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Posted by: Mai - 11-15-2009, 01:17 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I really hate bad spelling and grammar.

I also hate when people don't break up their writing, so it's all 'wall of text'.

I kinda hate animated sigs and avatars, 'cause i get totally distracted from their post.

I don't like people who try to act all philosophical and deep when they don't even know what they're talking about.

I don't like people with stupid hair.

I don't like when people dress soley in black.

I don't like when people colour their text, especially when it's light on a light background, and then i gotta like, highlight it.

I hate waking up and realising i've slept in a bath, or a cupboard, and i'm really sore from not having enough space.

I hate losing my shoes.

People with no original ideas bug me.

I hate when people take computer games too seriously. Okay, scratch that, i like once almost cried when i couldn't beat a boss on FFVIII. But, like, i was only 9.

I hate when people don't let me borrow their clothes.

I really hate having no cigarettes.

I hate getting thrown out of parties.

I especially hate getting thrown out of parties when it's 4am and i've got nowhere to stay.

I hate when i make out with ugly people because it's dark and i'm drunk.

I hate 'my life is worse than yours' contests.

I hate not being able to afford transport.

I hate waiting.

I hate being stranded.

I don't like how i can't tune guitars.

I hate hoovering.

I don't like the idea of polystyrene scraping against polystyrene.

I don't really like rants.

amg, and i freaking hate daddy-long-legs.

I actually quite like life though. Mostly.


tl;dr <3

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Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 11-15-2009, 07:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

You know what pisses me off so much, it is the whole issue of the "file-sharing"/P2P bullshit of it being illegal. I don't why the fuck is the RIAA/FBI/MPAA all just targeting people, like a fucking witch hunt. People are not killing anybody, raping anybody, etc; they are just average people listening to their favorite music and movies. If the FBI wanted to spend money on arresting people, they could be utilizing it on arresting pedophiles and rounding up suspected terrorists, its just bullshit people are getting arrested for a simple download of an album or movie.

People have told me ,"file-sharing is stealing", in my opinion, its not stealing. Various bands, have made a profits over the years with all the cd sales, radio airplays, publishing, live shows/concerts, I don't get why the RIAA gets all bitchy about it for. And also movies, it a bitch, that the MPAA gets all pisted of about that too. A movie makes movie from all the tv ads/spots, boxoffice revenue, and dvd sales, I don't understand the notion that they are comparing the lost sales to people downloading a file of a movie for. A file is a file, its not a physical object. Its a travesty, that in this day and age, people are just getting arrested for just downloading their favorite Pink Floyd album , or their favorite movies, it seems something out a witch hunt.

I have made my point, I hope I've sparked an intrest in the topic.

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  in HS sports
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 11-15-2009, 07:33 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I do really hate the favortism in HS sports. I do hate when people, praise a QB for being the "star of the team", and not just addressing to the whole team, its just makes the rest of the team all subservient. I do hate, when person just makes themelves "holier than thou" in a team. I have experience this first-hand in my life and I have against the whole idea, of a person making themselves the "whole team", and just ignoring the rest of the team.

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Posted by: Venin - 11-15-2009, 03:56 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

RAANNNNNNTTTTTS!!! Why must we specify a certain forum to rant? I mean, I see people rant with others (myself included) in places like the Intro Thread, the General Chat, the RPG Central, etc. So I ask this; sure this a place to start a rant and let out frustration, but, couldn't that be done in pretty much anywhere on this site? I'm confused. CONFUSION! AHH! Must drink! *whips out a beer and drinks* Ahhhh....*hic*

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Exclamation Financial situation critical
Posted by: senjuro - 11-15-2009, 12:29 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)


As most of you know, the site's future is getting kind of hazy. Most of the people who were previously donating to keep the site going have either gone or are no longer in a financial position themselves to continue donating regularly.

This has left us in a tricky spot. As of today, November 14, we have still not paid for November's monthly fee and we'll need another $30 by December 1 to get to the new year. With nobody donating any longer, we need either a few consistent donators, or a great many one-time donators for us to get back in the green.

Setting up a Paypal account takes about 5 minutes and is easily accomplished if you have a bank account or a credit card. Donations of even $5 are of great help to keep the site running.

If people stop donating, this site will disappear. It's now up to the site's patrons to ensure they have a place to come back to by helping keep the site alive. If you have any questions about how to set up a Paypal for youself, please send me a PM and we'll get you straightened out.


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  Michael Jackson's This is it film
Posted by: Lord Patamon - 11-13-2009, 09:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Like the title goes. Who did saw this awesome view of Michael's creative genius in action?

Not only that. It showed us the real Michael Jackson. One like we never knew. It did showed us how a good man he was. Never raising his voice at all when giving instructions. Letting musicians and dancers to have their time to shine and show what they can do. Showing his eternal worry about the environment and humanity with songs such like Earth Song, They Don't Really Care About US and Man in the Mirror, not to mention Beat it which between its rythm and bright dance movements also had a message about unnecesary violence represented with the fights between gangs to show which one is the best with the more macho men.

Indeed the world has been wrong about Michael Jackson in many ways. I'm just glad this film got released since it sure makes him a lot of justice in my opinion.

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  University of Oregon
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 11-10-2009, 10:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Anyone attend University of Oregon, or have graduated from there. Just wondering, its my #4 school on a list of schools I'm applying to.

My list:

1. UT
2. TCU
3. SMU
5. Penn State

But I fucking hate this whole "top 10 %" bullshit so much, its just pisses me off so much.

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  More(1969)-film dvd ?
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 11-10-2009, 10:48 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Anyone know where can find the dvd for the film, "More"(1969), which was directed by Barbet Schroeder and has the soundtrack done by Pink Floyd. I'm looking for an "uncut" copy, not the edited one I keep hearing about.

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  *clears throat*
Posted by: Crim - 11-09-2009, 09:51 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (12)

I've been an adult, a REAL adult for the last seven days..... duble ve te efe?

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  Letters to your future self thread.
Posted by: Ryan - 11-08-2009, 05:11 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

In this thread I wanted to get people to post a letter to they're future self. Why? This way in the future like 3 years from now you can come back and read it. Then if you could respond to it answering your past selves question. Welp. Here is mine.


Dear my future self.

How long has it been? Has it been more than 3 years? Well I hope things did change. I am your past self-writing this to remind you who you where and what you did that was either right or wrong. Now I hope can get this started. So this way when I get farther into the years like you have I too can look back onto this letter. That way I know my mistakes so I don’t have to repeat them. So if you would take the time to read this letter carefully that way it doesn’t hurt to know the truth. I would be happy now as I hope I am being then.
If you have kept your name the same you should know. If you didn’t it is Ryan Adam Cruey. Your mother gave you the Adam as in the first biblical people to ever exist. Adam and Eve. I don’t know if you know this but now. But in this era (11/7/09) you are having big doubts about God. The religion you have faith in is slowly fading away and you are getting more and more pain by the days that have passed by. But it is okay because you where still standing strong hoping to overcome any obstacle. Aside of all of the pain. You never liked your family now. Not for the fact they are “idiots” because they aren’t. The fact they treat you like a idiot. Then they expect you to act like an idiot. How absurd. But it’s true. The idiot you are is only with keeping friends and keeping a smile up. Next to that maintaing a good friendship or even considering friends to be friends. You’re having many issues with this. But I hope you fixed it by now.
In this time you have hurt many people. I bet even in the future you are having this problem. It’s not because of the hate you hold for people. Only because it is natural to hurt people. There are so many people that you miss talking to. And so many you are glad they quit talking to. Your old friend David Mcdougal is not your friend anymore in this era. Because in this era you’re the emotionally unwanted. Why? Because you think of everything logically. People on the Internet don’t want logic they want idiots so they can make themselves feel better. Same with Joel. Although you miss him a lot there is no trying to get him back. How about your Real life friends? Are you still friends with Josh Lewis, Or Anthony Divine, or hell even Sesbidez? What about Zack, Chris, Korean, DJ, TJ, or how about Chad? Corey? Keys? Who knows? I hope you are though. They are great friends now and they stuck by you when you needed them. So they are always there. I hope.
Do you still have problems finding a relationship? Are you still Bi? I find the fact of sex interesting. Not just for the pleasure statement of it. But how people can enjoy it so much even with someone they never really liked or even love. Doesn’t sound like sex to me. Ha ha. Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend yet? If so are they nice? I hope so. People are fun with they are nice or even goofy. Well I don’t have much to say on this subject. So lets move on now shall we?
There are so many questions I would love to ask. So many things I would love answered. This is your past self. If you find this letter again write a response back. And make sure to be nice to everyone. Because as your motto goes “Everyone deserves a bit of kindness to give back kindness.” Make sure you stick to it.

~Ryan A. Cruey 11/7/09 2:08pm Easter standard time. ~

I typed this up in word so hopefully its in order. If not oh well.

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