Heh. You even took me over, a thing which I knew you'd do for ages.... But this is not the time for that. You are like a brother as well to me.... I can just smile everytime I see you come online, and chuckle at some of your words.


The most emotional, and sensible of the entire lot. You take time with your messages, another thing I like more then anything. You're careful of emotions, you always know how to cheer others up. Yet, it's the opposite with you... which I hope to god flips around soon, you really do need a job worthy of your talents. Ack... It's taking me forever to find words to say.... you've helped me so much.... and yet.... I feel I haven't done much for you at all....


Yes! You come next on my list of people. Although sometimes, I can't understand some of your words... and totally that is out of your hand, I enjoy the times I talk to you. You're an individual who also makes me chuckle with some of your posts. I know this isn't longer then the others, but hey. I think I'm running out of words already.... but... hey, crossing my fingers that you can get broadband soon! X3

Crimson Fox:

You had to come next, buddy. No-one could deserve this space better then you. You're a great writer, and that, in itself, is impressive to me. Although our time has grown shorter in talking through the forum, and there's still that problem with your Yahoo... I hope our times grow longer and we can enjoy even more fun


Ah! Where would I be without the very person who welcomed me into the SDP. Although we don't talk to each other much, you're still someone who makes me laugh at the things you post up. You're serious at times, and you balance that with your jokes, which is what I like most about yah. Keep on rocking, and I hope to have fun with you once more like the old days. ^^

The Grim Pokepimp:

Ack... what can I say to you? You're one of the first who welcomed me as well and spammed with me in those old days. You never seem to be down at all! You're happy all the time, you never seem like something bad has happened. A truly great person to be friends with and know... heh... maybe one day I should decide to sneak out of the raining city and come to you. Heh.... maybe... *chuckles*

Gunter Vancrimson:

I don't know you much.... to be honest. But hey, you're an interesting individual as well, and you always seem to find the sun through the bleak clouds. Don't let that happy attitude go to waste, it truly makes you what you are... heh. Let's just hope now you can solve the internet problems you are having!


Holy snap, a shout-out comes fom me to you! XD Hey, you seem like an interesting person as well... dang, I just hope we can talk more, lawl...


A mention to you as well! You're an interesting one as well... heh. It'll be interesting to interact and talk to you more.


Giving you a quick shout-out won't hurt.... heh, you seem like a nice person, to be honest! I wouldn't mind at all chatting to you at any time~


Well... I'm currently now suffering from Writer's Block, and this just helped it A WHOLE LOT MORE. Lawl

And so I sign off this post. The Welshman, English, Welsh and German speaking Shindou Kyosan, bades you a good day! ^^

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  Great job Idiot
Posted by: aguy - 12-14-2006, 03:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (33)

My sister is such fucking dumbass. She has been leeching off of my mom, my future stepdad, my father, and quess who else that's right a fucking redneck. Yay my mom put her into one of the most prestigious prep schools in the south 2 years ago and this is what happens she ends up dating a fucking redneck who stole around 2000 dollars from us 4 years ago. Not only this, but she has been seeing him since collage began.

She has been asking my mother, who has been having some financial problems, for undeserved money(while she works at a hooters in downtown Atlanta). Mind you over the past summer she had around 6000 dollars from graduation gifts and working, yet she didn't pay off any of her debts nor did she save any. My mom could let that slide, you know she is teenager and she wants her to have a good collage experience meet a guy going somewhere. So my mom tries to help her out this year with some aid, getting her an internship for gatoraid in Britain, and even free housing while there. So how does she repay her. Returning 4 years ago to a redneck with two kids and who stole from our fucking family.
Why did you do it?
:dumb blonde voice: I don't know.
So while i had to work my ass over the summer to save up to pay off my car and be concerned with the financial situation of the family. You have been partying with a redneck
:dumb blonde voice: ya

God what do i have to do to make you actually think before you a) waste $6000 B) take money from my mom, C) fuck rednecks. God after all that has been given to her this is what it is shown as.

Sorry if this is a poorly written rant, but god i am pissed off.

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  Detective Osaka's Old Work
Posted by: Detective_Osaka - 12-14-2006, 07:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

I come up with another post to show you my work I have done in the past under Rikdo Osaka. These are my old fandubs that I have done ever seen i have started doing fandubs. I will also add the only AMV I have ever made since i lost my Conan one i did.


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  It's Unknown, Blue rover and aguy's birthday!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 12-14-2006, 06:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (39)

Tomorrow, THREE of our illustrious members are turning a year older. Unknown, Blue rover and aguy! Happy birthday, our astrological TRIPLETS!
I brought some gifts. As promised, for Unknown are some socks I wore for whole four days!
[Image: DirtySocks.jpg]
Oh, just kidding. Twisted But since you wear glasses, I brought you this for when you don't wanna look so intellectual:
[Image: possoms.jpg]

Blue, here is your gift:
[Image: Whatever-Floats_L.jpg]
Isn't it cute?
Happy birthday!!!!!!

PS And this is my 2000th post :P I guess I'll celebrate it other day.

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  FMA Christmas Tales (read by FMA characters)
Posted by: Detective_Osaka - 12-14-2006, 06:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

This is one of my best radioplays i have ever done.

Cast List:

DarkAstar .... Colonel Roy Mustang ("Twas the night before Christmas")

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