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NICE! - Printable Version

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NICE! - The Reclaimer - 03-20-2006

So I've pretty much got the best parents ever.

My Mom was insisting on giving me money back from her taxes (because when parents claim their kids, the kids lose a bit of tax return). And today I was talking to her friend about laptops and mentioned I was looking into buying one. My mom asked how much and I told her about $850. She just says "I'll buy you one."

I laughed, and disregared it as a joke and when she didn't say anything else, I was just like "are you serious?" And sure enough she was, my new laptop is now on its way!

I figured it'd be fun to post something positive since I only put negative stuff up normally. Life dosen't always suck, it's good momentairily.

- senjuro - 03-20-2006

Heh, not really a rant, per se, but it's definitely going to draw a lot of people who are gonna be like "ZOMG, are you liek, TEH SERIOS!!" and all freaky outy.

Well I'm glad you glad you got a new lappy.

- Shadowknight - 03-20-2006

:shock: Where did you find a labtop for 850? The cheapest i've ever seen was about 1,500 or so.

Parents can be cool sometimes, my mom recently got me a new digital camera.

Who else has some good parent stories? This board could use some happiness

- Wisemon - 03-20-2006

I give my mom receipts for my prescriptions so she can use them as deductions, but I never see any of that money, and it's my money. Oh well, you need it more than I do. Enjoy the generosity while it lasts.

- blueeyedgabulvo0o - 03-20-2006

Well .... I just bought mine from a computer show for about 650$$$

and I already took the liberty to even add several items to make it more interesting......

I love my new labby and so Happy Labby to all and all a Good morning...
(Here in Jersey that is...)


- The Reclaimer - 03-20-2006

Quote:Where did you find a labtop for 850?

I just got mine from Dell, I customized it of course, I even got the new Duo Core, supposed to be some cool stuff.

Quote:Enjoy the generosity while it lasts.

I will, but my Mom is pretty cool about getting stuff for me and my family, she's a very giving person, I'm very fortunate to have as close to perfect as I can imagine parents get...though I'm sure my sister would beg to differ.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 03-20-2006

yeah- damnit! I should really check dell out (whatever that is... x9)- my lappy just broke (got wet- don't ask) and I'm in desperate need of a new one!

good parent stories? hmmm-
When I was just a kid- I went into a toy store to well... buy toys.
I spotted this really cool collectible action figure thingy- but I went away a soon as I saw the price tag (112+ euro, ouch.). I bought something else instead.

I told my dad about the toy- and how much I wanted it- then stated that I didn't really need it so I bought this one instead...
The next day- my dad gave me the action figure. I was shocked. :shock:

- The Reclaimer - 03-20-2006

It's always so cool when that stuff happens. I like it because you really know your parents heard you, and if they have the resources to get it for you, when they do, it shows they really want to help you with the things you're passionate about.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 03-20-2006

Very true.

- Harie Krauzer - 03-21-2006

Yeah, one time I told my parents I was out of cash and they sent me money even though I told them I was fine. I'm meaning I still had my credit card and a whole bunch of change.

Still getting a new laptop. That should loads of fun.