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  This makes youtube better than it is.
Posted by: Ryan - 11-08-2009, 12:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Called Yousable Tube Fix

ATTENTION: Firefox users need Greasemonkey installed for this to work. Look for it in the addons section.

Quote:YousableTubeFix is a Greasemonkey script for Gecko browsers (like Firefox) to enhance the YouTube video sharing site. A port for Opera users is available here, and one for Chrome users here


Quote:* Download the video as FLV, MP4, High Quality FLV or High Quality MP4: click in the video title or use the download links in the right column1
* Resize the video manually and automatically
* Remove ads and any unwanted YouTube section; like the character counter, video annotations and captions, Also Watching Now, Embed, etc...
* Change the video format to the standard Low Quality FLV, MP4, High Quality FLV or High Quality MP4, manually or automatically. The video formats availability is autodetected and the script can change to the best available video format automatically
* Automatically expand the video description, category, tags and URL information. The collapse links can be removed if desired
* Display all comments in the video page (up to 500 comments)
* Prevent only video autoplay, or both video autoplay and autodownload substituting the player with a thumbnail until it is clicked
* Change the Flash Player Quality attribute to a lower one to play the video with less CPU use
* Automatically bypass YouTube age verification page for logged in users
* Autocheck for script updates once a day

I downloaded this and it is pretty f*ing sweet. Get greasemonkey here

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Posted by: Lost - 11-07-2009, 01:03 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

I don't know how it started, but the night before yesterday, I developed a nasty thick cough to the point where it's hard to breathe. THen yesterday at school, it went all out on me, and how here I am with a head splitting headache.

This follows a month and a half ago, when I developed the flu on my stepdad's birthday (September 22), and then right after that, developed acute bronchitis that stayed in my system for 3 weeks.

I am so pissed right now, because I almost got booted from the school for having the flu and not reporting to the administration (Who were at a meeting in Hoodaha), who would have kicked me out for 2 weeks (According to the new H1N1 policies they've incorporated) and get expelled anyways (For missing more than the allotted amount of absent time in 1 term).

Actually, last time I got sick, I almost died from dehydration one night because despite drinking over 16 fluid oz. of water, it wasn't circulating properly through my body.

Anyways, I'm going to go take some painkillers and lie down, and drink lots of fluids.

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  Irritated as hell!!!
Posted by: Ryan - 11-06-2009, 08:55 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

My god the only thing I hate worse then pain is more pain. So now I have a ear infection. Don't know how I got it. Just woke up yesterday morning my ear hurt and i had to go to the Dr anyway so they told me "You have a ear infection."

No fucking surprise. So after cursing at god (Literally) about all the fucking karma in the world that could possibly happen pain seems to be the best thing god has for me. My left side of my face hurts. My left ear hurts. I am irritated at my fucking brother because of a game of madden. <=== The only game I think he could cheat in. Then next to all that I am angry. Angry at a lot of things.

People seem to be more pissed at me when I am CALM but when I am angry they are all "buddy buddy" With me all of a sudden. Why not? hang with the guy that is royally pissed off. And the people I want to talk to online want nothing to do with me (Oh why not? To angry for my own god fucking sakes?) I am having so much problems with believing and religion and pain and everything else. Its a fucking disaster of a fucking week. I can't find anyone I would love to date. Cant find anyone I want to love. Why the fuck do i keep trying anyway?

So with all that bull shit let me explain why I got angry at madden. And I ask for you to please. PLEASE dont relate any past incidents or even mention "Yea i suck at this to" No. I dont want to hear about madden. Let me list why I hate madden.

1.If you have computer trying to intercept the ball they turn around and run the oppisote direction of where the ball is going to go.

2. When you throw the ball instead of going to the guy it goes a completely different area instead.

3. Never play with a guy who screen watches you then watches your controller. That is the guy that could name all the plans you make and name all the mistakes your going to make. A pro huh? Funny.

4. If you hate football and just wanna play it. Walk away. It's not worth it.

My brother is a complete screen watcher. When we play halo I am right behind him. (No radar) Then all of a sudden turns around then knows where to shoot me. My brother see's me scoping him with a sniper rifle. He grabs one hides then shoots me in the head. knowing every move I make. Screen watchers suck ass. I can handle spawn campers.

Next to all this I have someone who asks me to make him a sig. He wants it to be cute. I told him "I dont do cute" He says surprise him. I give him this.

[Image: Test.jpg]

Thats as cute as I could get.

"Doesn't seem cute to me sorry." Okay thats fine. Don't use it. Remind you I have a big migraine at the time. I didnt want to hear anything else so I sign off. Ugh. Tired and annoyed. Fuck my life!!

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  Penn State univeristy park
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 11-06-2009, 08:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Has anyone have or are now students of Penn State University-University Park campus. I'm going to apply to the campus for the Fall '10 and I was just wondering if people been to the University, and was it like there and everything. Did it sucked there or was it a badass 4 yrs for you?

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  Online Gamers >.<
Posted by: Light_Renamon - 11-06-2009, 03:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Online gamers can really piss me off most of the time either when am playing a fighting game like Street fighter 4 and Tekken or action/Adventuer type like Uncharted 2 among thives. its either spamming the same type of move, trash talking, leaving the game and not working as a team.

like an example on street fighter 4 of spamming where they keep using Ken shouyken or Sagats tiger move and in Tekken they keep using the same ground type move just to keep you on the floor all the time not giving you a single chance to counter or evade. I know Tekken all about keeping your oppenount in the air and try to drain the health meter quickly but not when they keep you on the floor.

Even if am about to win a match and about to deliver the final blow they leave the game i mean wtf is with that, i can understand if they lost they internet connection fine but not if they leave on thier own f**king choice. its the same with Uncharted 2 one player leaves the match and cost the whole team the game and makes others leave as well. it happened to me when i was the only one left on the team. Whats the point playing the game if your just gonna leave. Am gald now that if they do leave they lose they rank and the money they earn but even with that they still leave the game.

Now when your waiting for game to start some of them trash talk. normaly i can ignore them but not when they started being racest and swearing most of the time, it gives me a headach and pisses me off. When i was playing so good they whine and swear at me just by killing them with cover fire or shooting them close with the shotgun. i mute them most of the time now when they start acting like that but still just because you might not see the player again doesn't giving you the f**king right to be compelete dicks >.<

Lasty when they not working as a team, when am playing king of the hill or Plunder ( capture the flag) am the only one killing about five guys where the rest are goofing off somewhere or trying to get kills without trying to help the team. Its really pisses me off that my team lost just because they decieded to jerk off somewhere. but whats worse most of the time that there a team killer always killing they own allies. I mean what the hell is up with that.

Sorry about my rant but i needed something to pour out my rage and am sorry if this is a wrong section to put it up. Thoes assholes online really do piss the hell out of me. I know most game try to slove each of this matter by kicking the player out and block them but they can't pervent me for losing my anger on them.

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Question looking for websites that teach this
Posted by: PrairieDuck - 11-05-2009, 03:28 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

I had noticed that some of my friends on other sites,make their own avatars and signatures together,which are called sets. I asked them how they learned to do that,and they told me they just tinker around on their comps. They also said that I could do some tinkering around myself,but I don't know where to start. Does anyone know of any helpful tutorial websites that could guide me to make my own?

I would also like to learn how to make my own computer wallpaper too.

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Video CD exploding at 23.000 RPM
Posted by: Ryan - 11-02-2009, 09:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

This is actually pretty nifty and humorous. 23.000RPM is the speed setting on a reader. The higher the faster. 23.000 rpm. For a extended amount of time.......See what happens.


For some odd reason it posts two videos. Oh well fix it later.

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  What's wrong with me?
Posted by: Venin - 11-01-2009, 04:45 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

I don't care if people think this is emo, I jsut have to let it out. I've only just join a couple of weeks ago and from what I'm seeing; most people don't care. And why? I'll tell you, it's because I'm just not liked as much, it's not just because I'm new. I've looked at the reputation levels of various people, and even guys newer than me have at least some reputation. That's probably they were like from the first post. But no, not me, not Venin, I got off to a rather bad start, and from my opinion, I assumed people thought I wasn't going to be all that. I believe that most people just don't like me. Sure I can have an attitude sometimes, but I try so hard not to. I've seen the reputation of some well-known people and thought How were they liked by others. I remember the first nice reply I got was from someone called MP2E. I don't what he's like but he's well-known. And then there's this DragonmasterX person. Everyone thinks he's amazing, including me. Great friend, great RPGer, great...mod. Compared to me...well, I don't even compare; I'm not very enjoyable, I'm too shy to go on any RPG for fear of making a complete fool out of myself (which I seem to do every other time here) and my reputation is 0 when everyone else is at least 1. So I ask you. all who've seen me post; what is wrong with me?...and there's my emo speech...I need serious help...

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  Where do I post this?
Posted by: Icelandic_Boy - 10-31-2009, 08:38 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (2)

I'd like to make a post about asking if anyone is interested in RPng with me on msn, yahoo or aim and tell a bit what im into. Where would I post that?

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Posted by: Venin - 10-31-2009, 03:44 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

I don't see an Ask Questions Here forum anywhere so I guess I'll put it here, if only temporarly. You know that blue main page site, whose link is at the bottom of this page labeled Digiartists Domain? Well, how does oe get into that database as an author/artist?

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