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  Worst things to say to a cop when drunk driving
Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 05-03-2007, 09:53 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

what seems to be the officer problem?

heres another one

Cop: have you been drinking anything tonight?

You: why should you care

Cop: step out of the car please

You: no YOU step out of the car!

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  Spiderman 3 no blood (no spoilers)
Posted by: floramon - 05-03-2007, 12:06 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (50)

Forget about the other 2 bad guys.

Got many fighting scences. Fall down, kick, punch...but no blood seen...:shock:

In CSI, 1 punch on the face and you could see blood dripping from mouth/nose.

But in Spiderman 3 movie, 2 punches on the face (human) still no blood dripping from mouth/nose...:D

Ok, my friends said this is a children movie, that's why can't have 'violence' scence. :oops:

Anyway, very nice movie. Waiting for part 4, dunno which enemies will appear?

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Sad i hink this goes here...Read please!
Posted by: TheGayGabuLover - 05-02-2007, 06:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I will not be on, very much because im going through a lot of emotions, and i dont wnana lose anymore friends (if i have any here) like i k\not even sure many people here know who i am...AYWAYS, dont expect me to post for a while, until i get over this...Sorry

I will be back in a few days or a few weeks..i dont 100% know:(

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  300 pg?
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 05-02-2007, 04:34 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

This is a must see.

How could they make a pg version of this movie? Well, here's the preview for it.

I'd take my kids to it!

(If I had any, lol)

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  What a dilemma
Posted by: cboy - 05-01-2007, 12:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I've been doing research into how deep fire departments go into your records (including your medical records) and I'm in a bad position. One website created by a fire chief in California says that if they (the fire department) finds any information that you didn't tell them, it could be grounds for immediate disqualification. On said website, a man talked about how not hiding his criminal record got him major brownie points with the review board and probably earned him his badge and I was considering doing that. However, when I told my father, he reminded me about the military and insisted that I should keep it a secret.

If I keep it secret, they might find out about it and it could shoot down another career dream of mine (I'm trying to find out if being disqualified from one department disqualifies you from all, 'cause if it doesn't then I probably don't have much to worry about). If I tell them and I'm turned down, my father won't let me hear the end of it.

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Posted by: Gabumonfurry - 05-01-2007, 12:26 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Anyone here watch it? I'm tired of not having many people to talk about it with, its a great series and you can watch it here Up-to-date Heroes :3

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  Rikdo Osaka's Dailymotion Page
Posted by: Detective_Osaka - 05-01-2007, 08:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

This page is pretty much where post my work and other stuff. I think people saw most of the videos i have but this all of it.

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Posted by: Shadowknight - 05-01-2007, 07:22 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)

Okay anyone that I talk to often knows that I can keep my calm pretty well. But this retard on myspace has just pushed me over the edge. We were in a discussion about which system is better PS3 or 360 and even though we've shown through evidence not opinion that the 360 is cheaper and has more and better games he continues throwing insults at us. Here's what a basic chat was.

Quote:Dur PS3 is teh uber masheen, u all sux lol. PS3 better.

Not once did he state a reason or evidence to back up his claim. He simply resorted to name calling and petty insults. I hate trying to argue with an idiot because they can't even seem to understand what you're saying. They said I was just spewing the same crap over and over, there's a reason for that, I WAS RIGHT! They kept saying, "The 360 is older than the PS3 so of course it's better." That's the point we're trying to make you idiots, the 360 is currently better than the PS3. They said it themselves and yet they still can't seem to grasp the concept. And now after finally snapping and just ripping a few people a new one my account is 'undergoing special maintenance' so I just know one of those little fanboy bitches complained and now I probably lost my account. Sorry for the rant it doesn't happen often but this just pissed me off.

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  Question to girls.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 05-01-2007, 05:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Okay during one of me and my friend's little random rambling sessions this came up. I think we were watching something that made a subtle lesbian joke and then this started.

me Wrote:Why do lesbians have to tease me so. So perfect yet can never be had.

Friend Wrote:I wonder if girls are as turned on by gay porn as guys are to lesbian porn?

And of course I can't go to one of my sisters and ask, that'd be awkward so all the two girls here tell me is gay porn as much of a turn on to girls as lesbian is to guys? Guys you're welcome to post your opinions to.

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  bellybutton lint
Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 05-01-2007, 04:08 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)

what is it? why is it here? where does it come from? who knows

but what i can tell you is that its mysterious in its ways. i never once got any of it in my whole life untill just recently now i get it all the time spooky whats your opinion?

i was bored when i made this thread incase your wondering

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