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  Once again...not going to be on here...sad news
Posted by: Misty - 07-06-2006, 05:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

OK...I've got some bad news...OK on monday, my great great aunt had a heart attack and she was put in the hospital and had open surgery to clear the blockage in her heart...she was doing fine until my grandma got a call from the hospital saying she had to go to emergency surgery because she had clots in her bowels...they shut down and she died this morning at 7:30. So I'm leaving because I'm going up north for her funeral. I won't be home until if you need to talk to me...give the messages to either Gabs or Collin and I will receive them as soon as I can. Collin has my moms cell phone number so he can call me whenever pretty much. Grr I dont want to go...I'm just surprised that is hasn't really hit me mom broke down so bad...along with my aunt and grandma...just not thats enough for now...I'll be leaving tomorrow morning sometime...maybe even Friday...we havent decided yet.

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  World Cup: Germany vs. Italy
Posted by: senjuro - 07-05-2006, 07:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

Oh my fuck, was anyone else watching that game? Oh my FUCK! It makes my blood boil!

I'm not a hardcore sports fan by any stretch of the imagination. The only sporting events I watch are the Olympics (Summer & Winter) and the World Cup. So when I watch them, I get a little intense.

So if you were watching the game, you'd notice that Jens Lehmann, the German keeper, was off his game today. He made a couple of decent saves (and did a really crazy jump-spin-punch-save and nearly took out another player...kinda like a Jecht Shot!). But when it came down to it, the only reason the game GOT to extra minutes was because his mojo was strong enough to deflect at least 3 shots that should've went in.

The saddest of all is that when he needed defence at the very end of extra time II, they were standing there doing nothing, allowing Italy to score TWO goals in about 3 minutes. Disgraceful, particularly when you take into account how well they've played to get here. Had the game made it to a shootout, Germany would've won.

The worst of it all is that now France stands a very good chance of taking the tournament, something which greatly distresses me, because I HATE FRANCE! Their team is made up of a bunch of nancy boys who pretend to be injured to get free kicks which get them goals, and it makes me sick that they aren't carded more often for simulation. They're going to crush Portugal, and then kill Italy.

I'm sad....

Add your thoughts, if you like!

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  Finally back
Posted by: aguy - 07-02-2006, 03:07 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

It's been two weeks in Japan and alot has happened.I just arrived home and I am tired. I was unable to sleep much on the plane ride back. So much happened and yet so little. Of the many things I noticed the main thing I noticed was the amount of overweight people there is much lower then here. Why that, I don't know. I will say more tommorow, but now I have a lot to unpack

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  I hate my country!!!
Posted by: Cursedhand - 06-30-2006, 01:13 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (34)

Even though I'm a Filipino, living in the Philippines... I'd have to say... I HATE MY DAMN COUNTRY!!!

There's nothing but rallies, rallies, riots, riots, everywhere!!!
And WTF is going on with this country's government and people!!!

The people elect a new president, but weeks later, they want the president off the seat and elect another one and then impeach again... IT'S AN ENDLESS LOOP!!!

Not only that! But this country is so damn full of nonsense and crazyness!!! Bounty Hunters, Vigilanties, Poverty, SEX, Drugs, SEX... and oh yeah, did I mention SEX!? What is up with all these prostitutes here >.< In the news I even heard that some of the prostitutes were below 16 years of age! Male and Female! >.<

And that concludes my rant... and I think I'm going to start shooting flying plates again.

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  Worst days ever
Posted by: Cursedhand - 06-30-2006, 12:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

Well... lets see... I wake up at the sound of my sister yelling so I ran to the door of my sisters room and opened it, and was dumped with chocolate syrup. Then I had to go to the bathroom and take a bath afterwards, when I used the shampoo and put it on my hair, it was then afterwards that I noticed it was strawberry syrup in the shampoo bottle. I had to take a bath again, then when I rushed to eat my breakfast, my sister already stole my breakfast and went to school ahead. So I had nothing to eat for breakfast. Then when I got to school, wham, surprise test! But still, I aced it... but when I was very happy about the test, (and the 1000 pesos I found) I called my dad at home to tell him about the good luck I was having, but he interrupted me and told me that my favorite pet dog, Jasmine, died. I couldn't believe what he said that I accidentally dropped the 1000 pesos and some kid took it.
When I went back home in the afternoon, I almost got run over by a car when I crossed the street. As usual, sis gets food again, no food for me again. I was going to bed, but when I threw my clothes off onto my bed, my bed collapsed since my sister disassembled it. So I had to sleep on the cold cold floor >.<

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  Is incest ever understandable?
Posted by: cboy - 06-29-2006, 09:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (59)

Don't take this the wrong way, but I've read some stories that have me thinking about this. One was a digimon story on called "Memories during a storm". It's a story in which Jun remembers her brother being abused by their father (sexually and physically) and attempting suicide. At one point it involves them having sex, though the scene isn't specific as to whether they're doing it out of love or just for escape. In such a situation, Davis and Jun only have each other for love and comfort. Is it possible for such a relationship to be viewed as an act of love rather than a crime?

Another story that I read involving this is an online comic called "Better Days". It mainly focuses on a boy (Fisk), his sister (Lucy), and his mother. Fisk has been turned down by several girls, and he was used as an escape by a girl who was sexually abused by her father. Lucy has had the same bad luck with guys, and was used by a guy who wanted to date her mother. Early in the comic, Lucy almost dies because Fisk accidently gives her the wrong medicine for her cold. After she survives, he becomes closer with her. At one point in the comic, Lucy thinks about how much her brother loves her and wonders if he is the one for her. One thing leads to another and they do IT (If I'm confusing you, just check out and go to the comics to find the story).

Now, in each situation, the act of incest happened out of love (though the Jun/Daisuke one is debatable). In these situations, could the act of a brother and sister having sex be viewed as an expression of love rather than as an abomination?

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  Sorry for the inconvenience
Posted by: Misty - 06-28-2006, 06:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Hey everyone!! I know I havent been on in about a month. Things have been very hectic around here. My mom quit her job, the computer has been a internet. I'm not going to be on here very much...its summer: hanging out with friends, walking around yeah im not going to be on here much. For you people that know my number...thats me whenever...if you dont have my number...oh well...ask someone that has Collin or Gabs. So yeah just as a heads up...not going to be on here that much.

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  Important news everyone should read.
Posted by: UnknownH - 06-28-2006, 04:53 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)
Since CNN said it, it must be true.

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  A fond (TEMPORARY) farewell.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 06-27-2006, 07:02 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (122)

Two days to go before leaving for camp. Man a whole week without my games, music, animals, or highspeed internet. I'm not sure how I'll survive. I'll be away from any internet connection from that time onward but when the weeks over (And I've recovered from technology deprevation) I'll upload a bunch of pictures that I plan to take, I'm gonna miss this place and all who inhabit it but I will return. Till then I hope you all have as much fun as I'll be having, actually scratch that, I'm probably gonna be getting bug bites, poison ivy, dealing with annoying kids all day, and all kinds of stuff that'll probably just tick me off. Well till I see you all again take care, I'm sure the other SDP members will more than be able to compensate for my absence from the forums.

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  scariest thing...
Posted by: fred_18 - 06-27-2006, 01:58 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

what still puts fear in you to this day, or something that you were scared of that you still remember?

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