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  Happy birthday Mute Point! <3
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 09-01-2010, 12:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

I hope you spend this day with all your loved ones and by the end of it the succeeding events become more and more perveted until they involve pie-covered bikini catfights. Until then, be safe and eat lots of cake! :3

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  A View on TCU Greek Life
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 08-29-2010, 08:48 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

The following is from an iReport I uploaded on

iReport —
This is swmustang91 again with another iReport, the date is 28 August 2010 and I welcome all readers to another exposé of college life at Texas Christian University. Be advised, I'm not defaming the college, in name or as insult. It is just commentary vérité of what I see. I'm not articulate a bias or sugarcoating to my own accord, no I'm just telling it how it is. It not a bias or a slander of a university, I'm just saying it out here bluntly so I would get V. J. Boschini giving me a notice or something. This is just commentary, no add-ins or bias.
I'm glad I clear that little situation about. Now, for this iReport I want to talk about Greek Life here in Texas Christian University. Fraternities and Sororities are some two words that invoke a sense of reverence here on the Texas Christian University. But for having a revered honor, there are some cons that are worth mentioning about this illustrious group.

The week before the commencement of fall semester and the first, is the beginning of "rushing", or the attempt by freshman to seek an invitation into a fraternity or a sorority. It might looks easy as it sounds, but it’s a long road just to receive the coveted invitation. First, a prospective freshman must register online for "recruitment registration". Here is the list of requirements required online for registration:
*Student ID number
*Number of students in graduating class
*High school/and or college grade point average
*Any "legacy" information (college attended, etc...)
*self picture.
Was that all....No, I forget one more registration requirement: $100 Registration Fee. You heard that right ladies and gentlemen, a $100 Registration Fee. So, even if you do register your intent to participate in recruitment of a fraternity or sorority, you wouldn't know your chances. It’s like a 50/50 chance somewhat I guess. I still do not understand what is with the registration fee that it is explicitly stated on the site. Wouldn't make sense, if there was a free recruitment for all freshmen, and if they made the fraternity or sorority they'll pay their annual dues (fees). In my own judgment of this, that it doesn’t seem right to pay for something you wouldn't be a part of.

Also, I wish to mention about the Greek organziations in general. I do not understand how revered groups such as IHC or PHC uphold principles of lofty ideals, scholastic achievment, and respect of one's human, but do not undertake them in a daily bases. That last one "respect of one's human", is something I should really mention here. I do not understand, how they parties at last hours evening all the way till 1 or 2 in the morning, and not care of the other residence halls or neighboorhood surrounding their houses. Is that "respect of one's human"? Is that respecting another human I ask you? How is that students in Greek organizations walk in the public-eye with the "holier than though" attitude, and see non-Greeks as subservient and inferior. Is this "respect of one's human". I say not. Instead of just having their own parties for themselves, and have campus unity socials or something along those lines. I do not understand, how they have their own houses and live the untouchable style of living. Also, I've notice that the majority of recurits for Greek "rushing" are upper-class White students. I'm unsure, if its a fear being inferior or subservient to White students, that minority students do not wish to sign for Greek "rushing"--or its the application fee or financial reason. How is fraternity, or brotherhood, when it is just a homogenous organization laking a spectrum of diversity? That is what I ask. I ask myself something each night: How in this day and age, is pseduo-like segregation still exist in Greek "rushing"? Solutions for this situation is simple: (1)Promote more diverse Greek organizations within the TCU campus; do not present a homogenous view of fraternities or sororities(2)Make the registration to sign-up for recuritment at no cost to students(3)Lower the costs of fraternity and sorority annual dues based on financial situation of students(4)Foster a relationship between Greek organizations and students; promote socials, activites, etc.
With all of these solutions, TCU greek organizations would be more diversed and not seen as a homogenous body on campus


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  Site needs your money!
Posted by: senjuro - 08-27-2010, 11:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Hey all.

We're still $10 in the red for this month, and with September's start looming over us, that means we need $40 in pretty short order. If the site's funding were something I could handle, I'd already be doing it. But between car payments, other bills, loan payments and now school tuition, I'm totally financially tapped. I also had to quit my job so I could afford to go back to school.

If you can donate ANYTHING via Paypal, please do so at our Paypal address: Even $5 goes a long way to keep the site and forum up and running.

As usual, if you have any questions about the setup/use of your Paypal account, feel free to contact me on yim (SN: senjuromon) or via PM here on the forum.


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  college life expose
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 08-25-2010, 03:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

I do believe that I fucking hate this university that I attend. The school is made of a bunch of upper class White students--who come from trust fund or who really pay the whole costs of the entire 4 yrs. There isnt that much diversity(I'm speaking the fucking truth on this one everyone). Its like 95.5% white in my classes. Mostly everyone here thinks there shit dont stink; a "I'm better than you, because I have more fucking money and you better get the fuck out of way...." attidude. Its quite a shame, really since the end of Civil Rights era of the 1950s, 60s, 70s, that this school hasn't open the flood gates of diversity. It still has somewhat of a faux feeling of the segregation. And other thing I would like to mention on this expose of this school is the Greek life. Sorrorities and Frats, you know. Its just a bunch of upper class arrogant shitfaces that exert somewhat of a dominance. I hate when people fucking ask me to "..rush." I wouldnt fucking surround myself with a bunch of arrogant motherfuckers. What is the point of a fucking frat or sortority. I know its just a brotherhood or a sisterhood, but is the real fucking point of. I mean if it really where a "brotherhood" or a "sisterhood", you wouldnt charge outlandish charges just be a member. What is with the outlandish charages? I do not know, I do not give a fuck about that right now. I believe that this school is still frozen in time. Instead of it being the year 2010, its really the year 1950 on this campus. It fails to open a torrent of diversity. I do not really a place where its not a melting pot, you do not stick amongst a crowd of people on a daily basis or get looked at. I have met some people: some arrogant, some not so arrogant. Its somewhat of a mix. I had been snubbed at least twice already. First this chick I was talking to converse with, was like a bitch to me. I didnt get what her problem, I guess she doesnt like Hispanics or something. Second, I was walking down my hallway in my residence hall and I see this white kid talking with another kid. I heard him mention that my room had a bunch of "poor people in there." Wait a fucking minute! Actually not everyone in there is poor. I do not consider myself "poor" in the context that little cracker ass said, but I consider myself lower class. I do not know who told him his "fact", but I did wanted to beat that little twit with my brown fist on his face. I just kept my cool, and just went back to my room. This all I have to say, about my days so far in college life. I'll continue to report more details in this expose'. Its 1230 in the fucking morning. I need some fucking sleep now.

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  2012 - Your thoughts.
Posted by: 'Cole' Train - 08-24-2010, 12:16 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

There are many different queries about the mysterious date of 2012. Is it a date of some significance? Or is it just another day where nothing will happen?

One hypothesis suggests that the end of the world will be due to a magnetic shift. People say that this magnetic distortion would make our planets defenses weaker thus exposing the planet to harmful radiation. However, this process is a very long and drawn out one. It could take up to 5000 years. So the initial effects would kick in in about 1000-2000 years which totally disproves that hypothesis for ''2012''

Another Hypothesis suggests that this planet will become unstable and will react violently, causing Tornadoes, Tidal Waves, Earthquakes and Havoc of epic proportions. However, there is little scientific proof to prove this. And surely, if the planet were becoming unstable, disasters would be occuring all the time? The date of December 21st/23rd should hold no significance if this is the case. Were the Mayans crazy tibal people who believed that the end of the world would be on an exact date.

The Mayans said that this certain date would be the end of an age, and the start of a new one. ''The End of the world as we know it'' might *Suggest* an apocolypse but is that the only way it can be taken. The world as we know it might end because the planet may change. As they say, an end is simply a new beginning .

What are your thoughts on this whole apocolyptic fiasco?

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  Moving to California
Posted by: Yumi - 08-24-2010, 09:22 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

In four years time I am going to move to California after my sister moves there.

I'll be living 20 mins away from Disney Land :D and I'll be living with my sister and her boyfriend.

I have to go to University, first I need to find one that does Catering in it

Any advice I need when I move there?

Any thing I should now about when I get there?

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  gonna be gone for god knows how long
Posted by: Shadowknight - 08-17-2010, 08:03 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Well the power chord for my labtop, which has been testy for the past few months, finally went FUBAR (fucked up beyond all repair) so unfortunately until I can get it replaced I'm gonna be without a computer since this thing fries through power like no one's business.

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  To our lovable red dino-
Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 08-16-2010, 12:55 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)


You're a big mon now, so I got you a big mon gift! Your very own RED ROCKET!!

*Curtains open to reveal a bright red rocket ship, similar to a convertible, plus a helmet* I hope you have a great one, GMSG!

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  Rest In Peace, Pocket Hero
Posted by: Bee - 08-14-2010, 03:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

The T-Mobile Sidekick(Hiptop outside the U.S.) is no more.

I know many of y'all might not know what a Sidekick is, or even care, but it means a lot to me. If it weren't for my first Sidekick Slide three years ago, I never would've gotten here, never would have met any of y'all, never would have made friends with many.

I'm bummed. I love my Sidekick(I'm on it now, have been for the past...oh...three years? XD), I loved the two Sidekicks I had before it. These things are great.

So, take a moment to remember the ending of an Era. The little pocket hero that saved your day from boredom.

....I hope like Hell T-Mobile comes out with a new one. What will I get when my contract's up?!

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  Starting College Soon!!!
Posted by: Yumi - 08-12-2010, 11:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

I'm starting College soon and I can't wait!

I am starting next month but first I have these two things to do

1) Get exam results- ive probably failied, the exam was too stressy

2) Enrole for College - that is going to be easy

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