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  How did you discover you liked furries?
Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 04-22-2007, 10:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)

How did you discover you liked furries? quite a long story on my part

for me it was a gradual process originally way back when i didnt know how useful google was i would search for porn on newgrounds then one day i discovered this thing called cat girl sim i was like wtf? cartoon porn? thats the strangest thing ive ever heard of but i check it out anyway and discovered that i really liked cat girls shortly thereafter i found out that the name for animated porn was called hentai and it was about that time i really started to appreciate the power of the google search engine this opened up a whole new world of porn for me and after a while i discovered this pic (attached) and i was like WHOA thats AWESOME yay renamon! so i started searching for digimon hentai which lead me to DHZ i came in around the time it was on its last breath of existance but just finding it had already opened the doors for furries so after a while i picked a favorate artist and i e-mailed some fan mail to the mod guy so he could pass it on about a month later DHZ got shut down i was so sad but i knew it was about to happen anyway so i was scouring the web trying to find some other way to perhaps get some of the lost pics or find some other site or something but my search was in vain DHZ was gone but then i had a brilliant idea... well maby not brilliant but im glad i had it i remembered that i had sent some fan mail to that mod on DHZ and i thought that maby just maby i would find the address for him in my sent folder and what do you know, i did ^_^ that was a happy day for me so i e-mailed the mod right away and he said [quote]Yeah, it's over.

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  More good news :D
Posted by: Angry_kittens - 04-22-2007, 10:28 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

I didn't mention this when I talked about our little camping trip, because I thought this deserved its own thread :)

Last night as we watched the sun setting over the lake where we were camping. I had a little surprise for Dan..

I pulled that out of the pocket of my shirt.. and being the hopeless romantic that I am.. I got down on one knee and asked him.. I never thought I would have the courage to do it.. but I did.. I was so nervous, I almost dropped it as I waited for his answer.. I will never forget anything about what happened there..

The gentle orange-red light from the sun cast the last of its warmth down upon the area as it fell behind the mountains, we were motionless there for a long moment, before finally, he took my hand in his and pulled me to my feet, both of us nearly crying as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an identical ring... We slipped the rings onto eachother's fingers.. neither able to bring ourselves to end the silence..

After it started to get colder, we moved back to our tent.. and once inside, he was the first to find his voice.. I won't go into what was said.. Mostly because I don't think any of you want to hear it... and.. it was kindof private :oops:

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  Song/Movie edit program
Posted by: Sabre of Pain - 04-21-2007, 10:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

where do i get one?

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Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 04-21-2007, 07:21 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (56)

I would have liked to make this a poll, but there's just too many options. What do you like to have for breakfast?
I know our posts will be very different. As a common rule, Argentines tend not to have a big breakfast (in fact, many don't take breakfast at all). As for me, my favorite breakfast is whipped cream and chocolate sauce over Yami Yugi's naked body. Then, I wake up and take my usual real breakfast: whole milk and fruit loops cereal, sometimes with a vitamin pill to complete. Sometimes, I take cookies or cake instead of cereal.
My mother says it's a kid's breakfast. What do you think?

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  Won't be on for a while...
Posted by: Altima - 04-20-2007, 12:57 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

as the heading says, I won't be on... not for a particular reason other than to take a break.... we don't want the computer to consume my life now, do we? I will be logging on, but only to check a few messages, and possibly post in 2-3 rp's... but other than that I will be off the computer as much as possible.

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  Supreme Leader!!!
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 04-20-2007, 12:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (50)

Hey guys, I was watching a TV show and I got to thinking.

If you were world leader,and you can do whatever you want without question, what 3 things would you do and WHY?!?!? :D

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  A song, i wrote!!
Posted by: TheGayGabuLover - 04-19-2007, 05:00 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Here, is teh lyrics for the song i just wrote you'll have to actually listen to how ising it for how it goes, im trying to get an acoustic guitar, but im not getting enough money..ANWYAS read the lyrics tell me if its good and whta music genra it sounds like (rock, Metal, country, hip-hop, R&B, stuff like that), thanks

I love you tonight
Written by: TheGayGabuLover (aka:Chirs gunter)

Oh ya! Tonight!
Oooooo! Tonight!

When we met did I Show you the,
When we tocuhed Did It Feel,
When i laughed was it a,
I love you,

You do shine in the,
When i first saw you, you were so,
You were Nice....So
I love you,

Ya, Ya, Oooooooo,
Yeah, Yeah, Oooooooo

I love you, will you love me,
Did i ever show you the Light,
I love you Tonight!

Oh yeah, Tonight!,
Yeah, yeah, Tonight!,
(we were meant to be)
I love you, I love you,
I love you tonight!

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  Scum of the Earth
Posted by: senjuro - 04-18-2007, 04:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

Very rarely do I ever learn of something or someone that's so shocking and terrible that it entirely robs me of speech. So rare it is that I find it absolutely necessary to comment upon it. And here is m comment: I have discovered a group of about 150 people, all of whom I would have absolutely no problem killing.

They are the Westboro Baptist Church, of whom their leader is Fred Phelps.

Now what, you may ask, could prompt me to vow undying enmity and hatred for this group of 150 people I've never even met?

Well, if you can stomach it, why don't you check out their websites? There are quite a few to look at. is their main one, but they also have (because we legalized homosexual marriage), www.godhatesamerica (praising the WTC attacks in 2001 and yesterday's Virignia Tech shooting, among other things, as the work of God for the US's tolerance of homosexuality), (celebrating the backlash earthquake in 2004 for killing Swedes).

Long story short, this man and his followers are evil scum and their blatant abuse of their First Amendment rights is an abomination to anyone in this world who considers themselves Christian. If I ever find myself behind the wheel of a car and hear of a protest anywhere in my vicinity, I'll be sure to pay them a visit with my tyres.

Any comments?

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  Hey hey hey, I'm back!
Posted by: Renamon_S3 - 04-18-2007, 02:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (38)


Yep. Well, i've been gone for a bit, so...

How is everyone? I'm good.

Post about interesting things that have happend in the past few months here, i've missed out on all of it.

Anyway, I should have plenty of time to contribute to the forum now, or at least until September. (More info on that if you ask)

I hope everyone has been doing well!

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  Happy birthday Dark Leomon!
Posted by: Niyara - 04-17-2007, 11:07 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

My brother turned 23 today :) (though I think he will always be a teenager at heart :P )

I was gonna make a cake.. but we didn't want to burn the house down.. so my mom is doing it instead :P (I'm still a horrible cook)

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