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  Looking for RP partners.
Posted by: Kalyx - 07-28-2010, 10:15 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Greetings all! *bows*

I've recently returned to DaD after a hiatus of about 15 months, due to mostly family and financial reasons.

Regardless of excuses, I'm looking to get back into the RPing mode, once again, and am looking for partners; veterans, novices...whoever they may be! (apologizing first for those RPGs I had to abandon. >.> )

Though somewhat limited on time, due to work, I promise to be diligent and faithful and post when at all humanly possible.

I'm up for most RPG types and styles, anything from G thru XXX. And, even with my wide selection of characters, I can create new ones, if need be.

If there's any interested parties, or singles...:P , just send me a PM at your leisure and we can discuss things further.

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  Party Like It's Your Birthday!
Posted by: Bee - 07-28-2010, 01:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)


Today she turns another year older!

Happy birthday baby, I love you!

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  Psycho Backlasher
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 07-27-2010, 11:52 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

Has anyone seen or heard from him lately? I haven't seen him in almost over a month. ':/ Just worried about what's going on is all...

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Posted by: Gol22 - 07-25-2010, 10:11 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

I'm 20 years old!

Not much else to say since there is no real change for me, but I got one more year! Yay! :D

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  need some help on this.
Posted by: Bee - 07-20-2010, 04:05 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

I just adopted a little kitten, through some very unusual circumstances.

This kitten is sick, her littermates, all 7 of them, got sick and died from probably the same thing. She's the only survivor of the litter. Not only that, she survived three days in a crate with no food or water before she came to my possession.

She is one tough little kitten.

My problem is, she needs a name, as all pets do. But I want to give her a name that reflects her toughness and her will to survive. Before you do, please don't suggest Lucky. I feel that's more of a male name, and I want something a bit more feminine for her.

Any and all suggestions will be helpful. Thanks guys.

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  Warped tour 2010!~
Posted by: Ferro Cordis - 07-16-2010, 05:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

YES YES YEEEEESSSS!~ I can go to warped tour this year.~ Wooo hooo! I'm so pumped!~ ^_^ *Bucks for joy.*

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  I just found a kitten.
Posted by: The_minstrel_knight - 07-14-2010, 01:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

And I am keeping it. But, what should I name the little bugger? I think it's a boy...

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  Birthday Time
Posted by: Yumi - 07-14-2010, 12:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Well today is my Birthday! :D
I've had a brilliant day with my friends, had a few presents but there's more in store as the day hasn't finished yet lol :)

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  Have a nice day.
Posted by: Bee - 07-13-2010, 05:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Okay, so here's what happened.

I went to my brother's place down south of Houston for the 4th of July. We popped off fireworks, spent some time with my niece, barbeque'd, had a nice time.

Came back home, to find out one of my roommate's daughters had gotten molested by one of said roommate's friend. Her other two daughters then also stepped forward and said that it also happened to them.

My roommate hates dealing with the police and Child Protective Services, calling them "Nazis". So, out of respect for her, Myself, her oldest two sons, and her sister confronted him and told him to leave and never, EVER come back.

He flew off the handle, saying that he didn't do a damn thing, and that Kyle(her oldest son, my roommate as well) was the one molesting the girls. He was shaking, nervous, obviously lying through his teeth. He said that he was going to have three of them put into jail for felony charges.

We chalked it up as bullshit and went about our lives.

Two days ago, CPS showed up, launching a full-scale investigation into an anonymous report saying that Kyle had molested his younger sisters. EVERYONE in the house, including the three little girls, protested this. The case worker also said that everyone that was NOT family had to leave. Not wanting to cause Jenn(their mother, also a roommate) anymore stress(she was down in tears at this point, her family was getting ripped apart at the seams), we decided it would be best to do what the case worker said, and we arranged passage back to my brother's house.

We loaded our stuff up, and got the lazy-ass cops to move their cars out of the way so we could leave, when the case worker stopped us. She forced us to submit to drug testing.

To be completely honest, yes, I did smoke pot when I was 15. That was five years ago. I don't even get near the stuff. I have zero interest in it.

So, we took the drug tests, and FINALLY we were able to leave.

On the road, we were told that they took the kids away. Kyle, who's only 19, ended up having a mild heart attack because of the stress and the anxiety over what he was accused of doing, and watching his brothers and sisters get taken away.

Once at my brother's house, I also learned that the one responsible now has warrants out for his arrest. So I'm not THAT pissed off about this. He'll end up with an asshole that'll rival Goatse once he gets out of prison.

My question is, does ANYONE here have anything good to say about the way things are handled with CPS? I know things like this are rather serious, but how are you going to get the truth out of a little girl if you put them under the stress of taking them away from their family? And let's not forget the fact that it's now on my permanent record that I am being investigated on child molestation charges, despite the fact my name never came up once.

Why can't they let the innocent ones go? I didn't do anything, and now this is going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

If this ends up sounding like a rant to you, I apologize, and please move this to the proper forum.

Thank you for reading.

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  Boy, do I got a story to tell
Posted by: Icelandic_Boy - 07-12-2010, 08:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

One must say, when you are working nightshifts at stores, you can meet some interesting characters. Will at some point tell you about some that I’ve met, the ones that you just remember always, but this time I’m gonna talk about what happened last night on my shift.

Started off I got to the store I was to work at, 3 teenagers were outside and stuff and I went inside. Soon, they come in, and one of them says someone has damaged my car, run a key over the paintjob. I rush out and check it out, “April’s fool!” the girl yelled and giggled like it was her best joke ever (yes, she really did say that). I would have said something nasty to her if I didn’t think how stupid she was. Plus she was clearly a bit tipsy, which just made her look sad. I go back inside, the three teenagers hang around some, yammering and talking, clearly coming from some party, then they head outside as more join them. I sit down behind the register and read a book, when the door opens and a kid says the trash can outside is on fire, “Some other people did it!” he claimed as I came out with the fire extinquisor and try to put it out. Took a while, and I think I inhaled a bit of the smoke. Nothing serious, but enough to make me feel a bit dizzy afterwards with a nasty taste in my mouth. I demand the group to leave, so obvious they did it but they refuse. I spray a bit on the pavement in front of them, but I think that just made them stubborn.

I go back and call the police, tell them what has happened and that the group I’m sure did it are still outside. Takes them about 12-15 minutes to arrive, and they JUST missed the group by 2 minutes tops. I tell them what happened, do my best to describe them, they wander outside to the direction I saw the group head to, but its pretty clear they’re gone. Soon after the police leave, a guy from the security company I work for arrives as I had reported to them as well. He asks what happened, stuff like that and is looking for some papers that I have to file a report on, when a guy comes in running into the store screaming “There’s a fire at the back!”

We run to the other side of the store where the trucks deliver food and supplies for the store, open the door there and woosh! The fire was quite intense. It was one of those big plastic dumpsters that had been put on fire. We grab a hose near the door and manage to put it out. Thankfully the fire didn’t spread out or anything. The firefighters arrive but they soon leave as it was over, the police men return, ask for a description again and this time they look around harder, but again its clear the group is long gone out of the area. I just know it was them, probably a dare or just to show off. Maybe I provoked them when I nearly sprayed at them with the extinquisher, but this just shows how stupid some kids can be, even more so when intoxicated which I know some of them were.

I remember when I was waiting for the police to arrive for the trashcan, one of the girls in the group walked passed the store, then a minute later came back running fast. I did go up and looked, and saw the group leave, so I think she saw the fire. Another of their friends had walked passed earlier in the direction to the dumpster and I think HE did it. I just hope at least on of them gets caught, they’ll squeal on the rest. Like I said, a few of them were at the store, so the cameras got them, but unless someone from the police recognizes them, chances of finding them are slim at best. If one of them had bought something and paid with a credit card, that would have been a different matter, but they didn’t.

So yeah, that was my shift last night. Heh, my last shift at that store to boot. Got today off, and then am working out the week tomorrow at another store that’s said to be a peaceful one, which I hope is true. After THAT, I got a whole week off. Boy, do I wish that was coming now, but I digress.

Anyway, decided to tell ya all about this, figured it’s quite a story, worth telling it around here and there.

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