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  Anyone Play Warhammer/Warhammer 40K?
Posted by: Marine - 06-19-2006, 10:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

I was just wondering who else has stumbled on the British born hobby game and took a liking to it, and also to find people playing the Medusa V campaign this July.

My legion: Tau
Points total: 4,000

They love to kick Chaos Space Marine's, Space Marine's, Tyranid's, and Imperial Gaurd's gay little arses all over the City Boards. <- If anyones curious on what warhammer is.

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Posted by: fred_18 - 06-19-2006, 10:16 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

damn parants can be annoying at times

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Posted by: Seit The Reaper - 06-18-2006, 01:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

wow......1000th Post......4 digits....ever since you i rejoined the DaD on January 30,2006 i never knew how long i would stay because of all the people i knew where gone......BUT!...ive posted 1000 times now....and i am really speachless....or typeless...there are people i want to thank..

1st and for most...Seit The Reaper...the 1st handle on the DaD i used when i rejoined....the reason i stoped using it was because i felt it was time to go back to being my old for the rest of the list...

Lonelygabu,DMX,Shadowknight,munkiee,Blue Rover,The VanCrimsons,UnknownH,Wisemon,Herr Mullen,Da Wolfie,
The Boss Reo,Pixy Stix,Cboy,Fred 18,Ghost Ops,Marine,Chaosflamerenamon,DV85,Ronan,Misty,Munkiee's Brother,Mankind,Geon,Alucard,Beyond The Grave,Dr Evil,Legion,The Ministry......Mr Socko.....Im sorry if im forgeting anyone..

Thank you So Much everybody......LETS GET TO MY LAST RANK TOGETHER!!!......So Sayth The Man,The Myth, and The Lifeform!!

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Posted by: Lukos - 06-18-2006, 11:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

The subject of people who joined and yet did not post came up recently. I just checked the members list, and set the sort method to Total Posts, Ascending order.

The first 12 pages (50 listings per page) were full of people who joined in 2003, 2004, and early 2005 and still had 0, ZERO, NIL posts.

To those people, prepare to be deleted. If you want to lurk, lurk as Guests. I can't be proud of having 1800 + members if 600 of those members NEVER posted since they came here in 2003! We really DON'T have 1800 members. We have 1200 something.

If you know someone who hasn't posted, you've got some time to wake them up. That doesn't mean people who WERE here and left. That means people who joined in 2003, 2004, or early 2005 (Let's say up to July) and still have 0 next to their number of posts. Want to know who that is? Click the Members link (it's right between Search and Groups at the top of the page) and change the sort method to Total Posts, Ascending Order.

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  Ever worked hard for a goal, only to be denied at the end?
Posted by: cboy - 06-18-2006, 09:35 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

You ever worked hard for a goal, only to have it denied because of something outside of your control?

I've wanted join the military since I was young. I worked out, talked to the recruiters, did my research, the whole nine yards. I was ready for anything boot camp could throw at me. AND THEN SOME FUCKING MEDICAL CONDITION SHOWED UP AND THEY FUCKING TURNED ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! ALL THAT WORK, ALL MY PLANS, THROWN OUT THE WINDOW OVER SOME STUPID MEDICAL CONDTION FROM FIVE YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not fair!! I was ready to give the military my all. I wanted to do something to prove I was a man, and now I can't because of something I can't control. Now I can only watch while other people go off and achieve what I'll never get.

I'm gonna go on, maybe look for another way of proving myself, but it's gonna be a knife in my heart whenever I see something related to the military.

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  Masked Updater?
Posted by: DV85 - 06-18-2006, 07:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (210)

Am I the only one who noticed the latest update? First off I'd like to say that I subscribed to the newsletter and didn't recieve a notice saying there even was an update. So is my subscription malfunctioning or is it something else? Second and more importantly, who is this maked updater? I think its odd that Wolfe would suddenly have someone else take on half of the updating responsibility without announcing it first unless he wanted it to be a surprise or something. Then if that was true then why hide the identity?

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Posted by: aguy - 06-17-2006, 03:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

Well I am not gonna be here for the next two weeks. I am going to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Yamagata. I am leaving on Monday , but I am posting this now because I would like some advice from anyone who has been.
We also have to go to a Japanese school for a day though. :(

The flight is going to be 21 hours and then we are going to catch a train.
I am going to try to make a final post before I leave also.

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  It Is Time.....
Posted by: Seit The Reaper - 06-15-2006, 09:10 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

Because of the major Flop it was of my Creating or trying to create the KOTU....ive decided to blow that idea out of the i post a truse between The SDP....and my new Group......

What is my New Group might you ask...i sure as hell will tell you it aint gonna have my friends like BTG or Alucard in it is a Clean slate.....being that i have reverted back to The Ultimate Lifeform......i am Allying myself with the SDP...and Calling forth....

The Ministry of Darkness......

"Anou Hatha
Donde Tiende
Ana Hola Hala Hatha
Tiera Ana Hanatha
Tiended Anatha Donde Te Barada"

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  ever notice..
Posted by: fred_18 - 06-15-2006, 05:48 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

ever notice that it's the same few people that post every now and then?

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  What In The Flying Fuck lol
Posted by: - 06-15-2006, 02:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (116)


So I didn't even renew the domain name this year. I had no idea what was going to happen to this place, I just now that with my current life I was unable to be a part of it like I once was.

So all this time away, wondering what the hell happened to the place, turns out its still thriving lol.

Seriously what the hell happened?

I can't even get over that it's still here, just like when I left it. I thought for sure it would end up one of those mindless ad sites, bought by some computerized domain name logger.

Anyways, just saying that's freaking awesome, and hoping it stays this way. Take care ^^

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