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Posted by: Lukos - 07-12-2006, 12:42 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

Welcome to the DaD!

I understand that there was some hostility before between the two communities. The reason I heard was that we "don't allow freedom of speech."

Well, our members here can attest to the fact that we DO allow freedom of speech. Very much so. However, there is a line you may not cross.

The only rules for this board right now are:

"Keep order."
Take a look at the forum index. There's a forum for everything! If there isn't, suggest one in the Suggestions? forum. Please keep it that way! Things will be easier to find, and people can select what they want to discuss without having to worry about seeing things they DON'T want to see.

"Don't disturb the peace."
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me, R-E-S-P-E-C-T!
Well, just have respect for people is all. If an argument arises, visit Let's Take This Outside! and duke it out, but don't make death threats and stuff like that.

That's it! So far, there've been very few problems, and things seem to be going great here! As I mentioned on the main page, don't start old trouble with people, okay? It's a new day!

That's COMPLETELY freedom of speech. The only rules just keep things organized and keep everyone from deeply insulting each other or trying to kill each other.

If you have any questions, PM me or The Infamous Boss Reo. We're the board admins!

Oh yeah. One more rule.

"Have fun!"

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  I know why many people find no jobs
Posted by: floramon - 07-12-2006, 08:44 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

There are 3 shifts here:
3pm to 3am
9am to 11pm
9pm to 6am

Company refuse to hire more people because they want to save cost.

To the company:
1 person working from 9am to 11pm is cheaper than hiring 2 people.

A company can actually hire more people, but they refused because they want to save cost.

Many fresh graduates from university/college cannot find a job. Government always blame them too choosy. Government said they should accept the job even salary is under-paid.

Well...I spent more than 50K dollars and 3 years to study a degree, now you want me to accept a job wihich salary less than 900 dollars a month?

Government always talk without thinking twice. Government never realise company is trying to save cost. How to save cost? Hire less people. Working long hours but paying less.

In my company, boss switched off air-cond during afternoon. The feeling is like standing beside a volcano. We keep grumbling while working.

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  What pisses you off?
Posted by: Shadowknight - 07-12-2006, 07:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (58)

This is just a post for anyone to post the many things in this world that I'm sure piss you off.

Here's my list so far:

Stupid people, people who whine about stuff instead of doing something about it, Hypocrites, hyperactive people who don't know when to shutup, people who fight anyone smaller/weaker than them but run like babies if someone just as big or bigger than them shows up, EMOS!! I FUCKING HATE THESE WHINEY LITTLE BASTARDS!! If it weren't for legal repercussions I swear I'd go to every town in the world and grant their death wishes in the most inhumanely cruel way imaginable, girls who think the only reason a guy wouldn't like them is because the guy is gay (You're an ugly bitch with no morals or human intelligence and you should be wiped from this earth), those people who go on stupid starvation diets (If you're a fat bastard be a fat bastard and be happy about it!), those stupid retards who sue mcdonalds or something for making them fat (McDonalds didn't make you fat, that 300th quarter pounder that you insisted on eating did), the lawyers who actually took that case, those stupid jackasses that complain about manger scenes every christmas (IF I WANT A FUCKIN MANGER SCENE IN MY YARD I'LL PUT ONE THERE! AND IF YOU COMPLAIN I SWEAR I'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH WITH THE BABY JESUS!!), the fucking record companies that put those damn sticker things on their CDs (PUT IT ON A PIECE OF PAPER YOU RETARDS!! DON'T RUIN MY FUCKING CD!!).

I'm sure there's more but that's it for now.

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  A story and stuff.
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 07-12-2006, 12:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)

Well, I haven't posted in a bit, so I think it's fitting that I do so with a nice rant, cause that's what I do.

So I went out to dinner last night with some friends from work and my sister, who works with us. It was nice and all but I was the target of pretty much every joke and insult. Then comes up the fact that my sister's friend (a girl there at dinner with us, who works with us) was drunk one night she was staying over, and came into my room and said she was going to sleep in my bed. I told her "I don't think my parents would appreciate that" for two reasons 1) I have enough respect for my parents who let me live at home free of charge as I work through college and 2) I just really didn't want her to sleep in my bed. So anyway, that little story comes up and everyone laughs, and then she tells me "I'm just trying to further the cause" and I asked "What cause is that?" "The get you laid cause."

Well guys I'm still a virgin, and it's by choice. So finding out that everyone at work is working behind my back, especially like that, makes me angry, because on top of that, when I'm told to loosen up (which yeah, I'm sure I could do well to relax more at work, but when I'm the only one working it pisses me off) they tell me "Yeah go get laid."

No one seems to understand that I chose not to have sex with my ex, and I'm not going to hop in bed with some random person, especially a girl that's probably had more penis than a pornstar.

I don't mean to make her sound like a whore, she's more of a floozy, a good person but waaaaay to "touch me." So I don't know. I don't feel bad for not doing anything with her (even though we all know she wants me), but I just can't believe the people I thought were friends, and my own sister even, would think so lowly of me. And then they tell me I need to party...uh then invite me to one. I'm a bit stressed at work, I don't hate life.

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  Old rant; Lies of the media
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 07-11-2006, 09:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

This is a near year old rant so the grammar sucks. However, my feelings have yet to be altered.

People always wonder when I tell, no I did not read the newspaper (well, I did read comics) and no, I did not watch the news. People wonder, don't I care what happens in world?

But I do care what happens. But I don't want to find out from a newspaper or a tv. They are what manipulates the masses and shapes our world image.

Now, I'd like to start out for the fact that ALL NEWS GET AMERICANIZED. This pisses me off to no extent. For example, the two towers. Yeah, terrorists blew the towers. How many times did the press ask Bin Laden about the manner? How many times did we see the terrorists view?

We were automaticly given out the fact and fed that this whole thing was out of horrible and sick dislike against americans. I'm sure some of that is true, but that's not the whole truth. Because they were guilty, we shouldn't hear them? (As oposed to say, hearing interviews from serial killers and such?)

World is not black and white. Everyone has moral and their own values and their ideals of good and wrong. Now, exactly, you hear about the bomb thing. But did you read in your paper that when each country decided to put these filters in their factories to lower pollution rate, America declined this? Oh, thanks to this, some countries were left off without water.

And this is what sickens me most. Then, we are made out that they are doing "good things" by them apearing in television and doing aid to collect money to get water. The same water they first took off with their own short sightness!

Another thing wich manipulates is our image of "perfect". Ever since it's start, TV, magazines have told what to do, how to act and how to be to be a perfect.

In perfect marriage happily together, theres no arguments, lots of daisys, real cinger break home, a dog, never a cat and lots of kids.

Now, I'm sorry to say, but am I truly the only one that sees that not only is that humongous fat lie, it's also twisting things. Perfect love is never the happy end where the couple share a kiss. It's the couple that argue, they are the perfect love.

Why I say this? They fill each others cursings. Utter ever being happiness is not real. Only if you live in cave without any social contacts and stop the world.

We are told being chubby makes you unpopular and being thin makes popular. Now, I never found Skeletor from He man exactly the bestest sex symbol, but that's what Calista Flockheart must have held as her idol as well as many of those 40 pounds weighting girls who think they are fat.

And even more. Some may know my infamous rant about smoking. Now, ask yourself, exactly how many celebrities, famous and such smoke? The young (Especially young girls who may have a crush on some famous guy) may think that by smoking, they too will be famous. Or they may hope that they'd be "closer" to their idol. Whatever the reason, the outcome is the same.

Then, theres propaganda. Oh, the famous propaganda. Everyone knows about gulf war. US for examble, printed out small pamphlets "fighting for freedom". Freedom? FREEDOM? All the whole thing was to get oil and that's a fact. Sure, now theres this new war (Which I don't comment now) but the old war was all about oil.

Also, Media has nearly killed and nearly put many animals on verge of extint. When a boy chokes into chicken bone, it's not a big new. However, when a shark eats a boy, that's a frontpage new, despite that the sharks despise human meats taste and never really attack humans on purpose, not to mention, chokings killing way more in a year. This has caused even more dumber people to hunt sharks to point that there are only several left.

So now, you know why the only times I read news are when I simply MUST do so.

I'm not blaming america for anything. It's the media I again blame. I'm not saying our newspapers or news are any better, infact, they are just as bad.

Sorry if this sounded like pseudo rant against americans. This was pseudo rant against media.

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  What is with people these days...
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 07-11-2006, 08:07 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

What the hell is the matter with people these days. I have a sister who is awesome in every way. She is a step sister but I think of her more as a full time sister. A while ago she had a boyfriend and everything was fine. Then the relationship didn't go over too well and they broke up. Today she got an email telling her some shocking news. Her ex had taken pictures of her while she slept and put them on the internet.... porno sites. All the pictures had a different site on the bottom as a watermark. I am pissed. Then I found out that for quite some time that she is being sexually harassed by a guy at her job. What the hell?!?! She lives in Texas so I can't rush in and break some legs.. no matter how much I want to. She is going to press charges on both men and I personally don't blame her... Am I the only one who sees this as wrong and disturbed? Evil

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  "Ventrilo"-quists Wanted: W.I.P. Artists' Den
Posted by: Lukos - 07-11-2006, 04:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Well, a DaD friend from waaaaaay back when (around 2000) has returned with a little gift. Ventrilo is somewhat like mIRC (which is a chatroom) but it's solely for people with microphones! It can hold a great volume of users simultaneously. As CrackCat quoted from somewhere:

Quote:Ventrilo 2.3.0 is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. Ventrilo is also the industry standard by which all others measure themselves as they attempt to imitate its features.

By offering surround sound positioning and special sound effects on a per user, per channel, per server or global configuration level the program provides each user the option to fully customize exactly how they wish to hear sounds from other users or events.

Ventrilo is best known for it's superior sound quality and minimal use of CPU resources so as not to interfere with day to day operations of the computer or during online game competitions. It is also preferred for the simple user interface that any first time computer user can very quickly learn because the most commonly used features are immediately visible and can be activated with a single click of the mouse.

Well, many thanks to CrackCat and her brother, Nirazhon, for allowing us to use your server! The room's called the "Work-in-Progress (W.I.P.) Artists' Den". Here, artists and non-artists alike can get together and discuss art!

If you want more info about Ventrilo, or want to download it, visit

Before I give you the server information so you can log on, you need to know something:

This is NOT an official DaD channel. The DaD and its staff have no control over it. If you have issues or questions about the server or occurances on the server, PM CrackCat or Nirazhon.

Now, the server info:

Port: 4238

If you need assistance setting up, visit the Ventrilo website or reply to this thread and CrackCat or Nirazhon will answer. If you need assistance opening the port on your firewall, the best thing to do is to contact the company that made your firewall.


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  Ventrilo For All Users
Posted by: CrackCat - 07-11-2006, 02:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

:arrow: My friends perchased a Ventrilo if you have a Micraphone and you want to get people together artists alike this is the best way to do that...

here is the server here is the port 4238

here is where you get ventrilo

Quote:Ventrilo 2.3.0 is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. Ventrilo is also the industry standard by which all others measure themselves as they attempt to imitate its features.

By offering surround sound positioning and special sound effects on a per user, per channel, per server or global configuration level the program provides each user the option to fully customize exactly how they wish to hear sounds from other users or events.

Ventrilo is best known for it's superior sound quality and minimal use of CPU resources so as not to interfere with day to day operations of the computer or during online game competitions. It is also preferred for the simple user interface that any first time computer user can very quickly learn because the most commonly used features are immediately visible and can be activated with a single click of the mouse.

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  Fuck, it hurts...
Posted by: DrunkenMunkee - 07-11-2006, 01:21 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

Fuck! Since yesterday, I've had the fucking stomach flu-or some stomach virus-and the pain is driving me up the wall. My throat hurts cause I threw up too much-my stomach hurts-my head hurts-all of my joints hurt- my ankle/foot is fucking killing me-and I refuse to take any medicine.
>< Goddammit, it hurts!!
I dont want to take any medicine cause its just going to numb the pain for now-and it will still hurt tomorrow-and this will last even longer-resulting in me taking more medicine that tastes god-awful.
make the pain go away!!

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  Please don't wake me 'til someone cares; now no one cares
Posted by: Wisemon - 07-10-2006, 01:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Okay, here's my review of the new A.F.I. album, "December Underground." It's not quite as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still not nearly as good as some of their other albums. Musically, it's "experimental," but Jade's guitar has never sounded better. Lyrically, it's absolute shit. Sure, it's gothy, but it doesn't create mental images the same way the lyrics on "The Art of Drowning" and "Sing the Sorrow" do.
Here's the scores song by song:

Prelude 12/21: 4/10, Another worthless A.F.I. opener.
Kill Caustic: 9/10, Probably the best song on the album.
Miss Murder: 5/10, The first single. Great guitar, terrible lyrics.
Summer Shudder: 5/10, Filler.
The Interview: 5/10, Way too slow.
Love Like Winter: 4/10, This is disgusting pop.
Affliction: 5/10, The first half isn't bad, but the second part...
The Missing Frame: 6/10, Good opening, but mediocre lyrics, and too slow.
The Killing Lights: 8/10, I wish it weren't so catchy.
37mm: 8/10, Ditto.
Endlessly, She Said: 4/10, The worst ending to an A.F.I. album ever.
Rabbits Are Roadkill on Rt. 37: 9/10, Good import bonus track.
Head Like a Hole: 10/10, The reason I bought the import, a fresh take on the original by Nine Inch Nails.

If you're going to buy this CD, buy the version with the bonus tracks; otherwise, don't buy it.

Potentially awesome CD's that I'll be reviewing soon:
"The Silver Lining" by Soul Asylum (Their first new CD in 8 years!)
"The Suffer and the Witness" by Rise Against

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