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  Birthday times!!
Posted by: senjuro - 02-13-2006, 02:02 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (34)

Hey everyone!

As you may or may not know, it's Zephyr of Darkness's Birthday today! (Monday, February 13th)

If you see her posting around, be sure to send her some Birthday Wishes!

Happy Birthday, Zeph!

*throws streamers and confetti, blows a noise maker*


*big birthday hug*

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  Rather Puzzled.
Posted by: Herr Mullen - 02-11-2006, 02:02 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

On my way home today, with my walking length umbrella, trilby, sunglasses and total spy look going on. You know how I am. This chap lowered his window, expressly for the perpose of shouting the question "Are you gay?" at me.

What the bloody hell?

Why a fellow should roll down his window to ask a passing stranger, to whom he has no connection, which sex he prefers, is beyond me. Either the fellow was bored, seeking a rent boy, or a nosey bugger.

Well, you chaps all know, even if I do not care to say it, where I stand.

I refuse to be seen as gay or streight. I'd much rather people focus on my persona rather than my preference.

So I started out, acting streight, rebuffing his enquiry with various "What?"s and "Of course not!"s, and proceeded to move into sterotypical gay, with big hand gestures, the mad accent, and various "Ohmygod, I can't believe you just asked me that!"s, and placing stresses on verbs, such as "Do I look like a queen to you?"

Naturaly, they must has drove on with the impression "queer as a parrot, bent as a spoon."

On the same road, five seconds later, a lady with a simmiler accent to the chap who had just driven by, rolled down her window and asked "Are you gay?"

At that point, as I do, I saw the total humour in this, and shouted at her, "Thank you, so much! That is fantastic, that is brillient, thank you!" and dashed off. I believed them to be pulling a joke of sorts. It wasn't until ten seconds afterward that I relised they must have seen my stereotype buggery.

Not anything I feel bitter or angry about, just somewhat perplexed. Maybe, not so much of a rant as a spiel.

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  what kind of undies are you ?!?
Posted by: Humon - 02-10-2006, 09:23 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16)

this is mildly interesting...

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  The Yu Yu Hakusho characters are so ugly.....
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 02-10-2006, 05:13 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (16) least these ones.
Please vote which do you laugh at the most.
I vote for this one:
Full Ridiculous Group pic. Out of Character Yuusuke, Obese Botan, Nothing-to-do-with-the-original Hagiri, Ayame, Sensui, Oddity KoEnma and Favorite Position Kurama.

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  Year after year, my whole life's a wreck
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 02-10-2006, 05:06 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (20)

Year after year, it's the same.
When it's about to be my birthday (the 13th February, senjuro), I count it as if it was a year that ends, in a way more personal way than New Year.
And every year, it's the same.
The same problems.
No matter how much I struggle, every year I have the same fucking problems.
I was going to graduate this year. I still haven't. I should have done it years ago. I can't help it--I hate my career.
I hoped I would have a boyfriend even if it was a long distance relationship. I forgot to say: a boyfriend that loved me. I thought it was unnecessary, but I didn't know. In any case, I'm alone as usual, I'm still a virgin and haven't even kissed a guy.
Related to the first, I still live on little money. And things are geting more and more expensive around.
The only thing that has changed is that I have a paid work now. But I only work Tuesdays and Thursdays' mornings, and I get paid 9 pesos an hour (3 dollars) As you can imagine, I can't buy that manor I wanted with it. Plus I have a really crazed pace at work. It's fine cuz it's little time and keeps me in shape. But with any more time I'd become crazy.
I always have, too, a person that deludes me a little before my birthday. I've had it for the past 3 years.
In any case, I'm so depressed. It was 5 years ago, right in my birthday, when I tried to kill myself for the second time. I always told myself that things could get better with time...but....
I wonder if 10 years from now on, I'll still be complaining about the same things....

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Posted by: DV85 - 02-08-2006, 01:20 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (18)

Lately it takes a very awful thing to occur that makes me angry. Well one just happened today. Since I'm hosted off-site I upload my own stories on the other site's database. When I logged into my account this afternoon I saw the following message;

The ability to add and edit stories / chapters has been disabled for the time being but will be restored by March first. Please bear with us as there have been database issues and we wish to minimized the possibility of corruption.

As if the low funding problems weren't enough I have to deal with this shit. It's not only me that's affected but every single author on the site as well I assume. Even more annoying was that a PC game I wanted was delayed in shipping. The other ones I want don't come out until 2/16, 2/28 and 3/28. Guess I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands. I just hope seeing FD3 this Friday will help keep me occupied. Fin.

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  Check Out My Fourms
Posted by: Seit The Reaper - 02-08-2006, 11:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - No Replies

its still under round but im hopin you all atleast join and tell your friends

And To Boss Reo,...i gatta have more well...

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  Quiz: These are always fun
Posted by: Shadowknight - 02-07-2006, 06:47 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (15)

Been too long without one of those funny personality quizes so I hunted one down.

Here's what I got.

<img src="" border="0" alt="Evil"><br>(Dominatrix) Evil- Well well well...we meet again!
My advice to you is to have fun for once...laugh...but not at another's demise...thats just evil? Hehehe. Anyways, you should get on with your life, but scheme occasionally (but don't actually take them into action). Calm down, and have some non-sugar related foods or else...(poof!)'re going to explode.
<br><br><a title="Take this quiz at Quizilla" href=""> Which anime stereotype are you?</a><BR> <font size="-2">brought to you by <a title="Quiz, Horoscope, Flash Games, Poems - Quizilla!" href="">Quizilla</a></font>


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  An important reply to wisemon, and everyone! (many swears)
Posted by: Humon - 02-07-2006, 11:49 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (26)

I'm 22 (for those who care, that makes 5 as far as we know)

as for the problem of religeous concern, all bullshit (me speaking as a christian) Jews have a God; Angelicals have a God, Christians have a God, Chinese have a Buddha (AKA God), Indians have a Vishnu{if that's how you spell it; you know what I mean... *sighs*} (AKA God) Natives have a Creator (God); you see where I'm getting at? in most cultures it is all one God! why can't people get it through their goddamn skulls! not everyone was born in one place! why does it matter that they name God different? it's no worse then calling Bob as his other version of his name Robert (Bob=Robert, Charlie=Chuck, etc.)

in my opinion, the holy world is fucking racist/Speciest (whatever you wanna call a god if it's another species). you worship a creator, you worship God.

this is why I'm an atheist. there is too much discrimination to who God is. I personally don't give a shit, but if people are being emotionally hurt by DISCRIMINATION (and I fucking emphesize that!!!) it really pisses me off!

if you love someone, it shouldn't matter what religion they fall under. no matter WHAT, you all worship the same God whether it's female, male, a 6-armed elephant, or a piece of shit! it's still GOD!

*bows* I appologise for the savage snapping and swearing, everyone; people being discriminate is a MAJOR problem to me.

I can get very... protective of people...

again, I appologise for the snapping and swearing. T.T

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  Valentines Day is Dangerously Close
Posted by: EpsilonZX - 02-06-2006, 09:10 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (58)

You know how bad this holiday is!? It's not even a fucking holiday! It's like when they made the calendar and lined up the dates and holidays, this one got picked last

"Ahh, lets just put it on some random date, yeah, Febrary 14, sounds bitchin'"

And all the emo bastards are going to be shopping, shopping in my stores! for some card that says you take my breathe away.. which is good because I wante to die

GHHAhAHAHAHHAHA!!!! In fact, this holiday turns people emo! Watch and mark my words! some little fuck isn't going to get a card and then be all emo for the rest of the fucking year, then he's going to go to the DaD fourms and say, girls are so evil and blah blah, rabble rabble and other emo shit! And I can't even kill them because that would be helping them!!! Damn you Valentines Day, damn you straight to hell!

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