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Posted by: The Reclaimer - 03-20-2006, 01:19 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (46)

So I've pretty much got the best parents ever.

My Mom was insisting on giving me money back from her taxes (because when parents claim their kids, the kids lose a bit of tax return). And today I was talking to her friend about laptops and mentioned I was looking into buying one. My mom asked how much and I told her about $850. She just says "I'll buy you one."

I laughed, and disregared it as a joke and when she didn't say anything else, I was just like "are you serious?" And sure enough she was, my new laptop is now on its way!

I figured it'd be fun to post something positive since I only put negative stuff up normally. Life dosen't always suck, it's good momentairily.

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  Now i'm just pissed-off.
Posted by: ZUOM - 03-20-2006, 12:08 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (22)

First off Chibi doesn't update my profile, due to confusion about how I wanted my work added to the site, back before the Feb. 05 update. I list them in order in my reply back. I'm still waiting to find out if Chibi has them still saved somewhere on his computer. But I was over that, until todays update.

Has my Email been blocked? I want to know. I'm tired of sending in files and not getting them posted. And yes, I did send it through the normal method of using the Email instead of using the submit page on the main site. I want to know whats going on. I go by Zeta Infinite(ZeoMega) on the main site.

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  Photoshop Tutorial: Dream Blur
Posted by: GOKUSSJ6 - 03-17-2006, 10:55 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (11)

This tutorial shows how to create a Dream Blur on Adobe Photoshop:
1.Select any picture.
2.DUplicate Layer by clicking right mouse on Background.
3.On Duplicated layer change moe "Normal" into Overlay or Soft Light(On dark photo use Overlay and on Soft Light use on light picture)
4.Select Background(Not Background copy!) and select filter->blur->Gaussian Blur...
5.Select what px do you want not more than 100!
[Image: jyoumona25iq.jpg]
[Image: tutorial9fg.jpg]

Great for signatures and wallapers :)

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  American Inventor
Posted by: DV85 - 03-17-2006, 12:30 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

Let me just say that I virtually watch no television anymore. Shows ceased to amaze or catch my interest but nothing less then reality television. America has gone nuts with it. I'd say a majority of them are the worst ideas ever. But tonight I just happened to switch to channel 7 about an hour ago and saw something that will simply make you laugh or even cry. The show if you hadn't already guessed is called American Inventor from the makers of American Idol. On this show amateurs compete for a 1 million dollar prize to have created the invention of the century. I thought of it no more then I do of any other show when seeing the commercials.

But watching the show is completely different. First you have the morons who actually think what they're presenting is unique and would sell. One guy had something called the buddy stick, virtually a piece of wood that one would use to war of lions, bears and felons. It had a noise maker to supposedly scare off anything that would attack you yet it was pretty much just an ordinary stick. To go on to the next round you needed three out of four judges approval. This guy got four no's.

Another person presented alternate skins for motor vehicles which would be painted different colors depending on where you were going. He showed his concept although he used a car model and paper. He got four no's. Amazingly enough the singer Evan something who sings Crazy for this Girl was on the show. He had a two part dish. The top was a regular bowl while the bottom which was seperable from the top would be used to hold olive pits, peach pits, cherry pits, etc. What kind of person would think that would be the invention of the century?

I mean come on! All he did was put one bowl on top of another bowl! The judges gave him 3 yes's and one no. The one who gave him a no is the only one I feel has brains. The worst though would have to be the beetle utopia guy who created a glass habitat for beetles to roam around in. Not all of the ideas were insane however. A devoted man who spent according to him, 100,000 dollars on his patent got four yes's. He made a backpack with numerous weightlifting equipment that folds or detaches so you could exercise wherever you go. He seemed so serious and dedicated that I would've given him a yes as well.

The concept itself needs to be improved a bit but I'd say he definitely has potential. A woman who looks like Dolly Parton presented edible snow globe kits. Similar to Gingerbread House kits but easier to make. That got four yes's. A teenager from Columbia made a bike with a seat at the front with pedals so two people could ride and get exercise at the same time. That got three yes's and one no. So all in all the show has its provocative moments as well as its dramatic ones. I feel it could really work, in terms of having large amounts of people watch it.

American Idol will always remain more popular but this could be somewhere in the top 25 most watched shows. I'm sure Deal or No Deal is up there too as that show is very addictive. I watch it a lot, hosted by Howie Mandel. It will never replace my favorite game show though, Greed hosted by Chuck Woolery. Fox cancelled it after just one season, bastards! They also got rid of digimon which is why I've hated the network ever since.

But getting back on topic, if any of you get this show I would recommend checking it out. If you're interested in the subject that is. Combining both the humorous and tragic circumstances in such a thing like a competition makes this very innovative. I believe this is the show's premiere so you'll have to check your local listings for more info.

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  talk to you soon
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 03-17-2006, 08:26 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Well my computer is on the fritz and my iternet is down. I am on my dad's computer right now and I hate it because of the things he doe on here ... eewwww.. anyway I will be back in a week or two, talk to you all then!

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  Gunter has fucking lost it.
Posted by: Velmont VanCrimson - 03-16-2006, 07:23 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (24)

Gunter's been yakking about this moronic crusade of his since two weks ago- about "saving the stray and abused dogs of romania"-
The right now, we've got about fourteen freakin' strays running all over the place, he left earlier saying he's coming back with more- damn IT STINKS LIKE HELL- if they're not running around the spacy grassy area outside, theyre either shitting in front of me- peeing- or mating indoors if they arent doing it outdoors!!! I can't eat witout losing my appetite- then Gunter just goes around the place, cleaning it up- he claims he'll get them big kennels or cagrs or something- and the barking- the stupid barking- do they ever STOP!?
They also snarl, bark, howl, bark, whine, bark- all over the place! I've been bit three times already (no bleeders) and still he goes around for a couple of hours, returning with a mutt or five-
I can't stand it! it's like trying to sleep in the middle of the 4th of july or new year-
even worse- Raynard and Raymond encourages him- they even help him with the bitches-
I try to question him, Raynard snaps at me, then he answers: "I'm only keeping them till I find better homes for them."
Son of a- Ive heard he even raided a bunch of pounds- we've even got several cats (sepparated luckily by a stone barrier) a bunch of parakeets- rabbiits, turtles... it's like a freakin zoo- he's planning on bulding sections for each of them- then he's gonna' sell them at only 15% of what they're worth...
Can somebody- tell me- that I am not the only one who opposes his "Noble Crusade"- PM him or me or something- PLEASE!

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  Just overwhelming
Posted by: The Reclaimer - 03-13-2006, 09:43 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (9)

Well, I'm just not feeling really great today.

I'm very nervous because I have to go my Doctor's tomorrow for a check up. 6 months ago I went in and found out I was at high risk for heart disease and that I needed to lose weight, so I dropped 50 lbs. When I got a check up 3 months ago he said my blood pressure was fine, but now I have to get my bloodwork checked up. So I go tomorrow to find that out...I'm pretty nervous because I've been having chest pains mom thinks its stress but I don't know; I hope it's just stress.

And then there is school...I was going to get an Engineering degree and then I decided I'm not enjoying it much, and the math is killing me so I'm going to be jumping into the medical field instead...I'm just nervous that the wait to join the program will be too long to wait for. I'm nervous that things aren't going to work out right.

I guess its all just a little unsettling, I'm worried about this school stuff but for all I know this Doctor thing could go badly...probably not but its all so overbearing.

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  The echoes of the voices... yet saying the same thing over..
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 03-12-2006, 03:49 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

....again.... I FUCKING HATE SCHOOL!!!! I just started and it's a fucking mess! I am forced to go on the freaking afternoon change and I cannot do anything! Everybody just say: 'Oh, it's so good you can sleep in the morning'' Yeah right, and what's the rest of the day!? Closed inside a building that would crack up at any moment and with the freking heat making me sweat like a pig!! From 13:30PM till 18:40PM, IT'S FREAKING ANORMAL!!! I can't do anything about it, and I'm close on having gym clases, which I have to assist early in the morning! DAMMIT! and then there are my english classes which will surely be in the morning, leaving me only one, 1, ONE freaking day to sleep till late! and my damned sister who uses the PC when I get back, and then I just have the bad luck that if I stay more then 0AM I get punished! >.< Damned school!!! I'll miss lots of time for this place!!

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  MY favourite quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 03-11-2006, 12:36 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (37)

Hehe... my favourite, let's see which spirit you are, let's see... how are you taken in this world for... because... I am the all powerful:

Fire Dragon
The Fire Dragon represents you. You are brave,
<br />powerful, and daring. You will never turn
<br />down a challenge, and you always have to win
<br />every argument. If people mess with you then
<br />you won't stand it, and you'll fight back.
<br />You also have this burning desire to be the
<br />leader, and make everyone follow you. You
<br />should lighten up a bit, or else noone's ever
<br />gonna be your friend, which you probably
<br />don't care since you don't really like to
<br />befriend people. Like the Fire Dragon you
<br />like to live alone instead of in packs. The
<br />Fire Dragon is a very powerful dragon spirit,
<br />and should never be taken as just another
<br />spirit. It possesses great power, and force.
<br />I just hope you use that power, and force for
<br />good instead of evil.
<br><br><a title="Take this quiz at Quizilla" href="">What Dragon Spirit Do You Possess?</a><BR> <font size="-2">brought to you by <a title="Quiz, Horoscope, Flash Games, Poems - Quizilla!" href="">Quizilla</a></font>

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  The distance between the things you say
Posted by: Wisemon - 03-09-2006, 10:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (27)

The following isn't a rant because it's impersonal, and I'm really not that angry about it.

Has anybody seen the recent Subway commercials for the chicken parm sandwich and the buffalo chicken sandwich? Both of these sandwiches have breaded and fried chicken in them. Less than a year ago, Jared (the spokesman) criticized other fast food places for breading and frying their chicken sandwiches, and he praised Subway for not "messing" with the chicken. Do you see the fast food hypocrisy here? Subway, as a chain, has given in to the cheap technique of giving Americans artery-clogging fried foods in place of fresh ones. They're starting to become everything they used to hate. Yet, they still have the nerve to keep that slogan: "Eat fresh."

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