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  Leaving on a bitter note
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 03-08-2006, 07:08 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (54)

Hello all,
I am afraid that I may not be able to be on this awesome place much longer. My dad as some of you know insists on prying into my life has somehow found a way to get into my password lock down computer and I fear he may have found this place. I may soon be taken away from here by parental controls or even worse.... no computer at all. I will come back and keep you posted about my situation but until I am fully back, I wish you all good luck and the best.
~Collin :(

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  Sketchy drinking stories
Posted by: senjuro - 03-07-2006, 02:16 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (19)

Does anyone else here besides me even drink? Seems everyone is pretty straight-edge. Well, even if no one else does, you can at least vicariously enjoy the (mis)adventures I've had while under the influence. I'll do my best to recount the events as best I can, but please bear in mind that in all three of these stories I was incredibly shit-faced, so my memory is foggy at best.

Also keep in mind that I haven't had an adventure like this for almost a year, which for me is a REALLY long time to go without getting alcohol poisoning.

I'll try to relate them in chronological order.

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  Moving Avatars?
Posted by: rorancrystalwolf - 03-05-2006, 02:57 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (3)

Hello all! I have been wondering this for a while... How do you create a moving avatar. I have the clip I want to make into an avatar but I have no worldy idea as to how to make it into an avatar. I have it completely ready in Windows Movie Maker but i don't know how to loop it for the avatar . Well that is mylow donw.. Any Suggestion/Comments?

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  Gunter #@*$^ng means business!
Posted by: Velmont VanCrimson - 03-05-2006, 01:46 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (94)

You shouldve seen Gunter in his hearing on the 3rd!
he went crazy! he yelled a lot, the Judge had to shut him up about six times- he called the nurse a "Curva"! after swearing on the bible- Jesus- it was hillarious! I've never seen him like that before! lol lol

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  Defending my province
Posted by: senjuro - 03-04-2006, 02:27 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (21)

Okay, this is going to be a long one, but it's about something that's very important to me, so I think it's justified. It's about my province.

I love my province, a whole fuck of a lot. I think it's an amazing place to live. But, like anywhere, there are things that happen here that we probably wish wouldn't, and every so often, they become public issues. And, like any public issues, celebrities inevitably become involved.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, then I guess you missed Larry King live this evening. He was hosting "Sir" Paul McCartney and his wife, Heather Mills McCartney in a discussion about the seal hunt, intending to speak with our dubious Prime Minister, Steven Harper. Instead, this honor was passed to someone much better informed on the subject, our Premier, Danny Williams.

Just a quick not about Premier Williams: he's an absolutely fantastic man, despite being a Conservative. He's the epitome of the self-made man, quite a success as a lawyer and business owner. On the whole, our province really likes him.

Ok, so now it's time for the main points raised by the McCartneys, then what the truth actually happens to be. Trust me, as a Newfoundlander, you can trust my information on every one of these points as being well-researched and accurate. I've not done it myself, but I can guarantee you that I'm at the most 3 degrees of separation from someone who has.

-the seal hunt is inhumane, as seals are clubbed to death or injured to the point where death is imminant and then left to die. They are often skinned alive

-the seals hunted are pups, or "whitecoats", seals who are only a few months old for only their pelts, used in the fashion industry

-the seal hunt does not generate a significant enough amount of revenue to condone its continuation

-our government is bribing UN officials to state that our hunt is humane and well regulated

The truth
-the seal hunt, though unpopular, is well regulated and very humane. At least 90% of the seals hunted are hunted with guns and shot. Even if the seals are clubbed, the club is heavy enough to crack the skull causing instant death very near to 100% of the time. Also, seals being skinned alive is a sensationalist reporting of seing a seal being skinned shortly after death. Much like anything else shortly after it is killed, the brain sends out electrical impuleses at random throughout the body, causing spasms that may look similar to the physical reaction to pain. This is merely the report of a weak-stomached journalist who doesn't know the facts.

-the seals hunted are not, in fact, pups. Harp seal pups have white, fuzzy coats for the early stages of their life and are termed "whitecoats." When they moult and lose this coat, they are considered to be adults and pups no longer. The cute, fuzzy, white, pleading look of a harp seal pup is again the work of a media trying to vilify people trying to make their way in the world. It is illegal in the extreme to hunt them for their pelts. This isn't to say that it doesn't happen, but it is not condoned by the government or our people.

That aside, seals are hunted for more than their pelts. We eat their meat as well as sell their pelts, and also use their blubber to extract Omega 3 fatty acids, a compound with varied medicinal uses.

-the seal hunt doesn't provide a large amount of income only if you put it in context of richer provinces or countries. If you look at the conservative figure that CNN offers, $14.5 million (even though it's actually about $17 million or so), it's actually a very large amount of money for our province to make for only a few weeks of work. This province is very poor, and we have an overabundance of fishermen that are too old to retrain to do something else. Hunting for food is what they've done since they were teenagers. It's what they do to survive. Unless these free-thinkers can come up with a viable solution to provide as much income for as little work, no one will ever swing for it.

In short, the seal hunt is a very important part of this province's economy and at this time, we cannot justify its liquidation.

-the idea that our government is bribing UN is ludicrous. Given that the UN, while quite useless in a miliatry aspect, is the champion of all things good and just, bribing a high placed official would be an insanely costly venture, one not easily made by a government plagued with money issues. Even the implication that our goernment would stoop to such an act was a despicable low blow that I found it difficult to stomach.

Our Preimer raised a very curious point which cause the rather shrill Heather McCartney to raise this point. He mentioned how several environmental analysts working for the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) who had determined that the seal hunt was being done humanely, were fired upon the release of their findings. It seems that it's not only the McCartneys who are only interested in figures that support their causes.

Also, the pictures you see of the McCartneys rolling on the ice with whitecoats...well, they've doomed those pups to starvation. Until they learn the necessary suvival skills, they are heavily reliant on their mothers to bring them food. After handling the pups, their mothers will reject them. Great job, McCartneys.

Basically, my friends, I ask for understanding on your parts. In a perfect world, no, there would not be a seal hunt. But please, don't judge my province solely on the propoganda of a celebrity who doesn't know what they're talking about. Actually take the time to learn both sides of the issue and then decide where you stand before you turn your nose up at us and scoff "barbarians."

Thank you.

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  Dammit, it's even worse than real life.....
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 03-03-2006, 06:56 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (32)

For a long time now, I think 8 years, I've been a huge RPGs fan and have consumed almost every one I could get a hold of. But recently, I've realized their terrible lack of originality. I mean, just take a look. ANY RPG can be depicted as this: 'Trouble arises (trouble: need to save a world or a girl). MC gets stronger, ie learns new and more powerful techs or magic, collects more weapons, gets stronger, raises levels and such for it'. Also, they always get a flying ship. They usually start with another kind of travelling means (car, ship, cannon, chocobo) but they always end up with sth that flies.
It was cool at the beginning, but after playing dozens of similar games, it gets so fucking frustrating. Right these days, it's so awfully boring that I don't play too many games anymore. I mean, can't they fucking make another storyline?! Another game system?! Is it soooo difficult?!

More of the things I hate to see in RPGs:
-Gratuituos village burning and town destructing. 'Oh, the baddies are so bad, they destroy villages!!!' Awfully simple and rarely justifiable. So far, of the ones I've played, only in BOF3 and Suikoden 2 are justified.
-'Gotta rescue the girl' kind of plot. Extremely simple way, taken to the extreme in FF8, to keep a story. The girl keeps missing for dubious and non-justifiable reasons, so half of the missions are for rescuing her. Obviously, I'm not interested in rescuing girls (Though I have a game where a girl rescues a prince, but I don't like it either).
- Gotta defeat big, bad, powerful boss at the end of the game. Very simple too. Why do games have to ALWAYS finish battling a boss?

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  Odd, scary and funny
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 03-03-2006, 06:21 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

This is the page: 2004_06.html
It says:
The tigers and pigs can be friends! Why can't people follow their example?!

What do you think?! I'm torn btw laughter and puzzlement.

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  Yay first lemon ^^
Posted by: Sakuyamon - 03-01-2006, 11:10 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (35)

hey all its a great day today i finished my first lemon ^^
it will be released when i become a author ^^ :D

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  I have a feeling....
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 03-01-2006, 06:12 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (38)

As you know, for the first time I've been doing paid work, and it was fine. I worked like a horse, but since it was short time it kept me in shape. I had lots of patients, on my own (about 6 every half hour) but I was able to handle them all.
Then, something strange happened.
Last Thursday, I got in and found lots of patients already inside. One of the physios from the afternoon turn had come an hour earlier than me (I work from 9 to 14). I greeted the guy and asked if he was staying. He said he was. Now, this guy's a total mess, he messes up the files and has no order at all, plus he handles everything in a very different way than mine. I call the patients every half hour, this guy calls them whenever they arrive. I place the files on the doors, this guy just tosses them everywhere. In the middle, I asked him to place the files in the doors so I wouldn't have to rummage through the place everytime to see if the people were outside or inside. But the secretary hadn't given any extra turns, so we did half the work each. I worked half but I was stressed the double.

Saturday afternoon. Phone call. My mother 'Asking for the PHYSIOTHERAPIST Maris

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  Ehhh... Quiz!!!
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 02-28-2006, 03:40 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

Okay, here is another one else, let's see how strategic are you and what the heck do you get! xP

You belong in Dong Zhuo's forces! Ruthless and
<br />powerful, you will stop at absolutely nothing
<br />to crush your opponents. You find delight in
<br />destroying your enemies and make no apologies
<br />for your actions. Others will put aside their
<br />differences to band against you.
<br><br><a title="Take this quiz at Quizilla" href="">Which of the Three Kingdoms do you serve?</a><BR> <font size="-2">brought to you by <a title="Quiz, Horoscope, Flash Games, Poems - Quizilla!" href="">Quizilla</a></font>

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