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  Keyboard Problem
Posted by: DragonMasterX - 10-23-2006, 09:56 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

I need help with my Keyboard, well, technically, it's someone else's.

I don't know how this happened, but it turned the Language of my Keyboard settings to English Input. I find it really hard to type as before, I'm in need of a special driver to be able to reset it back to Spanish (Latino-american).

According to what my warnings and etc give me, I need this keyboard driver called: " kbdla.kbd "

If someone would be so kind, because I've spent an hour and a half in Google, searching for it, could someone find the driver for me? I use Windows 98 Second Edition.

Note: I do not have my Installation CD of Windows 98. I've unfortunately lost it.

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  Saw Trillogy: To see or not to see
Posted by: cboy - 10-23-2006, 12:30 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (10)

Okay, this is for the people who've seen the Saw movies.

I've read the Wikipedia articles on the Saw trillogy and, even though it seems to be one of the goriest trillogies in history, something keeps drawing me to them.

Now, the goriest movie I've seen to date is Land of the Dead, so my question is; are the Saw movies more gory, and what are the chances that if I did go see Saw III, I would wish I hadn't after the first few minutes?

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  I got a thirty pound paper weight
Posted by: Casey the furry one - 10-21-2006, 01:08 PM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

My laptops god dam mother f@#$ video card is out on my laptop and I don't got the dawm money to get the dam thing fix. The usb ports are bad there is no sound on it and the cd drive not alway recanized. I hate my god dam paper weight.

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  HA Bill O'Reilly gets caught falsifying information... again
Posted by: aguy - 10-20-2006, 11:18 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (17)

This is kinda an old story, but oh well it still is kinda cool to see another news anchor say something about him.
O'Reilly is one of the few hosts I don't like along with Nancy Grace and Glenn Beck(well I quess it is more of his ideas)

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  I beat my limit! (I think)
Posted by: Zephyr of Darkness - 10-20-2006, 07:05 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (44)

Let's start with some explanation (from an old post):
WiseScale: number of times one masturbates a day (24 hours)
ZephScale:number of times one masturbates during a waking day (14-16 hours)
I was winning (of course with an unfair advantage cuz I'm a woman) in my scale, but I had a tie in the WiseScale. However....
The other day I watched the Gallantmon/Beelzemon fight at Youtube and when I came home I re-read back some incomplete yaoi fic I wrote about them. I started completing it, but I got so fucking horny I practically masturbated every two sentences. I lost count of how many times I did it, but I esteem it must have been around 10 times, counting once I did this morning. And I stopped cuz I'm exhausted, not because I'm sated. If I could, I want more!

And if you ask, no, I didn't take any cold showers. Should I?

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  Disk Trouble
Posted by: cboy - 10-19-2006, 06:28 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (14)

Okay, this is a repost of a topic that was in the General forum. One of my floppy disks has stopped working (computer won't read it and asks me if want to reformat it whenever I try to use it). There's a lot of important stuff on it and I really don't want to delete it, so any help would be much appreciated.

DMX, I don't have a My PC file on my computer. Do you mean My Computer?

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  Finally America passes the 300 million landmark.
Posted by: aguy - 10-18-2006, 10:24 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (36)

Today America is finally considered to be a country with over 300 million people. Now we are the third country to pass the 300 million landmark following China and India. Sure we probably have been at that number for a while, but now we are officially there. I say a party should be held to celebrate this occasion.

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  Disk Trouble
Posted by: cboy - 10-18-2006, 12:14 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (7)

One of my A Drive floppy disks has suddenly stopped working on my computer. Whenever I put it in and try to activate it, my computer takes a long time reading it then says it can't and asks me if I want to reformat it.

Is there any way I can get the disk to work? There's a lot of important material on it and reformatting it will erase that material.

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  The Worst (And Most Painful Day Ever) v_v
Posted by: Misty - 10-17-2006, 10:20 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (96)

I had the worst day ever...I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled's the whole story:::

My dad and I arrived at the office place and checked in. We waited for about 10 minutes. I texted Amy saying that I was about to go in for the procedure and to give Katelyn and Collin and hug for me and that I miss them all while my dad filled out some paperwork. They called me back there and before I sat down, I had to go to the bathroom, I was scared as hell. The doctor came in and put the IV thingy in my arm which didn't hurt taht much considering I'm not really afraid of needles. They put that thing aroind my arm to take my blood pressure and they put that thing on my finger to take my pulse. The nurse put something over my mouth to give me oxygen throughout the procedure. They didn't actually put me under, thank god. They just gave me something to numb my whole mouth/jaw so it made me feel like I was in la-la land...not caring that they did it. I could feel the doctor pulling them out, but no pain. That was all over in about 30 minutes; longer than I expected. They got my dad in there to give them some info on what I have to do...what perscription I have to take...yada yada yada. My dad left to pull up the truck while the nurse brought me down in a wheelchair. I was kinda dizzy, so I couldn't go down there myself. I had a shitload of gauze in my mouth to stop the profuse bleeding, which didn't help too well, so I had to keep taking it out and putting some more in there. The night before, I asked my dad if we can either go to Border's or Mayfair. I wanted some more Manga books, but I also needed a new pair of shoes. He said that it all depends on how I was feeling....So as soon as we got in the truck, I said...So can we go to Mayfair?? He just laughed and said "You're really serious about that aren't you?" I smiled (well tried) and said yes. So we arrived there and went right to Journey's. We were in there for a while decided what type of Heelys I wanted. We were about to like check out when I got really really dizzy. I ran to the bathroom and sat there. I didn't puke or anything...thank god....Anyways...we went back to Journey's and bought the shoes. The guy in there told us that he had his wisdom teeth pulled out and that he was a bleeder for a few days....he was really cute by the way :-p We decided to leave right away because my dad spent enough money on that one pair of shoes. He made the comment to me that I'm really spoiled. I just chuckled and said, "I don't think so...Jeremy (my cousin) is spoiled. (seriously...he is. He has almost every game system under the sun, a countless number of games, a $1500 laptop that the doesn't really use, another computer in the living room, and all this nice stuff in his room) Back to the story...we drove to Saukville (my town) and went to Wal-mart. We filled my perscription and went shopping around for food that I was able to eat since I have to stay on a soft-food diet for at least a week. *tear tear* Oh least I get lots and lots of ice cream!! ^___^ We went by the electronics department because I wanted to see if they had some games that interested me. I didn't really find anything, so we went back to the pharmacy and picked up my meds. See...I was supposed to get Vicoden, but they gave me a cheaper knock-off 1) because I'm only 15 and that's a little harsh for me and 2) Wal-mart sells cheaper versions of name-brands because it's cheaper for some people. So we paid for everything and my dad took me home. He brought everything in there for me and he said bye...gave me a hug, told me he loved me...all the stuff he always does and he left. I ate some pudding, took my pill and went to lie down...I was so tired. I felt my cat jump on me and sleep on me for a while until I woke up. My mom, her fiance, and I went to Blockbuster and Kohl's. I wanted to get out of Blockbuster so bad because I think that my pill was taking a toll on me and I thought I was going to pass I out. I needed some clothes so I got two pairs of pants and an awesome jacket/sweater thing. We went home and I ate some soup...which brings me to here, typing this bulletin while watching the movie I rented (Shaggy Dog) and one that I bought (Ultraviolet) <--that movie was awesome. I saw that in theaters with Tyler and Collin. That was so much fun *daydreams and remembers that night and laughs maniacally* OK I'm done...I just had to get that out since I didn't have internet since Thursday. I gots it back and I is happy!! ^____^

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Posted by: That One Internet Guy - 10-17-2006, 05:59 AM - Forum: General Chat - Replies (30)


Ever seen Final Destination 2? This is that scene with the pile-up. Let's outline the thought process, a little (if you're going to watch the video, don't read this).


Policeman: Nevermind the fact that I didn't hear the bone-rattling impact of the logs onto the roadway. I will procede to go in a straight line and not try to veer off the path of the massive lo-SPLAT.


Driving-With-Feet Guy: Oh shit, the cop car in front of me was just splattered by a 2,000 pound log! Instead of braking, I'd better swerve into the log's like a drunken asshole, go into the opposite lane and get hit by a 6-ton 18-wheeler.



Red SUV: Well, it must be 30 seconds since the intial impact. Unless my reaction time is that of a high, drunken, and stoned retard, logically I should have braked by now, right? FUCK LOGIC, LOL *crash*.

Hot Rod Car: See Red SUV.

SECOND 18-wheeler: Why am I in the oncoming lane, especially after I just witnessed a 10-car pile-up? PLOT DEVICE, LOL.

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