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  My self defense trainer.
Posted by: Rational passion - 10-06-2009, 02:31 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

Not really sure if this is supposed to go here. But it seemed like the most appropriate place to put it.

I've been going to this self defense class for the last year and a half. It's not a big class, but what we've learned is definitely effective.

But that's not really the point of this thread. I made it to talk about the instructor. I've gotten to know her pretty well since startign the class. (I'm one of the few that volunteers to help clean up the gym when we're done) and recently, we started comparing artwork as well.

Since joining this site, I've scanned through the various art threads, and I recognized one of her pictures from the old thread "I drew it!" I asked her about it, she laughed, and said she'd forgotten all about this place.

Earlier today I convinced her to come back, since not only do we need more girls here, but another thread encouraged us to contact old members and tell them about the name change.

On another, more personal note. Seeing her with her wife and children has made me reconsider the arguments for monogamy and parenting.

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  I thought this place was gone forever!
Posted by: Renafan - 09-30-2009, 05:54 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)


Okay, I probably shouldn't have used THAT phrase...but when did this place come back? One day, it's gone it's back? WTH? What exactly happened? Did the site just go down temporarily?...Anyway, I'm back. Nice to see ya all again.


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  Not really a rant. But something I just wanna say.
Posted by: Ryan - 09-27-2009, 12:48 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Not really a big saying. Just something I dont understand.

Say this. You have a family that gives your crap. Not just natural crap. But I mean they give you the almighty attitude. You take it like there is no problem. (I restrain my anger so I do this a lot.) But say this. One week you where bitten by a poisonous spider. (Yes I was and my leg was killing me for a while. >_<). Say they expect you to take everything A-OK like nothing is going to happen.

NOW say your house is like a maze with 25 dogs and you have gates blocking one and another room. And you have to step over every gate with a crapped out leg and you being sick. Everyday. This would be a bit irritating wouldn't it? But oh no. Thats not the problem. Your parents start yelling about how everything in the house is turned on. Then they glare at you. Now say the only thing you have in your room that is turned on is the T.V for your dogs. 3 alarm clocks and one computer. Monitor is shut off to cool down. Well. Then you snap back and explain what all they are running in the house. They call you a dick and say you have shitty attitude they are getting pissed at you they wish you where never born. <(Not exactly but in a since you know.) but they are sick and tired of seeing you. Okay all fine and dandy. So you give them more and more of the shitty attitude and the same piss attitude. Same thing daily. The day you feel better everyone wants to piss you off.

But it's a failed attempt. But yeah. This is generally what has happened to me in a....Four day radius? Maybe three. But this was bull. I was in pain. Now Stairs/Gates/Walking all freaking day/ THEN you get sick from the venom. Hm. Not fun.

In short. My mother is a dick. xD

But its not that. It's like this almost everyday. She spends more money on booze. then says we are in a financial crisis then buys more booze. WTF. Are you FUCKING STUPID?!?! No my bad. Just an idiot. Oi. She haters her family so she becomes and alcoholic. Like they say. Most families in SC are split up. My mom is a drama fucking queen.

Sorry for this disorganized rant. But just wanted to vent off in text.

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  Happy Days. (Uhh)
Posted by: Mai - 09-27-2009, 10:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

I like this place. Sometimes i hang around other forums, but nowhere feels quite like here.

Maybe it's 'cause everyone here is ridiculously perverted and quirky, but you know.

Anyway! Thanks for putting up with me for so long! Expect me to be hanging around for quite a bit.

At least until i can stop drinking enough to realise what a dive DaD is.

Kyahaha, jokes, jokes.

Uhm. Mian out.

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  Happy Birthday Misty!
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 09-22-2009, 07:02 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

Just wanted to give a shout out to Misty, as it is her birthday today! ^^ Happy Birthday!

*Wheels out a dragon shaped marble cake out with blue icing outlining it with happy birthday misty written on it in red icing*

^^ I try to do good lol.

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  your alternative character?
Posted by: Ryan - 09-22-2009, 08:50 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

People. We all have a great imagination. But my question is. Who is your char? What is his/her specialty? Any nifty ability's? Ect.

This new one I am working on. He is suppose to look like Hank (Sig and avy)

But here we go..

Name: John

Job: Special tactics assassin

Description: Wheres black trench coat with a bullet proof led plate underneath. Black combat gloves. Black combat boots. Bandanna with the bands going down to the tail bone. Black face mask. Wears red O glasses. True eye color is a mixture of blue and red. Red due to an accident. (Working on details to that soon.)

Background Story: Lived a good life. Led a long life. But only showed an interest in killing people. Decided to become a hit man. But it didn't work to well. So he became something where it can be messy and action packed at the same time. Parents dead. No faith in any religion. No loved ones. No sex. No partners. Just to keep them safe.

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Weapon of choice: Classic custom rife (Has to be put together by hand) And Automatic combat shotgun. Swords and daggers.

Explosive of choice: Hand grenades, Proximity mines, Shatter mines, Molotov cocktails

Stealth (Scale from 1 to 10): 8

Height/Weight: 5'12 230 pounds. Skinny. Mostly muscle.

Any other info: None.


Who is your char? Oh and if this is in the wrong section please move.

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Posted by: DragonMasterX - 09-18-2009, 12:13 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

WOOHOO! It was the perfect time for my... RRRRRRRevenge! And it so worked! >:3

'kay, so. Admin wanted to take me down 'cause my theory was lacking, yet my practise was awesome, so they would never give me the qualifications I needed to pass the course. Guess what? I approved my Final (Which was a theory exam) with 70% of the score. One word? Awshm.

So, yeah, I wanted to boast that out of the 3 first subjects, I approved and promoted 2 so far, so yay!

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  Fantastic News!
Posted by: Lost - 09-16-2009, 11:21 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Today, we had our first real meeting for the flash game competition coming up soon. The group was divided into three teams and each one is being spearheaded by one programmer and one artist.

Good news. I got the fucking position for lead artist! I'm very happy! The position is very important, so I'll be working hard to prove that I can handle managing the project.

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  Friends arent friends much anymore.
Posted by: Ryan - 09-15-2009, 07:32 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

A good friend of mine quit being friends with me. Now with my particular hate for this world I could see all the possibilities why. Now this is the thing though. He tried out for an audition for Big Brother. I was kinda happy but I told him. "I wouldn't get your hopes set to high for this one. To be on T.V is a lot more harder than it is to actually watch it." I know rude rude. But the thing is. I dont ass kiss.

By ass kiss I mean I dont kiss peoples asses to make them feel better. To make them feel more high up in the ranks. So anyway he quit talking to me. The last thing I ever said to him was "Would you like to share Desktops through MSN?" No answer. I was tired so I signed off and went to bed. He avoids me now, Blocked my msn, and continues to talk behind my back. Now this last one I could care less about because hey it happens a lot. But out of all my friends. *Which is about like 60 maybe in the 80's rank at the moment* i would say he was the only one that wanted me to kiss his ass.

Another one of my friends that never seemed to be a good friend is a guy that actually gives me attitude for either winning or being right. I dont have a problem if he would of done this once ever twosome but no. Angry everyday. So to see how he is so angry with me all the time I kept toying with him. Seeing how he reacts. Hahaha. The best thing about this was the most common word out of his mouth was "Troll. Fuck you you mother fucking troll!" I always look at him odd for this. No....I wouldn't say troll. Especially if it was only for one day to see how he would react. But I laughed. He got really pissed and blocked me because of his "Anger" Issues with me. No problem I got tired of talking to him actually xD.

Then a good friend....Two to be exact. Nakuto and Buster. Great friends. They are there to help me when I need emotional back up. They help me with friend advice. The help me a lot and I am grateful for the help. But there is one problem. I quit RPing a while ago due to all the creativity and imagination was for other projects. "Games,Stories,ect" So every day

"Hey wanna have sex?"

"Uh no thanks."

"Aw your no fun anymore!"

Yeah I do have a tendency to be a kill joy. It happens a lot. It gets the best of me with my attitude. Which in all honesty i am calm a lot of the time but I am angry at the arrogance and ignorance in today's society. How people have been consumed by they're wants so much more than they're needs and friend ship. But this last one is one that really was a gut puncher.

I think I may of found that someone. I think. But when I talk to him he is way to smart for my own good. xD. But with great intelligence comes a great dislike for the idea of a relationship. So my mind isnt set so much anymore on that "He may like me back." But I think I am giving him a one shot love here. idk. Not one shot as in one chance. But one shot to where only one likes the idea of the possible relationship. But it happens.

Well guys this is a rant from me. Please enjoy to spam the crap out of this knowing a lot of forums hate reading rants but yet they keep the section up for no reason. Welp! Enjoy the free post!

Pour les gens qui me fais chier. C'est l'une des plus communs. Les gens qui disent que l'on échoue, mais ils leur manquer auto's. Quelqu'un at-il un problème si je parle français?

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  Happy Birthday Matt Ishida
Posted by: Lord Patamon - 09-14-2009, 06:52 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (13)

Well here I am with this topic to congratulate my lovely girlfriend Matt Ishida

*hugs her and kisses her deeply* happy birthday kitty hope you have a great day today *runs off and returns wheeling a big birthday cake* here is your cake ^^

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