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  Something We Have All Wanted To Do For A Long Time!
Posted by: Adym - 08-12-2010, 12:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)


This is going to the top of my favorites list!

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Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 08-11-2010, 05:54 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Guys, unless something with the bank happened, my father just screwed my mother over leaving her nothing. I might be gone for tthe next few weeks depending on how this plays out. if he did do it then we're gonna live with him while my mother lives in arizona. any support right now is aopprecciated.

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  Passing it down the grapevine.
Posted by: Bee - 08-06-2010, 12:58 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Altima(a former member here, some of you will remember him) has just gotten back in touch with me.

Quote:Hey sable. I got a new laptop. No internet tho but that will be fixed soon. Mind doing me a favor? Can you post on the DaD that ill be back soon?

And also if you or someone would like something written ill give it a shot. I wanna get back to writing and idk where to start. Need some inspiration.

Ripped straight from his texts to me, word for word. You heard it here first. He's coming back, and he's looking for story inspiration. Give him time to show up first before bombarding him with requests though.

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  Agh! Need Advice! Help!
Posted by: Adym - 08-06-2010, 04:12 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

Hey guys,

More complaints about my life, which just got a lot more complicated. So it all starts on Tuesday, August 3rd. My father came to me and told me that I need to get more friends. He thinks that since I don't have people that I can get together with at any point of the day, I don't have friends. I have friends that if I have a problem, I can go to them about it. Not if I have a passive want to be around somebody, they will come running over. That is what I consider friends. But he says, and I quote: "If you don't get more friends, you are going to look back on your life and cry!"

So that was incredibly un-encouraging. Then on Wednesday, August 4th, my cousin, who is practically my brother, so he will take the name Hapi, has an "emergency". So I literally ran three miles to his house, because the car wouldn't start. When I get there, it finds out that he just wanted to hang out. So I stuck around to hang out, until about two in the morning, today. So he says that I should just stay the night. So around three this morning, I'm about to fall asleep when he says this:

Me: Goodnight, Hapi

Hapi: Dude, you know your friend, Khaybat?

Me: Yeah, what about her?

Hapi: I was texting her the other day, she told me that she wants you and that she was gonna e-mail you a bunch of nude pics to prove it.

Me:*sits up, alarmed* What?! Your full of shit!

Hapi: Go check your e-mail.

So I go to check it out knowing the pics won't be there. They weren't. So I go back and tell him, so he starts texting her and asks her this Question:

Hapi's text: Did you send Dua those nude pics of yourself?

Khaybat's text: No I haven't got a chance yet, I'm camping. I have to go, but I will send them on Monday when I get back.

So now I'm conflicted. If I have sex with Khaybat, the friendship that I have with her, the one that I have come to cherish, will be changed forever. Further more, she is one of those girls that hates all of her ex's, so if I mess up, I lose her forever. She is one of my best friends and I have never thought of her romantically, but I guess that i could work. But I really don't want to jeopardize our friendship. I also don't want to disappoint her.

Once next Monday rolls around, It is only a matter of time before I am faced with this choice.

What should I do? Please, please reply!!

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Posted by: Asmodeus - 08-03-2010, 12:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Its perfect timing that as soon as my uni holidays are over... I have this huge art block.... guhh....

inspire me? :P

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  Away Time!
Posted by: Gol22 - 08-03-2010, 09:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

From the 3rd to the 6th of August, I will be away camping with some friends!

No internet for 3 day! :o

Won't be in contact for awhile so I will return maybe in the afternoon or at night on the 6th.

See you all later till then!

- Goliath/Gol (Hank)

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  DaD needs your money
Posted by: senjuro - 08-02-2010, 10:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Site needs money, again. We're sitting at $8. Need at least $22 more for the month of August. Even $5 donations really help a lot.

Send it off via Paypal to


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  Fuck it!
Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 08-01-2010, 11:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I'm done with my life, if any one wants it then take it. All I hear are my brothers nagging attitudes and my mom nagging me about homework, while its fucking summer. The only thing I get thats relatively close to peace is when I pass out from exauhstion some time 12 hours after I wake up. My grandmother naggs me to go to sleep around three or four in the morning when Im with my father. and to top it all off right now he's been out for about 13 hours after saying he'd be home in a FEW hours. gah!!! If you read all that then thanks.

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  My cat is a champ!!!
Posted by: Adym - 08-01-2010, 12:25 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

Hey guys,

I've noticed that there have been a couple new cats adopted by different members of the forum, so I thought I would tell you all this tale. My family just decided that we needed a dog. Ugh... I'm a cat person. So here's what went down. The dog is twice the size of my cat. But my cat is a champ!

The dog comes in and my cat instantly goes for it. He gets down low right in front of the dog and starts growling. I didn't know my cat could growl, but apparently he can. So the dog goes to hide behind the remainder of the family, while I go hug my kitty. So he instantly gets all happy and starts purring the moment I touch him. But as soon as the dog came around, he was back on the offensive. He starts growling and swiping at the dog again, but then he decided to make peace not war. So now he lets the dog walk around, but it's hilarious that he can intimidate this dog!

I just thought this was funny, so I posted it up here.

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  Bloody Pain!!
Posted by: Yumi - 07-30-2010, 07:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

Here is something I'm going to put but I don't care even if its personal I need help badly!

Last night I was up all night trying to get to sleep but I couldn't and there is only one reason for it, my period's have become even worse!

From the minute I got home from my sisters work's at 10 o'clock I was in constant pain. She got me a hot water bottle and a flannel for my head as I was sweating a lot even though it was cold in the room for my sister and her boyfriend. When it turned 12 - 1am it had got even worse, I started to be sick a lot in an hour. After that I kept getting worse pains until 6 o'clock where I only got 30 mins sleep then got woken up again by more pain.

I have tried everything, I've been to the doctors they have been given me the strongest tablets I can take any my only other option is for me to go on 'the pill' but I'm worried that something bad will happen if I take it as when my sister took it 2 years ago she had a very bad reaction.

Does anyone know what is the best thing to do? I hate this pain and I want to get rid of it asap

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