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  Ahhh, I haven't ranted in years...
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 02-22-2011, 01:09 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (25)

Alright, here we go.

So my girlfriend and I have had plans to move in together for a while. We have been waiting because she is in school and wants to focus her money there. No problem. I've been slowly saving, and had the idea we would move out by summer or so. She lives with her mom and two brothers. He brothers are both underage and constantly have drinking parties. The mom is okay with this, even though both kids drive drunk, and have either ruined a car or been pulled over while driving drunk. So the Mom tells my girl, don't be home saturday, I'm letting the boys have a party. My girlfriend asks why she gets kicked out so they can party. Well her mom goes crazy. Rants and raves about how she does everything for my girlfriend (my girlfriend pays for her own car payments, cell phone, insurance, etc. Everything but rent. Her brother who is 19 pays for nothing, has no job, owes the mom over $3000 and has also ruined several cars). So my girlfriend is apparently the lazy, bad one. In the end, the mom wants the loser brothers around and decides to kick my girlfriend out.

I'm shopping at Toys'R'Us for some Halo Mega Bloks when I get the text saying she has until April 1st to move out. She asks when I'm moving out. Well I shelf $70 worth of Mega Bloks and tell her I'll move out with her. We've apartment hunted and got a place, but damn, her bitch mom rushed us. I'm at least two months too soon money wise even though I have enough to get started. I just resent her bitch mom so much for rushing my stuff, and then ruining my girl's school because now she can't stop working to go back to school fulltime. It's a bunch of bullshit. On top of it we found out our dog has heartworm so that's a $1200 fix as well. I'm sure it will be better once we are moved but right now it's a bit stress...and I don't even have room for any Halo Mega Bloks, I had to box them all! At least we finally found a shower curtain we want.

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Sad Requests and Generosity..All for nothing?
Posted by: SnK - 02-19-2011, 02:53 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (26)

Yeah, you've probably know I mostly do requests by choice rather than commissions, since I have not much RL time to dedicate a portion of it, as I already have a committed or prioritized stuff to draw here and there, yadda-yadda.

I will admit, there are times I feel my efforts aren't paid back in full worth, heck, I even try to whack myself with the sugar coated mental pill of "All that matters is you're happy my work," or "Your thanks would be enough," Blah, blah.. The saintly good guy sentiments and all those kindly spoutings.

Thoughts at times made me think that perhaps I am just too soft and kind for far too long, even probably overly generous, that there will come a time when there would be manipulators and/or opportunists that shall take advantage of that.

Certainly I am no saint nor buddha. A man has his patience, and it ain't an infinite gushing spring. Something within me tells me that my patience is at it limits, I am stretched too thin, and a tired, repressed inner self demanding it is time that I ask something for the things that I have done... For every damned efforts and every moments that I have to bust my hands and fingers to death.

Yet, I am still conflicted between my generous side, and that semi-selfish one that yearns, screams, whines and even demand; "I richly deserve something in return for all what I have done! Hell, too long I have been too giving!"

...I've been endlessly tired of being disappointed.... And hellishly empty at times.

Rant over. Now let hellfire and brimstone rain down like there's no tommorow.

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Posted by: Jack_Pholph - 02-15-2011, 02:38 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (43)

Ok, so I got hit with a lot of boredom a few weeks ago, then I remembered my old projects from before I had to wipe my computer. So I resumed my quest to make a better pokemon game, ruby33. For now all my previous projects are put on hold until I get bored again.

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  Tips and Recommendations for when buying online?
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 02-10-2011, 01:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

It's my first time doing something like this and before I actually go through with it, I'd like to know if some of the more experienced users on here have anything to tell me that I might not already know about taking necessary precautions before commiting to pay for something that an online seller will send me.

I realize things will be different since I'm gonna be using (Argentina's eBay), but I think the operations should retain some similarities since it's the same concept...

So, what should I know before, during and after an online transaction?

(Btw, the article I'm buying costs 150 pesos, which is around 35 or so dollars, just for your info)

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  Help please!
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 02-06-2011, 01:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

Hey everyone, hopefully this is not in the wrong place, and is not something that will cause people to be offended.

My nephew (and godson) is currently in a Cute Kid contest, and doing fairly well. He's in 32nd place and voting goes through tomorrow. I'm really trying to pull out a win for him because his parents sure could use the extra money ($250 is this weeks prize) to put toward taking care of him.

All you have to do is click the link, type the captcha, and submit your vote. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mind taking the time. You can vote once per device per day. So if you have multiple devices, as many votes as you'd be willing to give would be a huge help.

Thanks to any who participate, and like I mentioned before, I hope this isn't offending anyone!

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Posted by: BlackVeedramon - 02-05-2011, 02:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies


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  My PC...
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 02-04-2011, 02:39 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

It's making some sort of odd noise that up till now I've never heard. I can only surmise it's the fan that's spinning either too fast or too hard... but I dunno, it sounds like an engine quiet engine right now but before I wouldn't be able to hear it at all so I'm wary of what's wrong with it.

Tips or help?

Note: I've asked around and it seems like I need to use a "compressed-air thingie" to spray on the fan blades in case it's dusty. Should I?

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Posted by: Mr.E - 01-15-2011, 10:51 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

I'm bored.anyone want to a private RP with me?

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  Is it just me, or is activity on this site down?
Posted by: digidv85 - 01-14-2011, 01:33 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

I'm not complaining, if anything I'm very concerned. There aren't as many posters both on the board and with new submissions. I think this is an issue worth addressing. So, what can we do about it?

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  What the HELL am I doing wrong?
Posted by: Mr.E - 01-09-2011, 02:21 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (5)

Ok so I've been on this site for acouple of days and been to other forums. I was finally able to make my own forum and posted it. The problem is that since I posted it no one posted it. Some people visit it but not post. Why is no one visiting it?

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