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  Lights Out!
Posted by: senjuro - 02-02-2007, 06:54 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Hey everyone, I have a favor to ask of anyone who wants to participate.

Today, Thursday, February 1st, is the day of Lights Out!

Lights Out! is an international environmental action initiative to reduce power consumption for five minutes all across the world. It doesn't take a whole lot to be part of it; just turn off your lights. At 6:55pm your local time, please, turn off your lights. Turn them back on at 7pm. That's all you have to do.

Obviously you don't have to, but I'd really appreciate if you could at least try.

Thank you.

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  Super Mario tribute
Posted by: Humon - 02-02-2007, 02:53 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

a school talent show that I spoke about a very long time ago. I found it.
check it out =p

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  Bad attitudes
Posted by: senjuro - 02-01-2007, 10:35 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Man, what is it with people lately?

There's an unhealthy amount of self-righteous bad attitude around everywhere lately, and it's starting to grate on my already somewhat frayed nerves. I mean, seriously, is there a need for everyone to be throwing it around and at me?

People saying they can do things better than me, people talking behind my back, people giving me attitude up close and personal...what the fuck? Did an edict suddenly get passed where everyone gets a free license to gangbang on me with no backlash from anyone? Much like anything else, ignoring it will make it go away, but it's getting hard to not rip into people that I see on a daily basis.

Why is everyone so cowardly and dishonest? Why is it that everyone gets their jollies from backstabbing and throwing people under the bus? Why can people never just come right out and say what they really mean instead of spouting empty platitudes and giving venemous smiles full of nasty intentions? Why must their eyes bore holes into me when I walk past them? Why must I hear their whispers? Why must I play all these childish games of pretending to like people when I know they talk shit about me? Why me? Have I commited some sin against the universe where now I'm karmically owed a tidal wave of this shit? At least if that was the case, there'd be some reason to it.

But there's not. People to whom I've done nothing wrong are being sneaky, conniving, cowardly creatures who have nothing better to do than to try and make my life as pathetic as theirs are.

I don't talk badly about anyone, and all I keep hearing is about people talking behind my back. What the fuck!

If any of you people here have a problem with me, get it off your chest and have at me, because I can't fucking handle this ridiculous circumstance for too much longer. If you don't but you know someone does, then tell them to stop being such a pussy and bring it to my attention, because I don't want to outlive this dip in fortune only to find out that some douchebag's been holding back all this time.

There. My rant is done.

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  Problems on the board?
Posted by: senjuro - 02-01-2007, 04:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Has anyone been having connectivity issues with the board lately? I find there will be some times when it'll take up to 20 minutes to send a post in a topic or even vote in a poll. Others, the page won't load at all. Most times, there's no problem, but I find these connection hiccups are becoming more frequent, at least on my end.

Anyone else experiencing this?

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  Leaving the board
Posted by: mowgly - 02-01-2007, 01:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

yups I'm giving no reason and it'll be permanent, take care and have a nice time.

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  How to get girls. (Guide, for lonely guys)
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 01-30-2007, 07:17 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

This isn't exactly rant per see but it may as well turn into one due to the context. This is a feature I did for my site. This isn't a guide to get you life partner, this is to get you laid. If you have troubles with such things, feel free to leave this topic. The reason I wrote this is because I remember I once read an advice of getting hookers if you can't get laid. Dear Lord.

Why should I have sex?: There's numerous reasons. First of all, it totally alters you so you're no longer shy to strike up conversation, you'll be able to please your future life partner better, etc... Ultimately, it all comes down to singular word; experimenting. We all only live once, which is why you shouldn't probably marry the first woman you meet.

First of all, a test! Which of these girls would you have sex with?

[Image: ugly%20woman.jpg] [Image: model_female_1_500height.jpg]

If you answer number 2, gongratulations mister virgin. Take a long good look at yourself. Unless you're a model (and chances are if you're in DAD in the first place you're not) then you shouldn't try to "score" models.

Of course I don't say you should screw horse faced women who tell you to call them "My little darling!!" All I'm saying is that use your own self judgement and look at yourself from mirror. If you have low expectations of yourself, aim lower. If not, aim higher. Congratulations, now you know the basics. Treat yourself for a cookie for we'll be starting to make you into a sexy lady magnet.

[Image: Ron%20Jeremy%20Super%20Mario4-717393.jpg]

This man is hairy, obesse, and his feet smell like vinegar. He's probably had sex with more women than this entire forum people have met combined. It's okay to begin crying.

There's several unspoken rules that you should probably get familiar with;

1) Avoid having sexual affairs with people from your work or from same school.

2) Don't do "friends."

3) Best places to find sex are the ones clubs, bars, parties, etc.

4) The more drunken, the easier they're to talk into bed. But be careful, overly drunk women may start to cry or pass out before sexual encounter or during it.

This is a scenario I'll lay down to you that's always worked for me. The setting is in bar and the night has been going for several hours already.

Now, the first impressions are the most important. That goes on without a saying. If the chick thinks you're a total and utter idiot, it'll stay in her head for the rest of the night.

There's several methods to aproach a woman. Feel free to pick any of these that best suit you.

1) The gentleman.

Aproach the woman, ask for a dance. If she says yes, that's cool and keep on reading. If not, don't be discouraged. Ask if you can still buy her a drink and then strike up a conversation. (Read bellow, conversation)

2) Have your friends introduce you.

It's a cliche but it works. Pretend if you're shyer than you are. Or if you are, then this is perfect for you. Have your friend do the introduction for yourself. Be warned, some women think this is a sign of a weak character while some think it's cute. Use fair judgement in the decision.

3) MISTER BIG T's way

I don't know if this works for anyone else but for me. But this is how I pick my ladies. After drinking enough and if no girl has come to pick me up by that (which, happens very often too) I'll choose a girl from the dance floor and start to dance with her by rubbing my body against her from behind. If you have a big penis, be sure to rub your erection against them. Then turn the lady around and begin tongue kissing. Alternatively, if I meet a woman for the first time at a party I may swoon the woman down and whisper my name before beginning tongue kissing. If you do and succeed in this aproach, feel free to skip all the way down after the kiss part.


[Image: conversation%20sm.jpg]

"It was this tiny as erected!!"
"Tee hee! His was THIS big!!"

So you've broken the ice in one way or another. Next thing is, you listen. I say listen because you won't be the one doing all the questions. Ask anything, like her job, her dreams, anything you think you should be interested when talking to her. The woman starts to babbel and speak. Listen to everything she says, look like you're really interested in what kind of NSYNC member she'd date, etc...

Don't talk much about yourself, only in response after girl asks you to or if it's fitting after the girl has finished talking.

Buy another/first drink to the lady.

Continue conversation, somehow relating to the first subject you already established. Make a small joke or something, make her laugh. If not, I suppose a honest smile would be a good one too. But important fact is the lady must be happy.

Alternatively; if she talks about something close to her, like her father going to hospital or something, console her. Hug her and if she starts crying just pat her back gently. It's the right thing to do even if you'd not want anything with her.

Continue discussion, talking, entertaining the lady and such. At one point, you'll get to the moment where you're supposed to kiss her. (If you didn't take my aproach, that is) You know it's the moment, because you two dreamily watch at each other "and the moment like stops." Lean your head towards her, she should be starting to lean hers towards yours too. She'll most likely close her eyes, you don't have to. When your lips come in contact, probe your tongue out and meet hers. Try and keep your twos tongues connected, as if they'd be dancing together.


Continue talking and entertaining. Buy a drink, or ask to dance again. (preferably, close ones) Kiss again after some time.

Now things start rolling by themselves after this point and you can carry out from there. That's it? Just talk some stupid stuff ever now and then and listen to the girl talking about her periods? You'd be amazed at how many times the only thing a woman needs is someone they can talk to. It'll get you far, even if you'd suck at the kissing.

That's all I can tell as an advice to you guys! Feel free to give me a line how it worked out for you and if you were able to get a girl.

[Image: Having%20Fun.JPG]

And then lesbo sex begins!!

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  No more Japanese food for a year.
Posted by: cboy - 01-30-2007, 12:52 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Anyone here ever eat at a Japanese restuarant with a Hibachi grill? It's a treat and I love it. Well, I was going to eat dinner at a Japanese restuarant today, when I find out that they are now a private club (they just got their liquor license) and I have to be twenty-one to go in.

Can't they just make it so you have to be twenty-one to drink? I don't see why they have to close the whole place to anyone under twenty-one! Uhh, I am so pissed now, because the place I was going to eat at is the only good Japanese place in town.

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  Things that blow in WWE nowadays
Posted by: MISTER BIG T - 01-29-2007, 05:41 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (92)

Now, I've been watching wrestling since I was 6 years old. I sat through idiotical angles that involved necrophilia and retarded siblings. I almost quit watching when a 165 pounds was declared HEAVY WEIGHT chapion. And instead of you know, strapping him off the title they took the name Heavy weight off the title. BRILLIANT!! No one will notice the difference!!

Horrible corpse raping ensued after this that lasted over a year. (A.K.A "Homage to Eddie Guerreo") Our television stopped even showing the wrestling all together despite the several pleas from loyal fans. Notice I said several and not numerous, as the product had gotten so boring, so monotone and so horrible to watch I just couldn't bear to tune in to see who'd win. Besides, I already knew who'd win just by looking at who'd be in a match BEFORE it'd happen. So, to keep this rant humane in length, I'll bring out several points that destroyed WWE.

Reason 5: John Cena

[Image: John-Cena-Photograph-C12171845.jpeg]

The first black champion of the world!! ...Wait a second...

I'm not going to comment about Cena's rap gimmick. I loathe it but some people seem to like it, so I won't comment on it. However, I hate how WWE has pushed him down our throats from time to time and to make him appear like some sort of an immortal. Even more annoying is his repertoire of moves, a staled fisherman supplex (FU), a slow paced fist drop (Five knuckle shuffle), and his newly adapted gay version of step toe face hold (Stfu). The latest he even isn't able to execute well and the way he implies the pressure in the move is totally wrong, meaning no one would tap out to the move. But him being a face, of course he makes every goddamn person tap.

Reason 4: Edge

[Image: edge_of_life_main.jpg]

Rated R for retarded!

If there's anything more annoying than bad over rated wrestler, it's TWO bad over rated wrestlers wrestling each other again, and again, and again, and again....

How many times do we have to see Edge fight against John Cena? Seriously, does anyone even care about their matches? This is a scrawny guy who uses a spear as a finisher. You know, the move usually given to huge and strong guys, not to people barely making it to heavy weight class. Edge's whole attidute stinks and his shirts after he won the championship all look like they're coated in semen. BARF!!

Reason 3: Stupid angles

[Image: Miz.ht3.jpg]

Clearly a promising athlete with physics normal people can only dream of!

While WWE has always had their share of stupid angles (For noobs, that means an act the wrestlers perform, like a Mexican pretending to be an indian) for wrestlers they've started to become from comical to painful. What the hell is up with Miz anyway? That dude is like cancer expect more harder to get rid off it seems, as he appears almost always when you thought he'd be gone forever. Then we have midgets running around (get it? The man is Irish, so of course leprachauns follow him!) and "native Samoan" who's the same wrestler from two years ago, expect with more face paint and with more retarded finisher. And people wonder why no one takes wrestling as serious form of a sport anymore.

Reason 2: The New ECW

[Image: july4_kelly.jpg]

This girl is more incompetent as an exhibionist than bitches who've drank two bottles of Jack Daniels.

Everyone were anxious when WWE anounced a third brand alongside to Smackdown and Raw, the old fan favorite ECW!! For new people, ECW was a show created by Paul Heyman which pretty much defined the world of wrestling forever. From crowd interactions (people could bring stuff like chairs and such) to building careers of then thought nobodies (Stone Cold and Rey Mysterio to name few) and to make wrestling different. No bulky hulking masses of guys but rather regular people who had the advantage of using weapons and such. Women were piledrived and punched, just as guys were. It was perfect.

So leave it to WWE to take everything that was good and destroy it. Nowadays almost all the old ECW wrestlers are gone and it's hulking with muscular sweating people, as oposed to hardcore wrestlers. Weapons are hardly ever used and there's also the nefarious Kelly Kelly. A girl who's always exhibionist and showing herself off but never actually shows anything. BORING. Come on girl, even William Reagal flashed his weiner for everyone to admire at!! Surely you can show your boobies and no one will see nightmares.

Reason 1: Too many choices.

[Image: nickvsjc17yq.jpg]

From top turn buckle, pile drive through sheet of glass and pile of glass tubes. CZW!! CZW!!

But ultimately, it comes down the fact that other companies are doing what WWE is but better. There's TNA, RHO and CZW to name few. While WWE have always had competition, this time the only thing that's keeping them up is the huge ammount of cash they've got.

TNA has huge ammount of super stars and many extreme matches.

RHO has hardcore matches and awesome fighting.

CZW is brutal, sometimes even sickening and has excellent wrestlers where almost no one is "steroid freak" so to speak.

Not to mention many independent and Japanese productions that are also kicking WWE in each single aspect.

Of course, WWE will continue to make money and will last still some time. However, I'm going to enjoy my CZW instead of watching anymore of Cena versus Edge anyday thank you.

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  I am a slave to a little blinking light...
Posted by: Kavaan - 01-28-2007, 04:29 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

Okay, let's set the wayback machine for about 18 months ago, I move into a new home and my mom sets us up with DSL. For the first time in my life I have access to high speed internet and with the exception of a few isolated incidents it was very sweet. Now fast forward a year later...

My family is on it's feet once more and we move once again into the home once occupied by my Great-Grandmother who passed away last May. I set up our DSL and then the problems begin. At first, it was going extremely slow, just above dial-up speeds, then it gets back to normal for a bit, then it stops working entirely. You see, on my modem is a little LED which is on when it's connection is active, when it is not active, I have no connection, and thus no internet access. Just after I moved in, that light went out, never coming on for more than a few minutes to a couple hours, for THREE STRAIGHT WEEKS.

Everyone was pissed off, I use the internet to surf, check email, and play games, my Mom uses it to check email, surf, and pay bills, my bro simply checks email and surfs. Without the internet, we're basically fucked. Now, recently, after a few months of smooth sailing, it starts screwing up again never being on for more than a night before going out in the morning from anywhere from two minutes to two days. Finally, we have been frustrated to the point of dumping our DSL altogether and getting cable, I'm tired of being fucking jerked around and teased by this, we all are.

The reasons for this probably include the fact that we live in an old part of town where the phone/dsl company concentrates more on the new subdivisions that sprouted up recently more than houses that've been here longer than the dirt they sit on. We call the company and they say we're not connected, there has to be something coming loose and failing outside the house since everything is hooked up correctly inside. In conclusion I felt the need to share this with you while I have a working connection for the moment, it could go out again right now, this morning, or next week, for 5 seconds, five hours, or five days. Hopefully, when we switch to cable in the (hopefully very) near future, these problems will end.

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  why no blood in anime?
Posted by: floramon - 01-28-2007, 11:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

why no blodo in anime/cartoons?

Digimon Savers. The human got punched, fell down, but no blood dripped out from teeth were loosen...

Barnyard. The cow fought until he died. But no blood. No scratched. No wound. He just died with a clean body although he fought for a while.

Barnyard. The donkey kicked the human so hard until he fainted. But the human didn't vomit blood...

Pokemon also same...


Until now...I only saw blood in Street Fighters anime.

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