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Video I want to talk about this
Posted by: PrairieDuck - 10-30-2009, 05:36 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

I am putting this thread in the general section,because this topic is not something that people want to hear about.

I have a desire to have sexual relations with a man that is twice my height. I'm around 5 feet tall,and I want to be involved with a guy that is around 7 feet tall. Although I'm not sure if it's too great of a chance,that my insides could get torn up. I have tried leaving messges on the craigslist website,but I had gotten no replies at all. And I'm not sure on where else to look. I'm not sure if my ideal exists or not,or if I'm being unrealistic.

The reason that I'm looking for such a person,is because I have been influanced by the movies,television,and video games. In them,I had seen examples like Leomon of Digimon,Ganondorf of the Legend of Zelda series,and General Grievous of Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith/Star Wars:Clone Wars.

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Posted by: Mars The Great - 10-30-2009, 10:36 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (4)

Hi, everyone I just got out of navy bootcamp. and I'm in "A" school now. so i can learn everything about my job. I'm a fire control men in the advance eletronic computer field. I'm doing great. I'll be on alot more cuz they let you have computers here. thanks for keeping me here.

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  What the hell?!
Posted by: Venin - 10-30-2009, 07:42 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Okay, so I'm just being lazy playing my PSP (the game is Monster Hunter Freedom 2). I am up against a tigrex, big, tough, wyvern creature. So, I'm fighting it and I'm about to kill it, after waiting so long I mean LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG, the PSP says "Oop, battery's near dead, turning off." *shuts downs* And I'm like NO!, oh wait, I bet it'll turn back on to exactly where I was once I charge it and turn it on. So I did, it was charged, I turn it on, and...PSP intro! So I was like "What the freakin' hell?!?! I spent like two freakin' hours on the freakin' progress to kill the freakin' wyvern, and now I gotta do this shit all over again!!!!" Yeah, I was pissed. I used like a whole lot of items like mega potions and mega demondrugs(they boost attack by a lot). The only good thing about this was I got the items back, BUT I DIDN'T GET THE FREAKIN' PROGRESS BACK!! I think PSP, no, ANY games, if they are turned off, intentionally or not, they should stay on the progressing file unless told otherwise. So once again I have to get and do and God knows what else I did before I fought the wyvern all over again. Thanks for ruining my life PSP, THE DEVIL HAS RISEN! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! *pants, pants* Next time it does that again, I am going to break it, throw it against the wall, throw it through the window, crush it by jumping on it, get the lawn mower and cut it up, get the car and run it over, get the flamethrower and burn it to ashes, put the ashes in a jar, perform a necromantic ritual, AND SELL TO THE DEVIL FOR 2 FREAKIN' CENTS!!!!!!! *pants and collapses to the ground exhausted* and that *pants* is how much *pants* I hate it when that happens *pants and faints*

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  So i had to go to the hospital.....
Posted by: Ryan - 10-29-2009, 01:26 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

I had an absest on my tail bone. Well at first it was something that just hurt. Started as a bump. Then formed into a puss holding soft squishy ball thing. It hurt to walk,stand,lay down, move in any way. Went to the hospital. They gave me a shot to num it. But it didnt take effect because of the fact they only waited 5 seconds. No joke. 5 seconds then cut it open to drain it. Holy shit. It hurt like hell. I didnt cry. God no I didnt but i wanted to. But I grabbed on to the beds bars and clutched it tightly.

3 minutes of pain (Maybe more) I got it wrapped up. I am in pain. Tired. Not feeling to good. On medication. Get out of school tomorrow. So yeah. Crazy day. xD

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  Going to RAW!
Posted by: Niyara - 10-29-2009, 12:15 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Thanks to a very nice bonus on my paycheck a couple months ago, I will be attending WWE Monday Night Raw next week. With Ozzy hosting, it should be a fun show ^.^

I will also probably be going to Wrestlemania this coming year.

Not going to be ringside or anything like that. I'm just excited! and had to tell somebody!

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  Happy birthday MP2E
Posted by: Big Dave - 10-28-2009, 02:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Don't know you yet, but so far you seem like a decent person, and everyone deserves a happy birthday.

So yea.. Happy birthday!

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  Little help activating account.
Posted by: Zach attack - 10-25-2009, 02:41 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (6)

Not sure if there is anything anyone can do here, but my hubby created an account here last night, and his activation e-mail hasn't arrived yet. I checked three times to make sure it was the right address.

The account name is Big Dave.

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  Now am I so enthralled that I might die?
Posted by: Wisemon - 10-24-2009, 11:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (1)

Every so often, an album comes around that one can listen to all the way through multiple times without coming to any major conclusions about any single song. By the time one has listened to the album about ten times all the way through, it becomes clear that the reason no single track really stands out is because the whole album is solidly superb. A.F.I.'s "Crash Love" is one of those albums.

1. Torch Song: 10/10. This is probably the best opener ever to an A.F.I. album, though the competition really isn’t that fierce. For one thing, this is an actual song. It’s a good one, great opening song pace.
2. Beautiful Thieves: 9/10. It’s catchier and more memorable than “Torch Song” and a great second track. I’m deducting one point because it lags toward the end.
3. End Transmission: 8/10. The lyrics are quite striking here, not sure if they’re intended to be sexual, but they’re memorable. The music portion isn’t quite as strong though.
4. Too Shy to Scream: 8/10. The synth clapping here is very catchy without being overdone, another well produced song.
5. Veronica Sawyer Smokes: 6/10. This is probably one of the weaker tracks, doesn’t hold together so well melodically. I do appreciate the lyrics, how girlfriends/boyfriends can get you smoking when you wouldn’t otherwise, fits in perfectly with the theme of the album.
6. Okay, I Feel Better Now: 10/10. This is probably my favorite song on the album. Everything about this song is great, very dark and heavy.
7. Medicate: 9/10. This is one of the more memorable tracks, simple and catchy chorus that epitomizes the album’s theme. It loses a point for cutting itself off in the middle, kind of jarring.
8. I Am Trying Very Hard to Be Here: 7/10. This one is too poppy for my taste, sounds too much like Fallout Boy, but not bad otherwise.
9. Sacrilege: 6/10. This is probably the most forgettable song on the album. It’s not that I dislike it, but it feels like filler.
10. Darling, I Want to Destroy You: 8/10. This one took a while to grow on me. I still don’t like the distortion on the vocals, but it doesn’t ruin the song.
11. Cold Hands: 10/10. Here’s another song that works really well, a really complex one with a lot to offer on repeated listens. The backing music and vocals change slightly throughout.
12. It Was Mine: 10/10. This song is everything “Endlessly, She Said” could’ve been. It’s similar in structure, but it’s actually good, very good, also the best song to close the album.

Deluxe Edition Bonus Disc Tracks
1. Fainting Spells: 8/10. Here’s a unique one. The verses are slow and acoustic, but the chorus is shouting and fierce. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.
2. We’ve Got the Knife: 8/10. I’m not sure exactly why this song is so likeable, but it is. It’s mischievous.
3. Where We Used to Play: 10/10. This is a great mood song that would fit on “The Art of Drowning” or “Sing the Sorrow.” It’s great to hear it here.
4. 100 Words: 6/10. This one drags a lot and doesn’t hold together very well. It’s pretty clear why it was a B-side.

It’s a common creed among fans that no single A.F.I. album sounds quite like the last, and this one is no exception. For the first time, A.F.I. has truly pulled off a concept album, and it’s one heck of a unique and unexpected concept: the many ways in which relationships drive us to destruction. The lyrics on this album are probably better (or more mature) than those on any previous album. Davey’s vocals and Jade Puget’s guitar don’t sound as impressive as they have on previous albums, but the songs hold together better. They don’t sound like they’re fighting for the audience’s attention. I’d still call this my second favorite to “The Art of Drowning,” or possibly third favorite, but it’s a very good album for its own reasons.

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  And now, I try to help people.
Posted by: UnknownH - 10-23-2009, 01:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Ok, If you have an EDU email account and 30 dollars, you might can get Windows 7.

And now, Furries. On TV. In a segment called WTF. Usually, this segment has fetishes that would make most to almost all of us maybe puke. But this time, they did this.
The suits are creepy, I like some art, I am not one. That's my stance.

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  Don't you want animated series like this back?
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 10-22-2009, 04:35 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

I was just browsing around youtube and suddenly, for some reason I don't know, a video about the Black Cat from SpiderMan popped up, and then the nostalgia sort of kicked in. Dunno if it was the BGM or what, but I'd really like someone to pick up where Marvel left SpiderMan...

Other than that, I'd love getting my hands on the whole series they used to air in Fox Kids. It'll be really tough getting it on latino audio (The voice acting was spectacular), but if anything I'd just like to rewatch it.

Oh, and the video was this if anybody's curious:

I had never considered these guys were into female muscle expansion :3

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