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  Only for the smart.
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 01-12-2007, 06:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (158)

Hey, I wanted to make a thread with riddles that people could post, and others try to guess. So far, I have two I would like to post now, so try and beat them!

One: One father and his son are in a car close to Mar del Plata (400 kms away from Buenos Aires) The car crashes and the father dies, but the son remains barely alive. They take him to a nearby hospital, and the doctor there says: 'He can be saved, but for that, we need the best specialist, who is in Buenos Aires' That best specialist, after being informed of the situation in the phone, answers 'I'll treat him...After all, he's my son' How could this be?

(Note: This was in a popular TV show here, so DMX can't post in this one)
I solved this one immediately.

Two: A hunter is tracking down a bear. He follows its tracks 1 km south, 1 km east, and 1 km north, only to end up in the starting point. What color is the bear?

I didn't solve this, and when I saw the answer, I couldn't help but laugh at my folly.

If nobody gets them, the solution in two days!

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  Good News from Iraq
Posted by: cboy - 01-11-2007, 02:45 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

This is a peaceful protest against the people who insist we are losing in Iraq and that there is little good going on in Iraq. I will be posting links to websites that show there are good things going on in Iraq. You can ignore them if you wish, but be assured that the news these links show will not go away.

I will not respond to any posts here and will not engage in any debates, thus the burden is on everyone else to behave themselves.

I will try to post five new links every couple of days.

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  Romantic Old Drunk
Posted by: Calibremon - 01-11-2007, 01:44 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

By us, he is known as an inspirational filmmaker and storyteller.

To his people, he's just an idealistic, romantic old drunk.

Who am I talking about? I am of course referring to the brilliant Hayao Miyazaki, whose films I have been watching, in order, up until this moment.

I just popped in Howl's Moving Castle, the only story I believe Miyazaki-san did NOT write. There may have been other movies of his whose stories he didn't write, but I'm not aware of it. :P

Which are your favorite Miyazaki movies? I personally like Spirited Away and Naasica And The Valley of The Wind.

I have yet to make a decision on Howl's Moving Castle. This is my first time watching it :P

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  Yet again...
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 01-11-2007, 01:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Okay so my birthday is coming up on Saturday, I'm not a big birthday person, but I'm turning 21 so I'm pretty happy about being able to have a beer with my friends at the bar every now and then.

So I made plans with my one real good friend, we'd meet at midnight and have a drink at a bar by my house the minute I turn 21, and then he'd stay at my house so we could drink all day the next day.

Well even though he requested off from work, his boss scheduled him, and since he starts at like 6am and works until 1pm, half my day went to the crapper.

It's not that big of a deal, my sister is my designated driver, and we are going to go out to lunch and go to my work, so the bartender can serve me my first drink. And then she's taking me shopping (and getting me Digimon World DS for my b-day, cause I get my DS that day :D )

So I'll still have a lot of fun and meet up with my buddy later, but my plans always seem to fall through and I'm just sick of it. I was hoping that just for once I could try to plan some real fun for my b-day and it falls through on me. :(

Well, that's all, just a quick vent. Thanks, bye.

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  The casual Alcohol/Cocktail discussion
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 01-10-2007, 07:14 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

I've never had a cocktail. What I have had are:

Strait vodka.
Pinaple rum.
Vodka in coke.
Coconut rum in coke.
Smirnoff triple black.

As far as beer goes, Miller, Killians, Bud-light, Corona.

And a very good white wine with Christmas dinner. I don't know what it was called, but the waiter recomended it.

Oh, and some nasty-ass burbon. I can't stand that stuff.

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  This should be interesting
Posted by: aguy - 01-10-2007, 10:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Well it certanitly sounds interesting and like something I don't want to miss. O'Reilly v Colbert, need to remember jan. 18 so i don't miss it.

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  Guilt? Not this time.
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 01-09-2007, 07:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Here's what happened.

All names are real, I really don't think they mind. Twisted

Me, my bro, Sam, Daniel, Blake, Kevin, Matt, and Andrew were all playing basketball at Matt's house. (We have used his driveway for years.)

Anyway, three guys were walking down the street, perpendicular from the one were were on. (We also being on the corner of said street.)

Sam goes to the end of the driveway to shoot a 3, him being the only person visible from the three guy's point of view. (Matt has a lot of trees and bushes in his front yard, I don't know why..)

Well, the leader of the three, Matt G, decided that he would be real funny, and said: "Sup nigger!"

Now, Sam being black, took this the same way that anyone would assume.
(Sam holds the same belief that I do about the word, that noone should use it, not even blacks.)

Well, that was when all Hell was about to break loose. The three guys soon realized that there was more than one person playing basketball, as Sam, running towards them, and the rest, walking right behind, made our way towards them aswell.

Matt G, continued to talk shit untill he saw the rest of us, when he suddenly changed his tune, but Sam was already there.

Now, by the time Sam got there, everyone stoped about 15 yards away, except for me. I had noticed that there was a guy, in his front yard playing with his 2yr old daughter. He was standing, listening intently to the obcenities that Sam was shouting. I had the sudden realization that the guy was going to call the cops if it got much worse.

This is where the higher path bit comes in.
Rather than let Sam beat the ever loving shit out of Matt G, I got between them and tried to calm Sam down.
(A very impossible thing to do, Sam would never stop, but I tried anyway.)

I had to physically stop Sam, by restraining him. (He didn't like that too much, and almost turned on me, lol.)
Now, while I was doing this, Andrew, one of the more imposing members of our group, was in the middle of the three guys, talking quietly. (Andrew being either the second, or best fighter of the group, either behind me, or past me.

I then let Sam go, thinking that he had calmed down, when he went for Matt G's throat. Andrew grabed Sam, and I basically switched places with Andrew.

All that happened after that was me telling the three guys to leave. Here is word for word how it went.

(Sam raising hell in the background)

Me: What the fuck were you thinking?
Matt G: I-
Me:Shut the fuck up! (grabed his shoulder)
Me again: Now get the fuck outa here, and don't say one damn word.

(The three of them quickly left and Sam was able to calm down. We continued to play basketball, for about two more hours. The guy never called the cops, and I went over to appologize to him for his daughter to have heard what was said.)
The above happend two weeks before this past Christmas.

Now what do you think? Is that an improvement from the other conflict from the "Feeling guilty" rant?

Because I really wanted to just let Sam tear that guy a new asshole. But I tried to solve it without violence, and my bud Andrew helped out.

Also, side info that you should know: Sam just recently had assault charges against him droped, about a month before this happened.

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  Happy Rockin' Birthday!
Posted by: Kurtz - 01-08-2007, 06:11 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

Happy Birthday to our hard rock listening, gore loving, destruction seeking Disturbed! (January 8th)

FORE! *Knocks a female Weregarurumon towards him*

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Posted by: Detective_Osaka - 01-08-2007, 03:33 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

I'm looking for someone who knows Swedish since i'm tranlating a Sweden show with english subs. This is an importment project so i need a few people helping me with this.

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  Thanks to all ya EMOs, GOTHs and RAVERs
Posted by: Velmont VanCrimson - 01-07-2007, 06:06 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

Cuz' without you- No one would buy anything from Criminal Damage!

*Breaks celebratory beer over head* My excusrsion to Russia was a bleeeding success, and we'll soon be sending Loads of Van Helsing trenches over!

Oh yeah, Belated Happy New year to all.

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