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  live tonight(graduation 730pm cst US)
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 06-10-2010, 05:04 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Tonight is my graduation @ 7:30 pm US Central time.

Below is the link which is streaming it live online to the world.

Be sure to look for me there. (My last name is "Medellin").

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  You'll never guess who is a year older!
Posted by: Adym - 06-09-2010, 07:58 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (8)

Hey guys,

You might want to find something heavy and bolted to the ground, then hide behind it!

'Tis my birthday! Now since none of you know me I don't expect a big response but please leave something gift-like if you care!

Woot! Party and Dinner at El Pinto!

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  I Moved Out!
Posted by: Yumi - 06-08-2010, 06:04 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

The reason why I wasnt on last week is because of one reason, I moved out on Monday! :D

I moved out becuase of a reason, my mum and my uncle. What my mum said to me was the most horrible and cruel thing she has ever said, she shouldn't of even said it! My uncle, he is controlling and he is very un hyginice! Seroiusly he stinks!
*If you want to know the full story, just ask!*

I am know living with my sister and I bloody love it!!! ;)
Me and her have been planning to move somewhere else as I'm living in a bedsit and this was a shock to her when I asked to move in! So by the end of this month I should be living in a bigger place to live hopefully

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  Leaving for a week or so.
Posted by: Shadowknight - 06-08-2010, 01:17 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Heading back across country for a sister's wedding. So avoiding bumping into one of those crazy security gaurds at the airport that thinks the metal in my leg is a bomb or something should be back in about a week or so. Fun times.

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  Being a security guard on night shifts
Posted by: Icelandic_Boy - 06-02-2010, 04:04 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Some may or may not know, but I got a job over the summer, am working for a security company here called Securitas, which are looking after various houses, companies and stores. I got the nightshift gig at stores that are open 24/7. How do I like it? Well, lets just say that if I got offered my job back at the post office, which has me working longer and slightly less pay, I'd take it on the spot.

I work from 11pm to 8am and basicly look after the store, serving customers, re-stocking the soda coolers and heating some bread at 5AM. So far I been alone, and spending 9 hours by yourself can be tough, but I try to endure, just think about that big fat paychecks I be getting every month. Its not so hard, if something comes up or I need to ask something, I just talk to the radio that we got.

So far I been in stores that are in safe areas, that is to say that has minimal trouble makers and drunks during weekends. Those stores that are in troubled areas have 2-3 security guards, and so far no one has been really hurt, though I've heard some tell stories of how they got into fights with some people trying something, or just drunks that refused to leave.

Up until this point, my shifts have been without any major incidents or trouble, though something did happen on May 23rd on sunday. It was a special sunday, the kind where monday after it is a bit like sunday, many stores closed so there's a lot of partying during that weekend.

It started off with this girl coming in, holding a small carton of fruit juice, TropĂ­ we call it, stating that it was sour and demanded a new one. Even that I should taste it, which I most certainly had no intentions of it. I explained to her that, no, she couldnt just return it and get a new one, it hadnt expired according to the date, but she still kept on demanding it, and said several times I should taste it.

Finally she left and a minute later her boyfriend came in. As you'd expect, he was all "Come on, man, just do it, just give her a new fruit juice, your store is suppose to be all friendly and all that", tried to be all cool like I'd do it because HE said so, but I stayed my ground, said no, she couldnt return it, not after opening it and drinking from it. His face tightened all, and he went out. A minute later he returned, propably after a short talk with his girl and was more insistant that I should give them a new one, becoming more and more demanding. I tried to use the radio, ask if there was anyhing that I could do, but the one who could help me was busy at the moment and I would have to wait.

Finally he just snapped, saying I was completely unreasonable and rude and demanded to know my name and that he was going to call the store the next day and complain. I told him and as he left I said cheerfully, "See ya!" to which he replied with "Up yours". Saying without thinking, I replied instantly with "I love you too!" Not a smart move, I admit, I mean he could have easily come in charging and try to beat me up, but I wasnt alone at the store, so maybe that saved me. Or because I'm 6'6ft tall.

Fifteen minutes later, the guy returns.

I really would have liked being in the car with them, to listen what was going on, what made him turn his car around for a simple carton of juice that barely costs a dollar. I noticed earlier his eyes were all bloodshot, propably been partying hard, drinking and definately sniffing or on some kinds of drugs. Either his girlfriend just moaned and bitched and whined until he had enough, or he needed to show her what a man he was, that he could get her a new juice. But I think most likely is that, to him, it was a matter of principal, that his pride got wounded and the thought of me 'winning' was just too much to bare. Can visualize him gritting his teeth and his knuckles going white as he gribs the steering wheel before turning around.

"I demand to speak to someone of authority!" he declared as he marched into the store. Soon after he had left the first time, I got a call from the one who could help me, and I was told that they could return it, if they had a receit for it. I told him that, and he demanded I'd print it out of the cash register, saying they had bought the juice less then an hour ago and nothing else, but the closest price I could find that matched the juicie's, was just after 9pm. He really snapped at that point and asked if I was a retard and again demanded to speak to someone in charge. Keeping my face completely expresionless, I reached for my radio and called in, not once breaking eye contact with the guy. It always pisses them off, trust me on that.

We waited around 10m when the help arrived. We have these people from the security company who drive around at nights, visiting stores that have ours in them, helping out with various problems and questions, including covering the store if ya gotta go to the bathroom. Real life savers let me tell you.

And what truly caught the guy off guard was that it was a woman that came in. He hesitated, then started to talk to her, half mumbling and stumbling, even looking unsure of himself. Keeping my expression neatrual was a true challange, let me tell you. He explained the situation in a far more polite tone then he had done to me, and she said that they would have to wait, another one was coming in soon, another woman, and he definately didnt look thrilled about that, and after a minute went back to his girlfriend that was in his car.

My mom was at the store, btw. My sister lives near the store and she had been babysitting for her and decided to drop by, see how I was doing. Since Im alone for 9 hours, the company was well welcomed. Anyway, she had been a witness and told her how rude he had been, throwing insults at me and making rude demands. The helper nodded, saying that she thought as much, she had been doing this long enough to recognize the trouble makers. Anyway, the second helper arrived, they offered to give him a new juice and made it quite clear to him that they knew what they were doing, they were pros. He got the juice, the girlfriend was happy and they left.

After explaining how I acted to him and my mom backing me up (they didnt know she was my mom), they said I had nothing to worry about, I did everything right, and just told me that when dealing with those kinds of guys, best way is to just get ridd of them as quickly as possible, agree with whatever they're saying, make them think they are right and we are wrong. Try to argue back just leads to trouble, even more so since they said they could tell he had definately been on something.

So yeah, that's what happened. So far that's the only real trouble I've had, a run in with a troublemaker, and I hope I won't run into more during the summer. I think I am mostly in stores in residential areas that are quiet, low troubled areas. Wouldnt surprise me if I'd end up in a fistfight with someone during a random shift, but lets hope it won't happen.

I advice you all not to take a security guard gig on nightshifts for a long time. Its a bit hard and can be draining, but you do get a few days off in between, to which Im quite greatful. When I get home, I sleep for around 5-6 hours, wake up and try to make most of my day, which goes up and down, and then I rest after dinner before heading to work. I can take with me books but not my lap top. I did try it once, but the net was password protected, the bastards.

It pays well, and I work around 80% of the month, the rest are my days off so I think I can endure it through the summer, but I most definately will NOT be working it as I go to school, no way in hell. Anyway, thought I'd tell you a bit about what its like, and that incident that happened couple of weeks ago.

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  Dennis Hopper , star of "Easy Rider" dead
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 05-30-2010, 07:22 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

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  college "total cost of attendance"
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 05-30-2010, 07:19 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Is the "total cost of attendance" a real general cost of a college, or is it just one big good faith estimate. Just wondering. Since, I have already two loans now, and I'm unsure if I had fucked up one something.

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  FFF Memorial Day Fundraiser
Posted by: Chaotic Phoenix - 05-30-2010, 06:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

Right now I'm helping out with Feathered Friends Forever's Memorial Day celebration, this is the link to watch it live...

...and the times it will be up...

Great tunes and other things as well. If you're nearby, we have lots of food and drinks to go around.

Never know, might see me in it too lol. Thought I would share with everyone is all ^^

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  Twittering with popular people or celebrities..
Posted by: SnK - 05-29-2010, 02:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (28)

Y'know what I think to some of 'em?


Miserable pathetic leeches. Odious, blood sucking and ugly parasites.

I feel that when some people managed to get buddy-buddy or chums with them via twitter, their ego tend to inflate like hot air balloons.. Thinking themselves now as super cool, popular and on high horse. At times they throw away their old friends like old toys, in exchange for their new and popular "best" friends; Feeling themselves above the mediocre of masses and all.

Akin to when sometimes an average man getting rich; The lure of money and power changes his/her character for the worse.

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  Gary Coleman dead at age 42
Posted by: grandphoenix1 - 05-29-2010, 05:53 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Former child actor of the 70s/80s tv show "Diff'rent Strokes", Gary Coleman died at 12:05 pm(United States Mountian time) today at the age of 42, from intercranial hemmorage(brain bleed).

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