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  Cucho, the angel of shit
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 07-09-2006, 07:35 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

I refrained from ranting about this, though I should have long ago. But I can't take it anymore.

Ever since the beginning of the year, there's a new dog at my house. Notice that I'm saying 'there's a new dog' and not 'I have a new dog'.
In 2005's latest days, my mother found out an almost emaciated dog in the street. She was moved by his looks and belatedly discovered that he was blind, so she made every effort to bring him home. I agreed and helped her with her plan. Her last superhuman effort was in Christmas' Eve (in Argentina at midnight and New Year's Eve's too, people set all kinds of fireworks so she was sure the neighbor creeps would hurt him) and finally managed to get him inside. The next day, he wandered restlessly our backyard, without peeing or pooping. At night, he started to yell and keep wandering, so I yelled at him and my mother released him, kissing my house goodbye. I realized what a mistake we did.

New Year's Eve. My mother tried to lure him inside again. This time I completely disagreed, but she managed to do it without me. Now since then, he took a shine to my house, and stayed for good. My mother tried to civilize him, but it was impossible. He bites whoever touches him, even after all this time, so nobody can give him a bath. He's dirty, and looks even more dirty since he's white. But that's not all, he smells like rotten fish. You can't share the room with him if you're not close to the window. He has some kind of lung problem, he breathes roughly often (each breath is like a smell bomb) and sometimes spits some brownish gook. He's so awful, he looks like something that got off from Hell. His eyes are empty, but his teeth are like those of a monster. We wanted to call him 'Angel' but I said he looks like anything but an angel, so while my mother still calls him that, I renamed him 'Cucho' (the name of a raggy local singer). But sometimes, I just call him 'mierda' ('shit'). My mother lets him stay at the kitchen, saying 'poor thing, you're not gonna make him stay outside, with this cold'. Fact is, he sometimes goes out with 0 C when he's chasing bitches (yeah, being like that, he's still horny). And many of the times he goes out he comes back with several wounds (and we've seen him eating trash, like black chicken bones and stuff). Like my mother said, he could be healthy, clean and eat just good food.

All that is fucking annoying, but there's one fucking thing that gets in my nerves and can't take it anymore. In the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening he goes out. But now, he wants to go out VERY late at night, when we are sleeping, like 2 or 3 in the morning. My mother goes and lets him, with all the dangers that imply. Yesterday, she yelled at him (he called at 3 in the morning) and kept calling until 6, when my mother let him go again. He just fucking does whatever he pleases, and my stupid mother lets him get his way with anything. And whenever I complain, she says 'How can you say that?! He's blind!!!' However, we've agreed that we don't want him here, so she tried to send him to most places, but she was never satisfied with any accomodation. (She wants him to be in a five star hotel or sth :roll: ) But then again, who would pick a dirty, wounded, smelly, awful, unruly dog? I'm afraid that shit is staying with us forever. And it seems he's young, and he's been through a lot, so it seems nothing's taking him out easily.

My mother says we're doing charity work. But then again, why should we?!!!! It's not like we're rich or anything!!!! I don't even have a computer, and we're spending cash to keep this shit fed, without bugs and searching for a new (good.... :roll: ) home for him!!! I say we should just leave him in the street, and my mother says ' You're so heartless. I don't know who you took after...'

Meanwhile, I just keep losing hours and hours and hours of sleep. And I'm a student....

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Posted by: Masked Updater - 07-09-2006, 04:38 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

So, I decided today, that since I don't have to update the site, that I'd make a AIM name and get out there and chat with you guys on more then just this board. Won't be happening though. Here's a list of names I tried, but all taken.

Masked Updater

Now, I can't make a AIM Screenname using my this name without making it look like I'm a fake. And you know, I can see the first two being taken. It's really not that original. But that last one. What the heck? So, I'm not on AIM. If anyone here talks to a Masked Updater on AIM, it's not the Real Masked Uopdater of the DaD

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  What Combat Weaponry Are You?
Posted by: mentalguy - 07-09-2006, 04:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (43)
Pretty interesting.

Mk-19 Mod. 3 Grenade Launcher
[Image: quiz1631outcome4.jpg]
Big, sluggish and violent you go for the one hit knockouts. Lacking agility and close range effectiveness you keep your oppenents at a distance. A reliable fighter friends will often look to you for assitance.

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  School Trip
Posted by: Yoosei - 07-08-2006, 11:10 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (45)

yeah indeed... I'm going on a school trip for two weeks. I'm going to study in a college in Cambridge and I'm leaving tomorrow already. So I'm going to be inactive for those two weeks unless I get a small chance to use one PC. XD
I know it's not even something interesting for me to say but I wanted to explain anyway the reason of my absence. I still hope to have fun... (something is almost impossible since I'm going to be trapped inside a college... even if I like to study XD)

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  A Sad Farewell
Posted by: Lukos - 07-08-2006, 10:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (53)

As it was mentioned, the Digimon Hentai Zone, better known as the DHZ, is coming to an end. Personally, I'm gonna miss it.

Some people think DHZ and DaD were competitors. Some think we had nothing to do with each other. But in reality we were kind of sister sites. Sonimon's got his reasons for shutting down, so don't flame him (or face the wrath of the DaD Forum Staff! Mwahahaha!).

So, DHZ and staff, on behalf of the DaD, thanks for everything, and we'll miss you!

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  So DHZ is Ending
Posted by: The Infamous Boss Reo - 07-08-2006, 09:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (61)

Just recieved the link today. It seems that Soni will be shutting down the Digimon hentai Zone due to lack of interest and an ever-decreasing fanbase. Can't say that reasoning feels very settling, but I don't blame his choice. Not that we're saying that WE'LL be shutting down as well, but I can understand his viewpoint, even if it's a bit errored. Still, we're not going anywhere, ourselves.

Your Thoughts?

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  You left me here alone; it's the end of the line
Posted by: Wisemon - 07-08-2006, 09:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

July 14th is the anniversary of "End of the Line," what we believed to be the last episode of Digimon, and the anniversary of when I joined the DHZ because I believed that the DaD was down and out. The DHZ is officially shutting down:

There just wasn't room on the net for two adult Digimon sites. I'm glad this is the one that survives. Speaking of which, Senjuro, if you want another donation, let me know.

I suggest that everyone save their favorite manga pictures now while they still can. That's what I'll be doing.

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  I guess I might as well ask there - Underwear terminology
Posted by: circeus - 07-08-2006, 06:30 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

  1. Is there any specific name for briefs (not boxer briefs) with folds at the front that can be pulledto get one's member out? The word I'm thinking about is "kangaroo briefs"
  2. Is the proper word for said folds "fly"?

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  Old rant: video games.
Posted by: senjuro - 07-07-2006, 01:12 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

Why is it that all the vocal opponents to video games patently ignore the HUGE similarities between reading and watching TV/gaming?

If you're reading, you're apparently broadening your mind, learning, becoming smarter, etcetera.

If you're gaming, you're apparently indulging in a fucked up, socially damaging activity that is the cause of all societies ills and will eventually lead to our downfall.

Truth of the matter is, wether you're reading or gaming, you're still sitting on your ass, NOT burning calories and immersing yourself in a world that may or may not be based on

Feel free to comment if you wish.

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  Room Lovely.
Posted by: Herr Mullen - 07-07-2006, 06:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

Let's not be so down. Let's have some positive rants' rates about things you like, or enjoy, or nice things you've seen that just warmed you heart.

I'd like to put Mark Steel into Room Lovely, because he's a very funny comedian who covers topics others overlook; important turning points in history for certain subjects combined with satirical jabs at public figures, the government, and British family life.

I'd also like to put QI in here, as it stands for "Quite Interesting", and is one of the most funny thinfs in the world. It's a pannel game where you recive points for being interesting, and deducted for being boring. The questions are impossibly hard, and as a result most people on the show end up in minus figures for points.

What do you want to see in Room Lovely? The smiles on puppy's faces? The snowflake that melts on the eyelash of a startled deer?

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