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Posted by: Gunter VanCrimson - 06-09-2006, 12:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (72)

It has been so DAMN long- Finally- I'm back home...
Hehehe...I can move my left arm now- and three fingers...
I shall rise again!! Bear in mind I can't reply as fast as I used to- oh yeah...
If any of you are expecting any speeches, it's going to have to wait. The stuff you said- well, I'm not going to lie, I cried my accursed eyes out, I had a good bawl. Thank you all so very much- I missed you!!

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  Government Problems?
Posted by: fred_18 - 06-08-2006, 06:30 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Has there been any problems with the government with the DaD?

just curious(not sure if this is spelled right)

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  On this one rainy day
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-07-2006, 10:22 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

I could've bought the new A.F.I. album today, but I'm holding out for the import version with a cover of Nine Inch Nail's "Head Like a Hole." I have low expectations for this album.

In the meantime, only one commercial rock album has been a pleasant surprise so far this year. I'm talking about Godsmack's "IV," which is only their fourth album if you don't count "All Wound Up" and "The Other Side," but that's beside the point. I would say that this is Godsmack's best album yet, much like Disturbed's "Ten Thousand Fists" back in September, the musical maturity is shown here.

"Livin In Sin": 7/10. It's a good song, but it's not very catchy.
"Speak": 8/10. It's a catchy song, but it's lyrically poor, but then again, this is Godsmack.
"The Enemy" 7/10. It's a good rocker.
"Shine Down" 9/10. Possibly inspired by the awesome band of the same name, this loses a point for being religious, but it's not in a preachy way, and the harmonica sounds great.
"Hollow" 7/10. A slower song, kind of like Korn's "Hollow Life."
"No Rest for the Wicked" 6/10. Starts like "I Stand Alone," and then it gets ugly.
"Bleeding Me" 6/10. Now they're borrowing titles from Metallica. Too bad this song is nowhere near as good as Metallica's "Bleeding Me."
"Voodoo Too" 8/10. The drum melody is back. It sounds pretty cool, but they're borrowing from Metallica on this one too ("The Unforgiven II").
"Temptation" 7/10. It's overrated.
"Mama" 7/10. It's still better than Metallica's "Mama Said," which is probably where they got the idea.
"One Rainy Day" 10/10. The best song on the album! It sounds like a superior Alice In Chains song.

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  Lonely Gabu, with posts 2000+ and my poetry....YAYS!
Posted by: blueeyedgabulvo0o - 06-06-2006, 03:37 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (120)

Well I would be more happy but I guess its to early to be excited....I miss mobility <my leg is still sprained badly and I am going for x-rays.....> ...and I miss my comrade......Wait a second! He is here and that fat lady didn't sing!!!! Dick Cheney shot her!!!!

I guess I ll write something, a speech if you will. Now let me concentrate by doing some Kquita <similar to a kata except with verbal commands.>

[Image: Picture66.jpg]


My life wouldn't be complete without my, my second home. A home where nothing is what it seems and it brings the gloom away from any dismal day. It has brought me so many of my greatest friends.......

It has brought me: <not in any order besides the first one XD>
Gunter VanCrimson
Blitz VanCrimson
Vellmont VanCrimson
Dark Blue
Seit the Reaper
Drunkenmunkee <happy B-day ^_^>
...Da Wolfe?.... :D

If wasn't for Gunter......Well I wouldn't be here at all and never met alll these nice and wonderful friends.....That I hope will transcend time...I made these posts for you the last I think 650+ to you....<sorry I lost count.> my friend, the one I love with the depths of my heart....I offer what I can with my words of hope, support and goodwill.....<takes a knee on his badly injured ankle> I am in your debt....<stands> I love you and I want you to get better....So I could say more about this special friend I love to death but the words would defeat this forum scroll button I could go on forever......Gunter <shedding a tear.> I am always your Gabumon.....and a member of your family....<

Now for my other friends:

Let me start out in the order that I wrote them.....

Blitz VanCrimson: You are an amazing, intelligent, uber friendly, cuddly, and a very good soul. I think the last comment is an understatement....It is an honor and privelage to be your friend.....I love you dearly for helping me when I am sad and I really want you to know you will always be my BigBro....<hugs you>

Vellmont VanCrimson: I thank you for making me laugh at life and I hope you find the right competition to show off your mad skillz!

DarkBlue: <pounce> words wouldn't suffice how much you have impacted my life...Its sometimes sad that I couldn't be there <touches the screen> you, you have helped me too many times to count.....and for that I forever grateful.....I have had friends and you atleast are unique and friendly....I never laugh that hard when you tell a good joke...You have risen and met every challenge and made it very easy for me...Thank you for the bottom of my heart and I love you as well......<tears on shoulder>

Red: even though I've only met you have some potential in being a great person and my friend...It was nice to make your aquaintance...

Rorancrystalwolf: I have so much that I could say about you and that would barely skim the surface....We have been through a lot haven't we?....I wanted to get to know you and to help you and yuo have repaid the favor ten fold...You are a great gift when it comes to writing and your poetry is wonderful....Even though a lot of people <in real life> might not get you I do....I love you and always be there.....

mowgly: one of my firsts friends in the begining...I haven't forgotten you...You are an amazing man...Very liberal and understanding...thanks for being here....

mistysilverwolf: You are probably the only one that calls me more than my real friend...HAHAHAHA! Anyway I hope that our friendships prospers and blossoms like a flower never to wilt..... I love YAHS!!!!!

Senjuro: We have been getting along haven't we buddy.....?....<smiles> Also an amazing talent as well as a kindred spirit as well as my master....<working on a co-op lemon remember..... ;)> I hope you enjoy your tour and come back safely....I also say your amazing and I thank you for all your constant help and provinding me with messages of positiveness and heart filled hope....VID GAME PLAYERS FOR LIFE.....<smiles and high fives you.>

Seit the Reaper: A new addition to my list of friends and I am happy and hope that our friendship can grow.....You have been fun and very fun to talk to....Thankz......:!:

Drunkenmunkee: One of the youngest regulars in here but doesn't carry the same sized heart...Sometimes I think her heart is bigger than her body....Thanks for everything,.....

DMX: I wanted to thank you for training me at the beginning with the RP set up and it really took off, our friendship... I enjoy our convos and I hope to have more in the future....Thanks for all the fun...

Gabumon Furry: A great friend and fellow Gabumon lover XD should I continue?.....Joking.....I enjoy that I began talking to you and I hope we'll talk more in the future and your awesome by the way...

Gabu_dragon: Also new but not forgotten....Hope we'll hang out and chillax and get to know you more...

Da Wolfe: I hope he considers me a friend, I do so I want him to know that.....<smiles awkwardly but laughs it off.>

As for any others that I failed to list I am sorry......I ll write something know?......


As part of tradition every time I get a larger post count I'll reveal another something about me.....this time it will be poetry and I hope you like them.....I wrote them so it will help out a fellow poet.......

<drinks some water.> Ahhh!!!! My poems will be hear one right after another so give me a second.....

I will be back bearing my POETRY!!!!!! ;)

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Posted by: jmj102 - 06-05-2006, 10:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (143)

Yep thats the date tomorrow, well at least for us Australians. What are we all planning to do on the day of the beast? I will be studying for and completeing an exam >.< I say we take bets on if the world ends or not...

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  You Know You're a Furry If...
Posted by: EpsilonZX - 06-05-2006, 05:07 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (46)

Found this online, had to share, god I love the internet!

-you sing Flying Dreams in the shower.
-you've seen 'The Secret Of Nimh' more often than you've had a birthday.
-you know what model and year Slade's car was.
-you have one.
-you can list at least 50 differences between Big Mama and 'Bambi's Owl.
-you have ever said 'This tastes like Spot.'
-you spend more on Halloween than on Christmas.
-you feel naked without a collar.
-you judge a ball game by the performance of the mascots.
-you have collars, but your dogs don't
-you keep a rabies tag on your keychain.
-ALL of your pants have tailsleeves.
-a cop asks for your license and registration, and you show him the rabies tag on your keychain.
-you watch Tiny Toons like most people watch Baywatch.
-you look at Fifi La Fume like most guys look at Jennifer Anniston.
-you use FurryMUCK as a night-light.
-you've written a thesis comparing Disney's and Warner Brothers' styles of animation and characterization.
-you know what a Kitsume is, and why it is important for them to have lots of tails.
-you gaze longingly at cereal boxes that you have no intention of buying
-you are quite sure that the voices in your head are anthropomorphic
-you schedule your yearly physical with a vet.
-'Wolfe' was the last name of the only person you've ever seriously dated.
-the tip of your red ponytail is died black or white
-you Yiff* at football games.
-you can't decide between Trix and Frosted Flakes for breakfast
-you loved 'Godzilla' because you thought he was an anthropomorphic lizard.
-you started eating at Taco Bell solely because of that little dog.
-you'll take any excuse to go to Wal-Mart and see the Back to School ads featuring Lola Bunny
-you create a newsgroup to debate about who is more attractive, Lola Bunny or Minerva Mink
-you give out anatomically correct Easter bunnies
-you buy Plushies more often than gas.
-your pets are more exotic than your spices.
-you've ever had to explain to a mundane what a mundane is
-you know every one of "the Tramp's" names
-you think the oxford english dictionary is useless because it doesn't have definitions for "yiff" and "spooge".
-You bought a WWII dive-bomber for $40,000 just because of the nose-art of the busty, nude skunkette straddling a torpedo.
-You bought a terabyte hard drive just to hold your yiffy art gallery.
-When you hearTom Jones "Pussycat", you get a COMPLETELY different image in your head than everyone else.
-You know that ANY movie becomes cooler when furries are the stars, right?
-You have done extensive research on "the Werefolf Gene" (causes every surface of your epidermis to sprout thick, wolf-like hair) and you can't understand why life was so cruel as to not let you have it.
-Disney's Robin Hood was your favorite movie
-You read ALL the readwall books
-Whenever the wolf of the fox was killed in one of those old Looney Tunes, you turned off the TV and couldn't sleep all night
-You actually read this.
-you cannot name all 50 states but you can name 50 furry artists
-you think Werewolf The Apocalypse from WhiteWolf Studios is the Holy grail of gaming
-you think the saying "You are nothing but an animal" is a compliment
-you find yourself singing the hampster dance tune
-getting scratched behind your ear turns you on (what? it's not natural?)
-you listen to music who's singer or title has an animal in it.
-you've ever tried to use "yiff" or "murr" in Scrabble.
-Being called a "son-of-a-bitch" only bothers you because your mother's a vixen
-who cares what people say? Body hair is wonderful!
-you misinterpret the phrase 'horse mounting'.
-Max BlackRabbit had to take out a restraining order against you (who can say no to Zig Zag?)
-the most frequent answer to any other student's question is: "It's *not* beastiality!!"
-the PETA types don't understand that they're actually holding up signs that say "People for the Erotic Treatment of Anthropomorphs."
-your neighbors refuse to leave you alone in a room with their pet
-You bring along your 9-year old sister to the video rental place, just to have an excuse to get "All Dogs Go To Heaven"
-you get a thrill from sneaking into places with signs saying 'no animals allowed'.
-you call little ones cubs, pups, ect... (Munkee, puppies, you know ^ ^)
-you smile like this! =^_^=
-you spend your time reading "you might be a furry if"
-You pick colleges not by academical standards but by what their mascot it
-You watch stuff like Samuri Pizza Cats, Digimon, Thundercats, & Pokemon when your off

my my, I may have went over board but oh well, enjoy :3

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  Welcome one and all to the First group....THE GABUMON LOVERZ
Posted by: blueeyedgabulvo0o - 06-05-2006, 03:43 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (94)

O, Hello there! My name is blueeyedgabulvo0o, Lonely Gabu for short and I am the first group moderator of a fantastical group entitled the "Gabumon Lovers".<hehe I said fantstical>

If you are a Gabumon fan, this group is perfect for you. I waited for an excuse to talk about Gabumon all the time and behold, my golden opportunity.^_^ If interested in joining this group please PM me so you could agree to the rules, <their aren't many I think 20 and some of them hilarious.> and join our first group......Dont be nervous, the point of all this is you, the fellow members of DaD express your love of Gabumon. So if Interested in this idea of a Gabumon group, come on down and if you have friends that like Gabumon, there more than welcomed to join the site and discuss all things Gabu.....

Gabumon: <blushing looks at me> You did this for me?

lonelygabu: Yes I did.......We love Gabumon....I <cough lovecough you toocough>

Gabumon: <smiles> Can I join to ?

lonelygabu: <laughing> You are a honorary member anyway!!!

Gabumon: <narrating and plugging.> So I hope that we could see you around and hope you'll like the group......GaBUMon LOVERS!!!!

lonelygabu: Well said Gabumon! <smiles and wraps hand around Gabumon> I hope you really take some of your time to help this group get started...You could always reach me by PM ok and let the fun begin!!! :D

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  Break ups are a bitch
Posted by: cboy - 06-05-2006, 12:31 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (54)

It's been almost seven months since my girlfriend (my first) and I broke up and I'm still not over it. It's driving me nuts; everytime I see a couple out in public, it's a knife through my heart. Any tips on how to totally get over a break up?

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  truth hurts huh?
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 06-05-2006, 11:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (45)

Hi everybody, I am here for the expected rant. Today sucked uber shit for me. My mom and dad asked about my arms and then they told me that they knew that it was all self inflicted which was a suprise that they cared for me. Anyway, they then accused me of trying to manipulate them. I did my best not to laugh at that. My dad said one of the smartest thing ever and I quote," Well 2 out of 3 times I have the feeling you resent me and you always talk to your mom instead of me". Well that was it! BINGO!!! I wanted to tell the fucker how much I hated him but my mom was on the edge of tears anyway. I do hate my dad and I am suprised he finally took the damn hint. Then I had to say something so I told them that I don't always talk to my mom she knows nothing about me mostly because I normally keep everything to myself. I told them straight up that I don't trust them and that preety much ended the conversation right there. My parents don't get why I cut and I don't really want to tell them. This whole episode has gone on way too long and they pissed me off by telling me how the asylum will drive me insane.... I am almost there already for pete's sake! Wow sorry to go on for so long, I don't do this a whole lot... I just have too much on my mind. Thank god they only saw my arms or I would be in the asylum already! Well thanks for listening I gues... bye everyone.

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  How old are you?
Posted by: aguy - 06-03-2006, 03:46 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (201)

I would have made this a poll, but there are too many numbers to put in.

I wanna know the average age for this site, I am 16 and really I'm only doing this because I am bored.

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