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  Today is fucking shit.
Posted by: Adym - 10-27-2010, 01:38 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Today is fucking shit.

I woke up thinking that my "support teacher" would actually support me. Yeah, right. All he did was stab me in the back and twist my plans to make them seem like they were all his idea. He could be a fucking televangelist.

So I head over to my conference and sit down, thinking he'll tell my parents what he told me: That my plan was a good one and it will work. But no. He takes everything I have told him about myself over the past quarter and goes the other way. He knows I hate "Systems" that are supposed to boost my grades and keep me organized. He knows that I hate tutors, and "extra help". And he knows that I hate my parents knowing about my grades. So, what do you think he does? He sits down with a copy of my fucking transcript and suggests tutors and lays down a system.

He just opened the gates of hell. He can forget having my trust, he can forget having me tell him shit about my life, he can forget me liking him. He is a self-righteous prick who enjoys making himself look good. He says, and I quote: "I like kids like you! You realize that you need to do your homework during your junior year and it looks like I solved all your problems. It makes me look great!"

So it's only 9:30 as I type this and I have learned more than I did all last week at school. I learned that the one teacher I thought I could trust, Mr. Doug Davidson, is actually a backstabbing traitor. I learned that my father is an ignorant imbecile who will swallow whatever bullshit you feed him as long as you have a college degree, and that he is "humiliated" by the fact that he can't have another son like my older brother, Erik Parker, whom I look up to. I learned that my mother is the only person who has my interests in mind. And I learned that the only person that is truly looking out for me and my welfare is myself and a select few of my friends. All in all, my two days off were supposed to be heaven, but Mr. Doug Davidson just sent them straight to hell.

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  Site needs money to stay up
Posted by: senjuro - 10-19-2010, 05:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Money, please. The site is $35 in arrears, with another $30 due on November 1st. Please donate to keep this place going.

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  head injuries
Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 10-09-2010, 10:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Well, i just split my head open about 2 hours ago. im already back home with stiches and im clearly slurring my typing and words. getting to the details, I ran into a wall and surprisingly didnt break my glasses. I can definantly say that blacking out is kinda trippy when you remember it. Im still drugged up with pain killers and im pretty sure its gonna hurt like a bitch come morning. I hope i never do that again, mainly because its really unoplaesant trying not to vomit while you cant see or hear anything. Straingly, after blacking out, I saw things clearer than before, in the literal sense. ew, i just found some blood on my hand, oh well. Im gonna stop before i stop to ramble, thank you and goodnight color green, you tasted so odd.

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  New Username, New Avatar, Limitless Possibilites
Posted by: Adym - 10-06-2010, 07:35 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Hey guys and girls!

I used to be Duamutef, but I have made a decision to change. I examined my personality and my growth over the months that I have been here, and decided that it was time to change.

But this is not merely a change of image for me, this is a declaration of personal change! With my new name shall come a new age upon my life. The new me is no longer a slacker. I shall turn in all of my work, and pass all of my classes with the best grades I can achieve. I shall strive for excellence as opposed to lazing about at the back of the pack. My change of image represents a true physical change. When I first signed up for this forum, I had short hair, through which my ears were prominent. But, now I have an amazing mane of hair, so my friends of the opposite gender have dubbed me "(name removed due to privacy reasons) the Lion". Thus, I have adopted "Maahes" as my new image.

I have also decided to work more avidly on the three writing projects that I have already started, and start a new one for my new fursona, and a new lioness character I thought up while working in Physics. I have also decided to re-dip my toe into the ocean that is art, so If anybody has any good programs I should try, Let me know.

I just thought I would let you all know about my personal decisions for the rest of my life! If any body wants to know my real name that I removed, just shoot me a PM. After all, I consider all of you as friends!

By the way, does anybody have a cool looking drawing of a lion furry that I can adopt as my new fursona and avatar? I'm having a bit of trouble finding one.

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  Still need dollars
Posted by: senjuro - 09-24-2010, 10:54 PM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies


We're still $5 short for September, and we'll be needing another $30 for October in a little over a week.

Dig deep, folks.

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  I think I've been dumped...
Posted by: Adym - 09-22-2010, 07:15 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Wow... Either this is the worst mistake ever made, or my life just got a whole lot shittier than it already was...

I've been excommunicated; shut out of the picture. Very little contact in the past week and a half, and even then she seems to be in a hurry to get out of talking to me. If you read this, love, please tell me what's going on. If you're leaving me, I want to know. If you aren't, I'm going to be the happiest person ever. Until then...

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  Happy Birthday to...
Posted by: Kurtz - 09-15-2010, 05:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Yoosei! Whose birthday it is today! Let's wish her a happy birthday, and give her our best regards!

Hope you enjoyed your day as thus far, hon! :3

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  Feeling.. Old.
Posted by: SnK - 09-14-2010, 11:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

A night ago before retiring to bed, I said my prayers and took sometime to reflect on things.

I came to a realization that I am a Digimon fan for almost a decade now, along with a fellow veteran fan, Digistar DBZ. I grew up tuned from 01 to 04, and probably I don't see myself not letting go of it anytime soon. (With Savers and Xros Wars recently aired.) Perhaps you could say I am veeery attached to Digimon. I had my Pokemon days before that but it quickly waned down after playing Yellow And Silver.

With that fact, I chuckled at the idea of paralleling myself to a grandpa, or rather one of the old generation of Digimon fans. It's like I am somewhat an old guy watching over the enthusiastic new breed of Digimon fans.

Sometimes I wish I could turn back time and relive my early teenager years. Only to once again to savor what was it like to be part of a younger generation.

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  Let's play "What the F*** is on my leg?!"
Posted by: Bee - 09-14-2010, 01:39 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Because I seriously need to know. I've had this nasty wound on my leg for the past year or so. It doesn't hurt, it itches on occasion, it refuses to heal, but it doesn't appear to be infected.

I apply Neosporin to it, but I don't cover it. You'll see in the picture I have exceptionally hairy legs, so band-aids are out of the question. And I don't want to shave around it and accidentally open the wound more and cause it to spread or get infected.

Any ideas as to what it is? Should I go to the hospital? It hasn't really bothered me, other than the fact it just won't go away. I'd like for it to go away. I asked around if it was ringworm or something, but everyone I asked said it doesn't look like it. But I don't know. I'm not a medical expert.

Anyone have a clue as to what it is, or how I can get rid of it?

I'm keeping it in the link in case anyone out there finds it squeamish.

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Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 09-14-2010, 01:08 PM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Well..I stopped talking to somebody I called my white brother, that I never had. It doesn't bother that much. I don't get why the fuck I was talking to some preppy cracker in the first place. Well.. he go jump off a cliff for all I care.

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