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  Happy Birthday to...
Posted by: UnknownH - 12-14-2009, 03:01 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Me. Of course. So, wish me a happy one and give me presents thank you.
Heh. Another year. And It doesn't bother me at all.

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  Little itty bitty notice here-
Posted by: Frisk E. Coyote - 12-14-2009, 11:33 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

[Image: 1213955296489fw0.gif]

Assist-Kat: Meowr~ <3 Hi there everybody! Assist-Kat here, Ray's personal assistant and proofreading feline extraordinaire, with a message from the Chief! *ahem ahem* The Chief says;


Assist-Kat: Nyaa~! He sounds very excited, don't you think?

Dog of Destiny: *wide eyed and monotonous* O _ O I think he's in pain.

Assist-Kat: Mew~! Oh silly Dog of Destiny! The Chief feels no pain!

*Ray's anguished voice can be heard faintly in the background* STUDYING BURNS MEEEE-

Assist-Kat: Prrr~ Silly Dog of Destiny always says ominous things! Chief uses him to see the future! Nyaa~ But I think its BULLSHIT- *covers mouth with little paws* Whoopsie! Mew~! I mean Dog of Destiny only sees the future in PASTRY!!

Dog of Destiny: O _ O I like buns...

Assist-Kat: So Dog of Destiny, what do the buns say about Ray's exams?

Dog of Destiny:
[Image: mystic_dog_2.gif]

Assist-Kat: Mrowr~ (Pay no attention to those three people, they are Chief's HAREM and also Dog of Destiny's loyal slaves!) DOOM is a really fun game! Shooting demons is fun! Mew~!

Dog of Destiny: O _ O

Assist-Kat: Oh, oh, you're right Dog of Destiny, I almost forgot the rest of chief's message! Prrrr~ Chief says he'll be busy for this week and the next, so he might not get a chance to post in his RPs, so he says the GMs are free to static him if that happens, or take control of his characters, Nyaa~ BUT DON'T FRIGGIN KILL HIM, YA!?

Dog of Destiny: O _ O

Assist-Kat: You're absolutely right, Dog of Destiny! There IS a high death rate in this situation! Mrrrowr~ Even now, for just studying, Chief looks like THIS-

[Image: 1212337651frogsbreath_kirscher.jpg]
Ray: *looking up from his maths book* HISSSSSSS.

Assist-Kat and Dog of Destiny: *hugging each other in the corner and trembling* He's scary, mew~! T^T

Dog of Destiny: O _ O So please wish Chief luck...

Assist-Kat: Nyaaa~! And till next time every body! *waves and logs off Ray's computer to look at kitty porn*

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  New Mexicans?
Posted by: Adym - 12-13-2009, 12:50 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Any other New Mexicans out there? I can't be the only one!

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Lightbulb film pitching
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 12-13-2009, 07:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Does the notion of film pitching, seem difficult for most people to accomplish? I hope to make a succesful pitch to United Artist or Warner Bros. I have three ideas for film pitches. Though, they are drafts, I'm not ready to present them, yet.

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  Adults shouldn't touch computers.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 12-10-2009, 08:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I swear if I have to fix this stupid machine one more time I'm becoming Amish. As soon as I fix it and get off the second my mom touches it all the work I put in over the last 8 hours is destroyed and I have to start from scratch. And of course despite the routine, computer works, she gets on, computer's broken, I fix, computer works, repeat, anytime it breaks down it's somehow magically my fault. I swear if it breaks one more time I'm just saying screw it and not touching it, so if you don't see me for a few months or so it's because of that.

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  How can I protect ourselves from Swine Flu?
Posted by: gabriellamberd - 12-08-2009, 05:29 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Today Swine Flu is the biggest threat in the world. H1N1 is deadly virus and very dangerous. Now here some tips for protecting ourselves from Swine Flu. If you have more tips, please post here. Have you got a Swine flu? What medicine did you take?
Cover your nose and mouth with disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing.
Dispose off used tissues properly immediately after use.
Regularly wash hands with soap and water.
If you have flu-like symptoms, seek medical advice immediately.
If you have flu-like symptoms, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from other people.
If you have flu-like symptoms, stay home from work, school or crowded places.
Avoid hugging, kissing and shaking hands when greeting.
Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

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  hs bigots
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 12-06-2009, 12:26 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Throughout high school yrs, I've encounter a wide variety of different people with different characters. Some, were 'bigots', in particular, and would often ridcule me and others.I have a goal of applying to the University of Notre Dame-a great dream of mine, and proving all these assholes wrong. Those who would say "you will never make it", would be surprised if I get the acceptance letter into Notre Dame or SMU.

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  hurt with style
Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 12-05-2009, 08:09 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Ok, I was playing a soccer game and went for a great kick when i slipped (after hitting the ball into the goal.) and sprained my wrist. damn this thing hurts. anyways i just wrote this 'cus i really have no life and wanted to brag that i got hurt with style.

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  accepted to U-Oregon
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 12-03-2009, 11:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

I've just got accepted into the University of Oregon. My first college acceptance letter, I'm so glad.

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  Secret Santas!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 12-02-2009, 06:32 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (49)

Well, I've done this before at work with my workmates, we call it the 'Invisible Friend'. So I thought of something interesting to liven this place up since the festivities are closing in :3

I'm aware that everybody must be real busy to undertake anything at this moment in time, but how about we all write/draw/compose something to another as an X-mas present? You'd have time for until the 25th and on that day we'd upload our gifts at some website like Sendspace or something, then we'll have ONE person post those links here with the corresponding names next to 'em. Every participant will get a Secret Santa this way!

So, uhm... I know this may sound weird at first and sort of complicated, but that's why I propose that I'll be the 'host' of this game, meaning I won't get a Secret Santa, but I'll sort the names and randomly hand out who'll get who for everybody!

Before the deadline, I'll also receive your gifts in a manner of the files you wanna transfer (Documents, Pictures, Music, etc) that you made and then on the 25th I'll post the links for everybody! Everybody gets a Secret Santa that way! :3

Pros about this:

+ We have 24 days to work on our gifts.
+ Everybody can join, the more the merrier, literally!
+ The gifts can be anything, a poem, a short-story, a hand-drawn picture, maybe a photograph of a thing you crafted yourself, really, the sky's the limit for your imagination! Just do your best and don't feel pressured, it's the thought that counts!
+ It'll be fun!
+ The suspense will be a sweet torture!
+ It'll make the community livelier, and make us all get closer to each other :3


- Organization will take a few days.
- To make it a real fun event we need a LOT of players, and commitment.
- I'll probably need help since uploading files might pose slight problems at some point.

Heh, otherwise, I think this is a great opportunity for us all to do our own X-mas event. I would really appreciate it to no end if everyone joined. Please do!

Well... I really really hope this interests everybody. Sign here if you want to take part in DaD's Secret Santas! Invite every member you see online! Let's all have fun!

PS: For more information on what Secret Santas is all about, check this link out:

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