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Question to girls.
Okay during one of me and my friend's little random rambling sessions this came up. I think we were watching something that made a subtle lesbian joke and then this started.

me Wrote:Why do lesbians have to tease me so. So perfect yet can never be had.

Friend Wrote:I wonder if girls are as turned on by gay porn as guys are to lesbian porn?

And of course I can't go to one of my sisters and ask, that'd be awkward so all the two girls here tell me is gay porn as much of a turn on to girls as lesbian is to guys? Guys you're welcome to post your opinions to.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Yeah, if it's yaoi, in my case. For some other girls, not so much.
Well you can't actually ask that here because most girls here write yaoi :P
It depends on the girl and the guys in the porn. A lot like it is to guys.
I don't like looking at "real" porn... especially homosexual of any kind.. Because it isn't there because those involved love eachotehr, or anything like that.. Most of it is there to show off that they can pay (or jsut convince) a straight guy (or girl) to have sex with them.

Hentai is art. thats why I like it... If I want to see someone naked, I ask my girl to take her clothes off *shrugs*

I know guys that would be more than happy to do it too... So I don't need it on my computer screen..
Well no...I don't find it alluring, but hey i'm just one oppinion.
Renamon's Army
well i'm not a girl but alot of my freinds are (no i dont have more than one girlfreind) and this isn't really a subject that comes up in many conversations but from what ive heard most straight girls don't like gay porn my guess at the reason why is because most guys arent well... beautiful and while there are some that can be qualified like that most are not and i would assume this is why girls dont like gay porn the same way guys like lez porn
you can do this one in every 30 times and still have 97% positive feedback
[Image: youcandothisoneinevery30timesandsti.png]
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
When it comes to porn, in general, I believe that males are much more visually stimulated than females. Look at the product out there; who is the majority of it directed to or marketed for?
As for my own personal opinion? Niyara is correct in that the majority of porn is just acting. These people are being paid to perform and there is usually no love or feelings between these people. That itself is a turn-off, especially the faked cries of passion. There are exceptions, though. Some of the "amateur" types are actual couples that are involved with each oher...more realistic.
As for lesbian porn exclusively? There's just something about seeing two females together...I'm not going to explain it all here. I certainly don't believe it to be the same, at all, when females observe two males together.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
I can't say that seeing two men together in real life isn't hot.... This is probably the only time I will ever admit this... but Once I walked in on my brother and Paul, and they didn't notice me there.. I couldn't help but watch... It was incredibly sexy.. I did (more out of principle than anything) try to ignore the fact that my brother was one of the guys involved.. but yea.. didn't work
I knew you were there.. Just didn't say anything.. I don't know why, but anyone else catching us "together" would have been embarrassing. Maybe its just that you didn't call attention to yourself like most would..