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  posting levels
Posted by: Ghostiemon - 06-12-2007, 06:06 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

does anyone here no the exact post levels when youre rating goes up

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  Was he only worth two tears?
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 06-10-2007, 06:52 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Not a rant in particular, I won't be cursing anybody or anything; just describe something considerably disturbing to myself which I think I want to share with you guys.

So, two days ago on Thursday morning, whilst trying to sleep, I was listening to my dad and his friend talk in the kitchen, it's not so far from my room so it's only natural I was awake from their conversation. Seconds later mom came to my room slightly shaken up. My official wake up message: "Wake up, we're going to Bragado, your grandad died."

I remember myself jumping on my bed and forgetting about my planned day, later yelling a loud, "WHAT?!" before I could regain composture and read my mom's last words in my head. I knew he was in a pretty bad condition from all surgeries, but I never expected he'd die so soon. To me, as he was the oldest carrying the family's name, he was the biggest of all the males in my dad's side of the family. I was literally immobile while thinking all this, I even remembered when we had gone to visit him two years ago, before ending the visit, I smiled and told him: "It's gonna take a lot more than lung cancer to take one of us down." and I remember myself saying so with certain pride, self-confidence, like looking onto my grandfather and knowing it was the very truth.

However, he died, it was painful to everybody: His wife, my dad, his brothers and sisters, and their respective families, my sister; and only two in the family seemingly didn't go through that horrendous pain: Gramps and I.

The funeral. My first funeral ever, I had never seen so many sad people, I had never seen my family so sad, I had never seen a coffin. I had never seen a dead, immobile person, a corpse. And there was I, contemplating all that as my first time, and there he was, lying on the coffin, only his white skinned face visible and his mouth slightly opened showing his teeth. He seemed peaceful, he looked like he had fulfilled something, something I did not understand. It was long before I stopped watching and noticed my sister had broken into tears along with my dad. I watched them and couldn't help feeling bad, the tears wouldn't come out, I couldn't join them.

I decided to leave pops with his dad, I wasn't exactly in a good mood so after mom and I decided to go out for air, I spotted one of my uncles in a separate room. I went to him with mom and we sat besides him. He had done his good cry already, I could notice so by just staring at his face, his look as if he had seen a ghost, in this case he had only watched, and kept staring at his own father's dead body. While I was watching him, it was then I started thinking how dad was feeling, how it would be if the same were to happen to him. I saw gramps' wife, she was emotionaly destroyed and couldn't stop crying. I just started wishing mentally while my uncle called to see if my aunt would arrive soon (she had been sent a taxi to pick her up at the capital) and started one of my very few pleas. I just wished for dad to have his pain eased, and my gramps' travel to wherever he was going to be safe and be kept in peace and happiness; I'm not any good pilgrim and I barely assist church, but if my gramps did have a soul I really hope its resting well. And after wishing so, it hit me, I couldn't breathe normally, my heart started pounding and my eyes started hurting since I wasn't blinking, I had become sad at last. I don't have lots of memories spent with my gramps, but I know he was important to many, I just couldn't think of him as the person who greeted me when I went to his house to eat pasta, even though I didn't deserve to love him like others did, I didn't want to think him as nothing or just somebody else. Only two tears flowed out of my eyes, one from each, first the left, then right.

I didn't open my mouth, I just cleaned my face and told them I'd be waiting outside with a very low murmur I knew they had understood. I saw dad outside, he was smoking, and talking with another one of my uncles. I waited next to him and just patted him on the shoulder when he looked at me.

A couple hours later waiting, the local priest came to bless gramps' soul. Everyone was even sadder, and again I couldn't even shed a tear to accompany them. I only went to dad, who later asked me to help all them to carry the coffin after they had sealed it.
The time came, and all my uncles, my aunt and I (For some reason nobody from my family wanted to approach the coffin) lifted the coffin and carried it to the carrier car.

I went to my cousin's car after telling dad to go with his brothers to follow the carrier since he didn't want to board the care before everybody was set. We eventually got to the cementery and I witnessed my first burial. Sadness crowded the place, I just couldn't help seeing my dad so sad I wanted to comfort him... but I couldn't, I couldn't even share his pain. The dusk came just as we finished and everybody got to their respective places, minus dad, brothers/sister and gramps' wife, they all stayed at her place to consolate her whilst I went to my grandmother's house, I wasn't exactly cheerful but the day... just passed like any other day. And everything went to normal... except for dad, I can't sense him like before, he looks really empty even though he doesn't show it openly and it doesn't make me exactly happy. I'm just afraid to try to cheer him up, I don't know how to manage words, I'm afraid I'll say something stupid to him and just make it worse.

I really don't know what's up with me, I don't know why I couldn't share the pain everybody was feeling or why I couldn't even understand anything. But I know one thing for sure... even though gramps is gone, he was a very important person to many, and just because he died won't change that. It's the only thing that made me not feel totally angry at myself.

I'm done... I felt I had to type this up, I'm not ranting since I don't feel angry or pissed or bothered by it anymore, but something told me I had to share my experience with you guys.

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  A church sues Resistance
Posted by: Psycho333 - 06-10-2007, 02:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)

WTF IS THIS...I've heard of and seen churches used in games involving shooting yet they only complain about Resistance THIS DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE!

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  The coldest blood runs through my veins--you know my name
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-09-2007, 05:00 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

While Rage Against the Machine goes on a reunion tour, Chris Cornell makes a new solo album,

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  Man or animal: obedient, out of control
Posted by: Wisemon - 06-08-2007, 06:07 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (23)

It took me two months and many design changes, but I have finally constructed what I deem the ultimate Lego transforming/combining thing made entirely of low-tech 80

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  DAMN THEM!! (Don't read if you don't like cursing)
Posted by: - 06-07-2007, 09:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Damn my parents! Damn them to hell! (Again, don't read if you don't like cursing...'cause I'm beyond pissed off)

I went to a big airsoft game over the past weekend...and two things have happened because of that game that will make me despise my fucking parents for years to come!

First off, I accidently locked my keys in my car. Well, when I called my parents for fucking father rants at me, telling me "You need to get your head out of your ass!" When I went to get some extra keys the next morning, the old bastard says "Your twenty-fucking years old...this is irresponisble...blah blah blah". Well then motherfucker, the next time you and mom lock your keys in the vehicle (they've done it before and I've always stopped whatever I was doing and brought them the extra keys) and call me when I'm in the middle of something important, do I get to rant at you? Do I get to bitch about your age and how it was "irresponsible" of you? Do I get to do any of that?

The second thing is; apparently, somebody had $200 stolen from their wallet in their truck (I DIDN'T DAMN DO IT!). Well, two days later, my parents get a call from the head guy of the group running the game and he says that my name keeps coming up and people talk about seeing me looking in their tents (I don't damn remember that) and being at the camp unsupervised (it was a hot, hot day and I wanted to grab some more water, even though the game was still on) and looking through his belongings (I bent down to look at his gun and his wife told me no, so I backed off and apologized), but no one's accusing me of stealing the money. So my parents call me home and confront me (I didn't even know what I was being accused of until an hour to an hour and a half later), with both my mom and dad yelling at me! And guess what...they're not growling at me for the damn money, they're growling at me for looking at that guy's rifle without asking for permission (guess what mom and dad? The son of another player picked up my rifle during the game without asking I get to throw a fucking fit over it, you assholes?). My dad bans me from playing airsoft or paintball "because you fuck up". Well excuse me asshole, but I'm not perfect. Did they pass a damn law against imperfection? He then sends me to bed and wakes me up a five o'fucking clock in the morning, ranting at me about how the police could get involved (oh yeah, heaven help if you and mom look bad) and how I better not lose my job because I blow up (well, you son of a bitch, that's going to be hard if you don't stop busting my ass about it. My patience is only so thick). Well, apparently the guy called my dad back and told him that if the money were to appear, no questions would be asked. Well, my parents say I could be arrested (even though there's no proof I did it, except for a few people who saw me doing this and that), I'd have an arrest record, and a lawyer's too expensive. So...

...I'm forced to pay a guy $200 of my hard-earned money for a crime I didn't fucking commit. Not only that, I'm no longer invited to any airsoft games hosted by that group and if I show up at a game that they're playing at and something else vanishes...I'm number fucking one suspect. And the guy who did steal that money still has respect, he still has the right and privilage to play with that group...and he has $200 free dollars.

My mom's telling me that it's over and done with and to put it behind me. Yeah mom, you and dad bitch and yell at me, I'm banned from playing my two favorite sports, I lost two hundred dollars...and I'm being punished for a crime I didn't committ. That's real fucking easy to let go. And what if it had been $2000 dollars that I was being accused of stealing, more money than I have available to me (yes people rarely carry that much money on them, but airsoft guns can cost a pretty penny and a lot of guys carry more than one)? Should I have emptied my entire account just so you and dad could save money and save face? Thanks mom, now I know who not to call if I ever get in trouble with the law (whether I'm guilty or not). Hell, if three people accused me of murder, you'd probably prefer I immediatly walk down to the court house, strap my ass into the electric chair, and throw the damn switch, even though I didn't do it and there's no evidence I did.

One day in the future, my parents are going to need my help for something...and they better damn hope they haven't done something to piss me off, 'cause I'm getting sick and tired of them busting my ass for not fitting their damn definition of perfection and then having them come back and expect me to just blow it off. They better hope I'm feeling like helping them when they need it...'cause if I'm not, I won't hesitate to tell them to fuck off!

I'm sorry for how bad this rant is, but as far as I'm concerned, my parents have committed a crime that's hard to forgive. They took the word of a complete stranger, someone they don't know, over their own flesh and blood and made me pay the price of someone else's crime. Never mind there was no direct accusations against me, never mind there was no hard proof that I did it, never mind that they've raised me for the past twenty years and should know me by now...none of that mattered because another adult, who automatically gets more trust than their own flesh and blood, pointed a finger at me.

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  after 10 years (pirates 3 spoilers)
Posted by: floramon - 06-07-2007, 09:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Pirates 3 spoilers:

After 10 years, Orlando Bloom (Turner) met his wife and child.

What happened to Barbosa and Jack Sparrow?

Jack Sparrow sailed out alone in a small boat 10 years ago, did he die in the storm? Or lost direction in the sea forever?

Barbosa and his crews? Where did they go?

Thanks. :oops:

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  Korea Attacks The Moon. Bush Causes Panic.
Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 06-07-2007, 01:40 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

Has anyone heard of this yet? What the hell is Kim Jong Il THINKING!? Didn't he watch time machine before?

I want to know your thoughts on the subject, what do you guys think?

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  Anybody up for playing Rouge the Bat in RPG?
Posted by: - 06-06-2007, 01:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

I'm planning on starting an RPG in the Other RPG thread based on a story I started involving Rouge the Bat and one of my characters. If anyone on here wants to play her in the RPG, just post here. I'll PM you the details once I choose someone.

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  Vampmon, LadyVampmon and Panpumon...
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 06-05-2007, 10:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

I've read Red Rover's Legacy of the Vampire series, but I still can't picture what the Vampmon, LadyVampmon and Panpumon look like. Anybody happen to have a picture of them?

Reply to Post #2 - I know, I wish he could too.

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