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  I need to quit
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 09-12-2010, 12:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Has anyone ever tried the electronic cig to help them quit smoking? I really need to quit because I just don't have the money for it anymore. I've tried many times but i'm so damned addicted I guess. Also, my wife will be quitting with me. (Making her lol) So, if anyone has any info on that thing, please let me know if it's worth it or not!

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Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 09-11-2010, 06:26 PM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

I feel like I'm snubbed by someone I thought was a friend to me--and a brother. I do not think that much now.

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  The software programmers
Posted by: Lost - 09-10-2010, 12:46 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Last week, I was assigned as a 3D animator for the programmers. This week, I went to them to find out what it is they wanted and take a look at the document they WERE SUPPOSED TO have. They had no document. To make matters worse, they tried to get me to change my job from 3D animator to 3D modeler. This IS a big issue, people.

First off, a document detailing the game is very, VERY important. It is the Bible where all the information is contained. Once it's finalized, it is the foundation. It is everything. If the document is shitty, the project will turn out the same. If there is NO document, you're looking at a Duke Nukem Forever.

As it turns out, the programmers are all working on different projects for different things. It's something they do every year. About 100% of the projects fail due to piss-poor planning. You'd think I would have learned by now.

Anyways, I got into an argument with one of the programmers because he was trying to get me reassigned to do the 3D modeling job. After class ended, I went to the teacher spearheading the project and I told him that the group has to get their shit together. I told him that I wasn't going to step out of my position I was hired for to write a document or lead the project or model for them, something I was very prone to do in the past when I was actually a core member of the game projects. This time, I was demonstrating a lot of restraint and drawing a clear line of death in the sand. I told them that I'm not here to lead the project, or write their document, or create 3D models. I'm there to animate for them.

I gave him an ultimatum. I told him that I would give him and the programmers 3 weeks to make a document and an asset list detailing what needed to be done. If they didn't follow through, I will quit the project.

It's not like they have much of a choice in artists, anyways. My generation of artists at that school are close to or already graduated. We were the closest ones to the programmers, and that foundation is rocky at best. The next generation are mostly mooks who dick around most of the time and don't seem to want to put in any real effort into anything. Once my generation is gone, the groups will have to start from scratch, and they won't have the Anthony, Simms, or Lost there to unite the two again. And this is the exact thing that Simms was trying to prevent all of last year.

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  Chess Game of the Year
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 09-08-2010, 11:57 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

My friend and I, as well as over 20,000+ people(my friend's estimate) are competing in "the RAW Chess Challenge" against the #1 chess player in the world, Magnus Carlsen. Three Chess grandmasters will be competing live at the Cooper Square Hotel in New York City, and would be suggesting moves for the "World"(everyone else...) to vote for.

So in short, its a big ass chess match against the #1 chess player in the face of the Earth. If we wip this guy's ass, it would be a badass thing to do. My friend says that there is a 5% chance that we can beat Carlsen. 5%. If you want to join in on this challenege--or see the live webcast the link is provided below. The event is this Friday September 10 at 12:00 pm(United States eastern time). Wish me and my friend luck on Friday. We are going to need it.

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  I don't think I can take much more of this...
Posted by: Bee - 09-08-2010, 07:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

My sister-in-law is at it again.

I quit working for her psychotic ass, and she didn't take it well.

To quote the texts she has been sending me:

- Fwd: i dont just care about money, this is buisness, im not like you and your dad. i like having nice things and not living in trash and cat shit. that takes

- Fwd: money. i forked up the money to loan you for that gun, now you can either fork it out, or tough it up and work it off like our deal was. i will not wai

- Fwd: t for you to try to find a job. because i know it wont happen, and i know you and wes are not good on your word. i expect either the by friday, or you

- Fwd: to decide to work it off.

- Fwd: i will pick up the gun, the reciept, chads power cord, my dog cable and bowls later today. if you do not give me the gun then i will call the sherriff f

- Fwd: or theft.

- Fwd: it may be registered in your name, but i bought it. and i will get it, or my money. now. our deal was for you to work it off. that isnt happening. so i

- Fwd: want it back


First off, she bought that rifle for me AS A GIFT. And it is registered in MY name, not hers. If the ATF runs the serial number, it would come back as MINE.

At this point I was sick and tired of her harassing me, so I loaded everything into my dad's truck, drove down there, and dumped it on her lawn.

Then I got these:

- Fwd: that gun is fucked because of what you did. you still owe me $130

- Fwd: chad, i and kirk will be down there later. be prepared, this shit isnt going to happen. you are fucked

- Fwd: and fuck your 5 hrs. you didnt work no 5 hrs


I worked 5 hours, I know full well I did, I didn't spend last Friday and Saturday at home on my ass. Not only that, she's threatening using my brother and the landlord as her personal army.

What the fuck?!

She got her shit back, she needs to leave me the fuck alone! And what great faith she has in me on me finding a REAL job. And she's threatening to come over here.

I need to know what to do. Should I call the cops? I'm so stressed out right now I can't think straight. She threatened to call the cops on me because she gave me a rifle and she wants it back. I gave it back, and now she wants $130!

Jesus fucking christ...I can't take this shit much longer...

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  We need more Writers.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 09-07-2010, 11:48 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

I've noticed this for some time, I guess only now since there are only three (roughly) active RPs for me to check every day and now I've arguably more time to jump-browse our art-related pads.

Guess the "ppl" part of the decline in written stuff has been overshadowed by the fact that, recently, Lost and I (With me taking requests) have been prominently coming up with new material roughly twice a week. But I still don't like it that the DaD only has two people interested in spamming the section with their work.

Guys, really, let's give a jump to our activity. I can't really speak for everyone's tastes, but even if Lost or I don't directly match your tastes, we would all appreciate discussion and/or comments. I'm a victim of the "read & drop" thing too and I admit it, but I wanna change that. Even if a piece of literature takes a lot longer to appraise than simply oogling over a picture and saying "ooh, sexy. Me likes" that same kind comment would make a writer like me enjoy writing more than I already do.

Next, why isn't everyone else submitting anything? Surely there are short-stories, lemons or original, poems, ideas, landscape descriptions, character profiles, etcetera that your mind has produced. Why don't you share that in the Author's Den and give us more stuff to talk about daily?

It's kinda boring to just get Crimson's comments (No offense to him, he makes me laugh) and the requesters' thank you. I'm sure there's some sorta side-comment you'd like to add, we all have our different opinions. Why don't you share 'em?

Seriously, doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes this place feels less like a community and a cluster of 'lil individualized groups. We need more activity!

Oh, and don't take any offense people at RPs or Digimon Chat. I actually like talking about Xros, makes it feel like we're still alive.

Anyway, discuss.


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  Can you believe it!
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 09-03-2010, 02:34 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

This quad-room I', sharing if just ended being a quad room. This notice going around on email was sent to some people with quad-spaces. I was suprised that 2 of my roommates, got the fuck out of Dodge in less than 50 minutes. To you all the fucking truth, I hated those guys. I was getting tired of the late nights they had for the past 1 1/2 week already with them. I had been drinking Monsters to make me "forget" they were there, to keep me up to study. It was like drinking my problems away, which sort of did. They brought this chick, who I do not know that much about her, and would just distract my ass from studying. Also, last Friday-Saturday early morning(1:30-2 am) there was somewhat of 3-way or close it in my room. This one dude who doesn't even talk to that much to them, jump the fuck out of the top bunk when he saw the shifting from the bottom. Finally, I had this room sort of to myself I guess for a while now. I do not know, if I will move or not.

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  Happy Birthday Senjuro!
Posted by: Bee - 09-02-2010, 02:33 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Today's the day for the Man who keeps this entire site running!

Happy birthday Senjuro!

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  Okay I'm really angry now
Posted by: Lord Patamon - 09-01-2010, 07:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

If you saw Lost's thread, you sure have read he got trolled and flagged on Sofurry for drawing lolicon pictures right? Well he isn't the only one being harassed for that, I got attacked too and even got accused of being pedophile but in my case it was because of a lemon I did wrote..... 7 years ago!

You see that lemon was the first lemon I wrote. At that time I wrote it, I was member on the now dead forum a guy named Hybrid Halogen had as part of his website plus I barely had registered as member here as well and was during Digimon Hentai Zone's first steps.

Anyhow, I wrote that lemon to try my hand at writing hentai, I did chosed one episode of 02 which was the episode The Good, The Bad and The Digi, and the pairings Takari and PataGato, this was because as you know, on that episode TK and Kari didn't responded to Sora's call for help due to their D-Terminals being in sleep mode (along with TK and Patamon sleeping too XD). So since the four of them were on the real world they had a day off, so I decided to write the lemon, take it as an what if thing.

Anyhow, the thing is that obviously on my rush to write I forgot the detail that TK and Kari were underage, they were 12 years old going with the US dub. I really didn't had problems with it, well just a little debate on Hybrid Halogen's forum but nothing too serious and didn't lasted much (I had posted it first there), later on I submitted it to DHZ and here, Soni at DHZ even gave it a 7.9 on his scale that even surprised me. I thought I would get no more than a 5 since besides that it wasn't a good lemon, my grammar at that time sucked worse than it does currently.

So time passed and no one complained, I even posted it at and got good reviews on it, just two but well reviews are reviews. But now 7 years later this guy at forum on started to attack me about it, acusing (sp?) me that I'm a pedophile, attacking me because I put Patamon with a 9 inches long dick and so on.

I know I exaggerated on Patamon's lenght but hey, they're digimon, they're data so no logical rules apply in hentai :P

That and as I said before it was my first attempt at hentai so sue me for writing the first thing that came to my mind :P

That didn't really got me, what did got me is the fact that I'm being accused of being pedophile when that isn't true. Also in that lemon I didn't even put ages. True I used a 02 episode, but it is enough with simply think they're older enough to have sex and problem solved.

But this guy seems to be of the kind that if someone goes against his views he will take them down, he kinda confessed it himself in a indirect way because he said he took down some nerds because they didn't thought Jason Todd was a total failure as a Robin so and in his own words he had to do what he had to do.

Here is the topic if you want to read it:

The attack starts from post 71 and onwards. I'm glad I had two good friends standing up for me and helping me with this guy but not matter what we tell him, he doesn't gives up. :s

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  E621 is gonzo!
Posted by: Lost - 09-01-2010, 04:47 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I don't fucking believe it! At some point the past few days, E621 shut themselves down with this message.

Thanks to numerous threats to our host, false claims of illegal content, harassment and a few things that are much worse, e621 is being closed down permanently. It's been fun running it. If you're looking for an alternative, try or something. If you want to come in and bitch at us, #e621 on will be a place you can do that. Or you can yell at me on twitter, or just email admin[at] and scream at me. Whatever.

And to all those who have lied and threatened and caused problems, well, congratulations. You got what you wanted I suppose. One site down, only about, what, fifty thousand left to go?

-- Arcturus

I don't know what has been happening the past year, but it seems like there has been an explosion of trolls flooding every website, especially Youtube and Danbooru-type sites like E621 and trying to rip them down through underhanded tactics and false reporting. We see this on Youtube where people will flag videos under false pretenses and forcefully get them deleted from the site (Which is easy, considering that Youtube is 95% automated). Dasboschitt has experienced this with Gmod Idiot Box 9, and that's just one of thousands of cases. On SoFurry, I'm getting trolled by one guy who flags me for posting drawn pictures of lolicon, which is considered appropriate by SF's rules.

Seriously, what the hell is going on? Is the US going so far south that more people now have nothing to do but fling shit everywhere? We can't let these assholes get away with stripping away the few things that are actually GOOD on the internet!

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