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  Got a summer job!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 12-28-2006, 10:21 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Yay me! This happened faster than I thought. Yesterday my uncle called saying he had decided to give me a job in his beach bar, to be one of the clerks, so I had to call there to ask for my other uncle working there. I got lucky and got immediate response to drop by at 9am at a city that's about a hundred kilometers away from mine, I travelled by bus, got there, and I was immediatly taught how to use the PCs to administrate bills, money's ins and outs, security codes and of course, how to use the credit card machines! Lol.

Now, according to my expectations and to what I've heard, I'll have a very good pay. Unfortunately, there comes the bad part.

I got to get up at 7:30am everyday to get a shower, have breakfast and go to catch the 8am bus to Carilo (The city where the bar is), when I get there, I stay till 5:30pm or maybe later, depends on the day. Then I'll catch the bus after I finish. Today was a 'slow' day: We've got over 4300 orders only, man, was I impressed at how tourists spend money. Anyhow, that'd be from today and on till half of Feb. I'm gonna miss all that time of being here with ya guys.

And to my RPG comrades: Sowy, but you'll have me fewer hours here, I'm sure you'll find a way to have fun!

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  Christmas gift to the DaD from a friend!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 12-25-2006, 01:29 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

In this epoch of the year, in which we show our love and care for others, I want to show all of you a pic I designed, and a very good friend of mine drew for the DaD especially for this time of the year.Sorry about this, but he's very discrete, none of you know him, but he's an user here and is the same one who did the birthday pic.

He's mostly embarrassed that he can't write english properly enough to come to the forums and post more instead of reading, but don't worry, I'll convince him of becoming a regular user, soon! Anyhow, this is for all of you, my friends. Especially someone I know will like it *Wink wink*

[Image: DotXmas1.jpg]

Dot wishes all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy prosperous New Year ;)

Even though the pic is mostly for males, I give you the best wishes from General Madariaga, Buenos Aires, Argentina; to you too, the beauties of the DaD: Zeph, Misty and Yoosei (Matt Ishida).

Merry Christmas all!

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Posted by: hochongs - 12-25-2006, 04:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

Poverty doesn't bring unhappiness; it brings degradation.

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  Happy Holidays!
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 12-25-2006, 12:08 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (49)

I just wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays, whether it be Christmas, Hanuka (sp? :( ) Kwanza, Yule, or any other Celebration I just hope it is an enjoyable day for you all!


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  Mind if I do a sports related rant in there?
Posted by: Princess Norika - 12-24-2006, 01:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Okay, if you'll let me, can I do a sports related rant?


Doesn't it just tick me off that in college sports (like the football and the hoops), only the top 25 teams can have numbers next to their names? In my opinion, that means something because the higher the number, the better the chance of your team going to the national championship game (at least in college football). But what if I'm a team that has no ranking number? Unless I beat them and better my BCS rating (btw, the BCS sucks!) I stink! Because my saying for the college football is:

"If you don't have a ranking number in front of your team name, you are nothing!"

Also, I'm starting to get a bit sick of that thing players do when their team wins a game. They pour the Gatorade over the winning coaches head. Just once, I'd like to put an end to that American sporting tradition (the getting the coach wet with sports drink bit, not the Gatorade).

Maybe I can be a cheerleader or a team mascot, and just before the end of the winning game for my team, I'll sneak out the back, swipe the Gatorade cooler and give it to some needy thirsty fans while the team and fans are celebrating.

PS. One more thing I'm starting to be weary of. Too much beer ads on NASCAR cars. Do you think they should diversify the sponsorships, so when I come from a NASCAR event, I won't feel the urge to down a Budweiser or a Coors Light in front of the couch?

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  R_S3's 1000 posts!
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 12-20-2006, 01:52 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

Hmm. It finnaly came. And at night too, i'm never on at night!

Ok, here's the deal. I'm not going to do a single shout-out. That is until you have posted here.

I figure, that if you care enough to leave a post, then you deserve a mention. I will be sure to tell you all why you have made a difference in my life as you post, and don't worry about the people who aren't on anymore. (I will take that into consideration in a bit.)

I may need lessons from LG on how to type long and meaningful posts...

Also, the order of the said shout-outs will be given in the same order as the posts.

Yay for the 1000 posts for Renamon_S3!

P.S. The poll is a joke...

And here we go:

aguy: Well well, my first poster. Glad you made it here, and I am certainly glad that we have started talking more. Hugs from dudes don't scare me, and you better get up here in the 1000 club soon!

mistysilverdragoness: Ah, indeed a truely nice person. At least that is how you come across to me. (As with everyone else i'm sure. Wink ) I have only recently started talking with you aswell, and I am glad that I have. I invite you to join me in building a good internet friendship!

Disturbed: Your name says it all. Just kidding bud. I enjoy poping into the spam section with you and Kyo from time to time! You do seem like a person who has his heart where it counts. I like that in people.

Shindou Kyosan: One of the first people that I have talked to here. Thanks to you, and a few others, I decided to stay and see what this crazy place had to offer. I am very glad that I did, and I thank you.

DragonMasterX: I do so enjoy your posts. You fall under "and a few others" in Kyo's shout-out. *Snaps his fingers and sends all of the furries back to DMX* Here ya go bud, you deserve them more than me. You are too original for cake.

blueeyedgabulvo0o: I will be here as long as I can because you and everyone else here have made a difference in my life. I truely mean that. And thanks for the compliment, but you definately make the most meaningful posts. Everything that you type seems to jump off of the screen and scream emotion. Thanks, you do a very big part to make this oasis enjoyable to me.

Wisemon: Heh. That does mean a lot comming from you. I do repect you a lot, even though I can't really agree with you on much of anything. I like having a good balance of all things in life, and your blunt, sometimes angering ideas of life provide some very needed balance. I am very glad to join the likes of you, in the 1000 post club.

Crimson Fox: I wonder who else falls into "and a few others" in Kyo's shout-out. Take a guess Crimson! ... No, not Pee Wee Herman... Yes, you! Watch out, your soon to be 5000 posts will soon clutter Laboratory #13.

amaterasu: So, amat joins us aswell. Hey, thanks! Those 2300+ posts are pretty nice too.

Gunter VanCrimson: Heh, Gunter my bud... Normally I wouldn't say yes, but it is the thought that counts.. Have fun! Glad to see that you are able to post again! You are very good at catching my attention and causing me to smile!

Zephyr of Darkness: Heh heh, of course I wouln't forget you! I figured that that would be a darn good quote to remember. I'm glad to see that you left a post here, and you most certainly deserve a shout-out from myself. Your new name seems to show to me that you are feeling well, and/or that you have accomplished something great. I bet I will find out soon!

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  PC crybabies
Posted by: cboy - 12-20-2006, 07:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (52)

With Christmas near, I'm seeing news stories about certain things being either banned or discouraged because people might be "offended" and it just annoys me at how whiny some people are.

I caught this one story about a bus driver who almost lost his job for wearing a Santa hat because the parents of a student who didn't believe in Santa complained. Come on, people; this is ridiculous. My belief in Santa has waivered over the years, yet I don't move to keep those who still do from expressing it.

Here's another story from Canada about a Christmas tree ordered removed by a judge because it's not an appropriate symbol for non-Christians:

These are only the tip of the iceberg; Christmas carols have been banned in several schools in New York, a school in Washington State has banned the play "A Christmas Carol", a parade in Denver refused to allow a Churh to have a float in it (though it allowed an Indian homosexual support group to participate) and even the Nativity Scene is being suppressed (though the Islamic symbol of a menorah and star and crescent is allowed) .

Is this what the world's coming to; a place where one person's disbelief in Santa Claus can cost someone his job? Where Christmas symbols that have been around for years can be suppressed so that people who practice other religions don't get upset (What makes other religions so special anyway?)? Where does it say that people have the right to ban things they find offensive? Where does it say we have to take away the rights of hundreds just to satisfy one person or one group of people?

This stuff is utterly ridiculous. These people who are throwing a fit over things they don't like and trying to ban them need to grow up.

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  my birthday!
Posted by: Humon - 12-19-2006, 08:11 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

it is going to be my birthday on monday the 25th ^_^ yay!

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  I have some horrible news.. *looks down in sadness*
Posted by: Misty - 12-19-2006, 12:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (37)

Hey everyone. * heavily sighs* I have some bad news for everyone. I may have to leave for a while again. My mom took my internet out last night and said I won

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  I have some horrible news.. *looks down in sadness*
Posted by: Misty - 12-19-2006, 12:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Hey everyone. * heavily sighs* I have some bad news for everyone. I may have to leave for a while again. My mom took my internet out last night and said I won

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