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  Back up funding?
Posted by: fred_18 - 06-01-2006, 01:29 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

shouldn't there be a back up system for funding in case something were to happen in the future?

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  Kicking people off!!
Posted by: Misty - 06-01-2006, 09:37 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

I've noticed that there are over 900 people t on here that haven't posted anything and most of them have been a membor for a long time. I think that we should delete their profiles because there's no use for them on here if they dont visit or they never post anything...I dont know I was just bored and I looked that up and decided 'what the hell'...what do you people think?

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  Aukward moments
Posted by: aguy - 05-31-2006, 08:03 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (171)

Hey tell me all your aukward moments. I have a couple of them my strangest was probably when I was one a cruise last summer. I kinda partied too hard with some new friends and forgot what I did and had question some of their jokes. Then my friends mom wanted to know where I had been all week and I kinda froze not sure of what to say because i really didn't know myself. Now That I look back at it was kinda funny though. Please share yours

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  Who wants to join The Russian Pirates
Posted by: aguy - 05-30-2006, 11:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Hey since there is all those clubs out their I decided to start my own it is known as The Russian Pirates or TRP. We sail the open seas and have been behind almost every conspiracy most notably Roswell. I am low on recruits and the pirate war on The Nazi Pirates (them and their cool outfits makes me sick) is not going well. Join and I promise adventure. If you don't join my pirate crew at leasts join some other crew like The British Pirates last I heard they need more help against their battle with the Spanish Navy and Nazi Pirates. Oh also join and we will give you vodka.

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  I simply must say this...
Posted by: Blitz VanCrimson - 05-29-2006, 08:56 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (279)

Okay, for starters- Hello, I'm certain most of you already know me-

This is for the people wondering why my brother, Gunter, has not posted for several days.

Gunter cannot be online as frequent as he used to be.
He has been ravaged by several (60-70) People hell-bent on "Sending Gunter back to Dracului", And is in critical condition- therefore, he is under my intensive care.

Lonelygabu, Do not worry. Gunter will live.

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  Lucid Dreaming
Posted by: That One Internet Guy - 05-27-2006, 11:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (99)

I'm sure most people have heard about this at one time or another, but I though I'd bring it up. Lucid dreaming is the ability to realize you are dreaming while sleeping, usually allowing you to manipulate your dream.

I've read a little more on the subject, and I think I've come up with the easiest way to experience this.

First, you must relax and close your eyes, just as you normally would while going to sleep. The one important thing to remember though, is to never stop thinking. A good idea is to think about something like walking up and down stairs, or perhaps about what you'd like the dream to be about. The idea is to enter your lucid dream directly from consciousness, which would make the ability to realize you are dreaming (and thus manipulate the dream) much easier. Something interesting you might experience is a series of tremors right before you fall asleep; this is expected, and is a good sign. You must be confident in your dream, however, because if you only half believe you can manipulate your dreams, most likely you will not be able to. A good thing to do is to poke yoursef (HARD) and if you feel little/no pain, or if your finger just passes through your body, you will most likely gain a lot more confidence. This is an amazing way to relieve stress, as you basically can make all your dreams come true, and wake up feeling great.


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  And another Bang! Graduation party!!
Posted by: Gunter VanCrimson - 05-25-2006, 01:09 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Congratulations on your Graduation Mr. Senjuro!!


It's one acomplishment after another!

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  I say; you say; you say it's work, say it's work all day
Posted by: Wisemon - 05-24-2006, 12:22 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (40)

I had my first day of work at my first post-college job. I felt really lost, and I got very little done. I've got less than a month to get RFQ's back on all of the parts and machining for a stator, and I'm going to have to do the same for about 20 other projects simultaneously, and I'm going to have to learn Microsoft Project, and manage everything in there, and figure out lead times on all this stuff, and... it's so overwhelming and tiring. Also, I had to wake up at 5:30 to be there at 7:00, though they tell me that I can show up at 8:00 tomorrow if I leave at 5:30. I know I can do this if I set my mind to it, but I don't think I want to make a career out of it. My greatest strength is in writing and reading poetry. Somehow, I need to turn that into a career. :roll: That's what the weekends are for; I suppose.

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  Who are you people?
Posted by: DV85 - 05-18-2006, 12:24 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

I've been noticing this issue going on for weeks now and I've finally decided to speak up about it. This really bothers me more then annoys since it makes little to no sense. At the bottom of this board it shows all the registered members who didn't want to hide their activity when they're browsing this board and are signed in. I've noticed many people who have created accounts here but never bothered to post a single message. Normally I wouldn't consider this anything but it continues to happen even today. And I don't mean the vast majority of web browsers who create and never come back. I'm referring to the ones who do. I've come to the conclusion that these people are not simply shy, if they were they'd have stayed a guest and not register an account.

And even stranger is that some of these people who I repeatedly come here have set up accounts from last year and yet still not a single post. Most don't even have any information posted on their accounts about who they are. Others have odd information like anti-spyware interests or having webpages to to stupid sites. This all makes me question who these people are, why they continue to come here without posting and in some cases for many months of inactivity and most importantly what they're trying to gain. I'm not being paranoid either since I've noticed these certain people come here all the time. They are; apononmarenko, boatsmith, sircam, momus, tuxder, keyspec and adalert appear to be the most active. Once again, these names are based on continuity of coming here without a single post and sharing the same basic traits. I'm not mad at these people I just want to know why.

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  Are you a redneck?
Posted by: aguy - 05-16-2006, 02:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (46)

hey yall i'm a redneck and I need to know who else is one.

So if you are put your rebel flags on your Ford trucks and lets head over to the hootenanny in the old barn.


Also if you live in a red state you can apply to become a redneck.

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