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  Site needs money, still.
Posted by: senjuro - 11-29-2010, 03:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

We're $17 short for this week and to make December's payment on time, we'll need another $30 for Wednesday.

Dig deep, folks!

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  Guess who's getting BOOBIES today! :3
Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 11-28-2010, 01:38 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

My big, macho, muscular, studly, awesome, sexy, herculean, titanic, supremely well-endowed, powerful, world devouring and blue Boss (known to everyone else as plain old Awesome McStudlypants Mar or DragonMasterX) is!!

*Dumps a whole warehouse full of trim, busty, big-butted babes on Mar, followed by Mt. Everest disguised (badly) as a birthday cake.*

Happy 21rst, Boss!! X3

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  I Am A Ball of Rage. Ask Me Anything.
Posted by: The Infamous Boss Reo - 11-26-2010, 07:13 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (54)

Anything at all.

I am here to instill wisdom. Raging wisdom.

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  Let's celebrate Thanksgiving!
Posted by: tigerlily - 11-26-2010, 04:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Happy Thanksgiving! Everyone, I hope you all enjoy the food with your friends, family, and even your special love ones! As a dinner for you people shall I may present...

*Paints a huge turkey as huge King Arthur's table*

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  Not just for swimming?
Posted by: UnknownH - 11-11-2010, 02:21 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)
Yeah. I'm sure they are.

And this post is not as almost insulting as that post. heh heh

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Posted by: Adym - 11-04-2010, 08:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Does anybody else have one?


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  DVD Writing Problem.
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 11-03-2010, 10:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

Been trying to search for a solution for a good three hours now and all I get are inconclussive threads with people going back and forth whining about the same problem and no solution. That or I'm too blind/lazy to understand what I gotta do.

Here's the problem. Few days ago I got DVD Descrypter, a DVD burning program as far as I've been led to believe.

So, using this program, I successfully and flawlessly burnt an image using the ISO -> Write action on a fresh DVD. Everything's cool.

Today, I tried doing the same, but before I could even begin writing, the DVD I put in, which was bought in the same bundle of the first one (Which burnt successfully), is, in the program's eyes "Not Empty".

So I went to try with another DVD, then another and another. All of them were "Not Empty" despite each and every god-forsaken time they were freshly bought DVDs. I don't believe in coincidences.

No, I didn't buy half a dozen DVDs and only one happened to be good.

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling DVD Descrypter, got the same response. Restarted my PC after uninstalling again and reinstalled it once more. I put in one of the DVDs and my PC finally recognized the media, and DVD Decrypter finally allowed me to burn another image.

However, when I tried to burn yet a new one again, the same "Disc Not Empty" problem started happening all over again. -_-

The problem clearly isn't my DVDs, but either the program or my drive.

I got rid of DVD Decrypter and downloaded BlindWrite, tried with it, but it says: "Media is too small" which is bullshit because it's a 4.7 GB DVD and the image is only 2.30 GB heavy.

From this I conclude that there's no conclussion.

In other words, I'm friggin' lost here, I need help with locating and treating the problem. Could anyone offer advice? I wanna know what's happening here, I wanna be able to burn images again without having to resort to luck. <_<

And please, do not advice me to buy new or different DVDs. I've already established that the problem isn't the DVDs as I could (For some lucky reason) burn a second image after reinstalling and restarting many times.

Help D:

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  post-con depression
Posted by: turbocarl - 11-01-2010, 01:55 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I'm just back from FurFright, the convention was awesome as usual, but now I'm back to my place and got school tomorrow at 8am, it sucks big time cause except of my furry friends nobody knows about the furry fandom around here, and the non furries that knows about it are judging it... badly(damns otakus...), so I don't have anybody to talk about how awesome was the weekend, how cool were the people I've met and how much I cant wait till I get my fursuit^^'

anyway, had a great time, can't wait to go back to other consmrgreen

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  Back to say Hi, among other things.
Posted by: Altima - 10-31-2010, 11:22 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

guess who's back.

Yey, that one dragon that did terribly naughty things has resurfaced on the net.

I appologize to those whos existence was enlightened and subsequently shattered upon my various dissappearances. And to those who didn't care, or even notice, well then SCREW YO-nah just kidding.

I went AWOL over the past year and a half because I finally opened the door to my room, and took a step outside. What I witnessed was magnificent. The sounds of the wind blowing through the thousand upon thousand green foliage, the chirping of the birds was beautiful. Oh, and the women. such exquisitely delicate, fair skin, their flowing hair, and the ample breas-you guys get the point... >_> *cough cough, repositioning in chair*

anyways, I basically got off the net, found a job, and also found a girlfriend(and a beauty at that :P). I've actually improved, and matured quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, I'm still the ingenious, horny bastard I am, but I have more self control than ever before. I've gone to the gym, lost 45 pounds. Basically I've been living a good life.

I'm probably not going to be on the net as much, so this may or may not be my final farewell, due to rather fortunate(unfortunate to some, however) events.

The first being that I am being promoted to supervisor at my workplace. Yay promotions.

The second being I semi-have my own place.

And the third.... My girlfriend is 6 weeks pregnant. ^_^

Yes, we are both happy with the situation. our folks, and most of our friends/coworkers are happy, too. Only complainers were my mom(if only for a moment), and a few sourpusses at work.

Anyways, I hope all of y'all are doing well, both old friends, and newcomers alike. Tommorrow(or today for some) is halloween, so I wish al of y'all a happy trick'r'treating. I'd have pictures of me and other shit to share with everyone, but my semi-lazy ass didn't take any.

I guess I'll try to hop on often enough in the coming weeks to get in touch with forgotten faces(or is it text, since this is a fur-um :P).

I guess goodnight for now, and I'll see everyone porbably tommorrow night, or on monday.

Altima Carpine

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  Thanks for the advice! But...
Posted by: Adym - 10-28-2010, 12:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

Hey guys!

It is 8:37 AM as I type this and I am praying that somebody will see it fit to give me some advice. So it's backstory time.

I was relaxing in French class about a week back, feeling on top of the world, when suddenly I felt very very tired. So I leaned forward and fell asleep. I woke up at the end of class and as I slowly blinked my eyes clear, when I noticed that this super cute, goth anime chick was sitting like three desks in front of me. So I figure: "Hey, I'm single. Why not ask her out?"

But, I is shy. I don't go up and talk to people unless I already know their name. So, when the teacher and the girl weren't looking, I stealthily ran up to the podium and read her name out of the roster. I won't say it here. So now, I needed to find out if she was single, so I phone up my friend that is in the same grade as her and ask. Now, this friend of mine used to have a crush on me, so it was awkward enough as was, but then she says: "Maahes, you want to know if my dearest friend is single?!"

That's when I said: "Oh, shit." But my friend was totally cool about it, and gave me the information I needed. Then she advised me to talk to her on thursday. Now, I thought: "Thursday will be fine, that's plenty long away."

But then I woke up this morning and realized, I have to go talk to/ potentially ask out a cute girl tomorrow, and I don't know what to say!!!

Basically what I am asking for is Female Advice. If you are a girl, what would you like to hear a guy say? If you are a guy, what would you say?

Please help!

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