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Posted by: Seit The Reaper - 06-15-2006, 11:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

ok ok ok....i saw this just minutes ago...and the only thing i could say....was.....



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  A banner for the DaD!
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 06-15-2006, 08:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (37)

I offered to make it! But, we've been talking, that we maybe can decide it together.
My idea is: I'd be making a pic with Angemon and Angewomon in lingerie, make a banner, and then split it into two banners more, so they could look classy and one could choose the gender one likes, or the couple.
What do you think?

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  I may be getting old, but I'm far from out of angst
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-14-2006, 11:07 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (33)

I turn twenty-three tomorrow. I'll be working all day, and then I'll come home to my apartment to celebrate with myself... and all of you, of course.

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  The best burn ever
Posted by: senjuro - 06-13-2006, 02:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Just because I don't really start that many topics, I feel that I should get to for this one. It's new topic worthy.

Okay, so as most of you know, I was on tour with six other people, one of which was a blond soprano that I despise more than words can adequately describe.

We seven were all eating at a pizza place in a west coast port town called Port aux Basques when the subject of getting high on tour. The baritone and the stage hand were talking about how fun it would be, and all of us except the blond soprano agreed that it would be sublime.

She turned up her nose and said, "I've never done any drugs in my life."

I raised my eyebrow at her and quipped: "Yeah, you're body's a temple."

The baritone wiped his mouth with his serviette and said: "Oh c'mon. You've definitely put worse things in your body than pot. I bet you can ever remember some of their names."

I laughed out loud.

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  Tomorrow, I dig my grave.
Posted by: Gunter VanCrimson - 06-12-2006, 10:21 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (67)

Why is it so hard for you to accept me? Have I not paid enought for my sins? Tell me- why can't you forgive me? What have I done out of intention to desserve what you all have committed unto me? Why can't I be accepted?
If you wound me, do I not bleed? When I cry, do I not shed tears? When you pierce my heart- would I not die?

Do I not feel pain when you lacerate me? Burn me? Cut me? Whip me? Beat me?
Do you not feel the need for mercy when I beg in front of you? When I plead? When I cry?

Am I not just a man, a Human Being? All I ask is that you respect me like I am, and nothing more- If you can't respect me, please, at least persecute me no more...

I have repent for my past, I meant no harm, I am only human. I made one mistake, a mistake I had no intention of making... and I have suffered, trying to atone for twenty one, long grueling years.

I want to start anew, not as an exile- but a fellow Human Being.
-Starting with with the invalidation of my excommunication.

So... What do you think?

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  Look! A Big Number! (1000 Posts!)
Posted by: DrunkenMunkee - 06-11-2006, 12:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (79)

1000 posts!!
Go me!!!
These are the top people i couldnt have done it without, in order of whoever's name i remember first:

Blitz (for posting for Gunter)
Lonely Gabu
The SDP on a whole, incase i forgot someone.
Edit: I forgot Seit The Reaper. i know you hate the SDP, but love for you too. <3
Edit2: And Epsilon. i forgot about him cause he dont post enough. but I still love him, so hes gets thanked.

ok...i'm sure i'm forgetting someone...i'm not even sure i got all the SDP members...if i forgot you, then i'm reallyreallyreallyreally sorry.

Well guys, this has been great, I really love y'all a lot, and I'm glad I joined this place. Now I cant live without you guys!

Thanks everyone, hope I get to be with you guys for another 1000!

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  just curious
Posted by: fred_18 - 06-10-2006, 08:38 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

who can't sleep at night time on a yearly bases :?:
just wondering

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Posted by: Seit The Reaper - 06-10-2006, 01:26 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (31)

Seit:....THATS IT....Ive Fucking Snapped!!!......I HAVE MY ARMY...we are known as the Kings Of The Unliving....Lets See who i have Recruited*evil Grin*

*game show music*

Seit:he is Known as The True Nosferatu,The Monster,The King Of Vampires...ladies and Gentlemen..I GIVE YOU!...ALUCARD!

Alucard:*Walks out of Seit's Shadow.*........

Seit:....right....ok....Anyway....He is Known For alot of things...kinda....but most of all being my Brother....Ladies And WORMS!...GEON!

Geon:*walks out from the curtain*WHATS UP MOTHER FUCKERS! far a Cast of Winners....anyway...The Next Is The Source of all "Evil"......Humans i Give you....Dr.Evil.

Dr. Evil:*crowd boos the Evil Doctor as he Comes out* Oh Boo-Frickidy-Hoo...Cry me a River...

Seit:....yes...last but not Least!....The Evil Boy Genius....Cute...Evil...Boy*cough cough*...JACK SPICER!

Jack:Im Banging the Leader....

*the sound of Wind*

Seit:....indeed.....ONCE AGAINWE ARE THE KINGS OF THE UNLIVING...Watch Your Ass,NonBelievers--

Geon:because if your a Chick,i might be in it...


Dr Evil:Riiiiiiight..... look like Seit....*evil,sly grin* my place or yours?


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  Can't hide it anymore...I'm back!!
Posted by: senjuro - 06-10-2006, 01:10 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

Word up all, I've finally returned from tour. I'm back pretty much indifinitely now. So I come back and what do I find? NO ONE'S ONLINE! Wisemon changed his avatar! And apparently Gun-Gun got fucked up by a buncha people?! Jeez, you guys have all the fun without me!

So tour was alright, except I wanted to kill the blond. Like big time. She's pretty much the antithesis of everything that I stand for. She's rude, childish, self-centered, and is such a slacker that it makes me want to carve her eyes out with a salad fork.

Well anyway, I've arrived back safe and sound. Can't wait to get all caught up with everything again.

*gives everyone a big hug*

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  That's why I hate my luck sometimes
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 06-10-2006, 12:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (40)

Nah, it's not a rant. I'm posting here because yesterday, an electrical storm struck here in Madariaga, my sister told me to leave the PC because she wanted to use it.

For the first time in my life, I heard her and went away, my father and I told her to shut down the PC if storm brewed again.

Did she listen? No, she went away and left the PC on, what happened? Thunder stroke and from all the PC's, mine got hit.

I kept calling to the internet client service, they told me that it was possible that my Web Port was damaged or fried, and that I should just go and try using it somewhere else.

I did so about 20 minutes ago, I sent it to the technician and he told me he'd check everything to this afternoon... (8 hours to wait) and IF my Web Port is okay, I shall come back tomorrow, if not, I'll have to install a new Web Port, which is mostly cheap, but there's a problem.

Yeah, my father, he's stubborn, and he blamed me and my sister for the internet not working yesterday, I have a good ability to convince him it was something else, but if he finds out it was because of my sister... he'll cut the internet connection for good. >.<

Well... this is not a goodbye, I just have to brb... but one thing is certain *puts on blackglasses* I'll be back.

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